Child Care Aware of New Hampshire
88 Temple Street, Nashua, NH 03060
Telephone: (603) 578-1386
FAX: (603) 578-1736
February 1, 2017Progressive TTA: ELS
Program Director
Program Name
123 Main Street
Manchester, NH03102
Dear NAME,
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire (CCAoNH) is excited to partner with your early childhood program. As a Child Care Resource Referralprogram, we strive to support early educators through technical assistance and various professional development opportunities and we look forward to working with you in this capacity as a Progressive Training and Technical Assistance Program. Your program selected the NH Early Learning StandardsInitiative. Through this Program,we hope to support you and your staff on cultivating quality programming through meaningful and intentional use of the New Hampshire Early Learning Standards (NH ELS). This initiative consists of navigating the NH Early Learning Standards book, integrating the NH ELS into program and using the Standards to inform planning and assessment of children.
As a part of the Progressive Training and Technical Assistance Program, Child Care Aware of New Hampshire and the NAME OF PROGRAM both willingly agree to collaborate and have completed this Memorandum of Agreement outlining this collaboration and the expectations of this Program.
- Agree to meet with designated CCAoNH Training and Technical Assistance Specialist to review current program practices with the NH ELS and outline action plan for year.
- Support on-site training and technical assistance for staff on the NH ELS through the Flex Training Series: Standards of Practice. (12 hours)
- Provide on-site individualized technical assistance to staff on incorporating the NH ELS into programming.
- Agree to meet with designated CCAoNH Training and Technical Assistance Specialist on an on-going basis for one year to complete this program and follow-up to review challenges, successes and future goals for NH ELS and program.
CCAoNH will provide the following for NAME OF PROGRAMas outlined below:
- Reviewing and assisting in assessment ofcurrent program practices on NH ELS. Discuss and outline plans to complete Project.
- Provide on-site training and technical assistance on the Flex Training Series: Standards of Practice.
- Provide support and mentorship to administration on assisting staff with incorporating NH ELS into program.
- Provide resources and support to program to successfully practice and implement the NH Early Learning Standard Initiative.
- Provided on-going technical assistance and support to the program on an on-going basis for one year to complete this program and follow-up to review challenges, successes and future goals for NH ELS and program.
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire recognizes its’ role as collaboratively working with NAME OF PROGRAM to achieve its goals, and will be as flexible as possible to accommodate any special needs or changes. In turn, as aprogram site, upon completion of all above criteria, will receive a certificate for completion as a Progressive Training and Technical Assistance Program and will be awarded training bucks for free admittance for all staff to a CCAoNHConference for a staff retreat.
CCAoNHservices are provided free of charge to families and providers, with funds provided in part or whole by the State of New Hampshire and United States Department of Health and Human Services, and Southern New Hampshire Services.
Signed the _____day of February, 2017.
Tracy Pond, Program Manager,Program Director
Child Care Resource and Referral