802.11 Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot 54
Instructions for IEEE802.11 Task Group “g” Draft 6.1
These instructions apply only for the 802.11 WG Letter Ballot 54 (LB54) on Draft 6.1 of the Higher Rate Supplement to the IEEE 802.11-1999 standard.
Important: Follow the instructions. Failure to follow the instructions may result in your vote being discarded as an invalid vote at the discretion of the WG chairman. Letter ballots are an enormous amount of work for the 802.11 leadership due to the large size of the group. The only way to have the ballot processed accurately is for the members to cooperate and following the instructions.
Motion: Move to forward Draft 6.1 of IEEE 802.11 Task Group “g” to Sponsor Ballot.
To Vote: YOU MUST Insert in the Subject field of the return email:
LB54-{last name}-{first name}-{yes, no, abstain}
(for example: LB50-Nyquist-Henry-yes)
with a CC to, , ,
Who must vote: This is a recirculation ballot, thus if you do not cast a new ballot, your vote from Letter Ballot 50 will be carried forward. If you would like to maintain your vote from Letter Ballot 50, you are not required to submit a ballot. For example, if you voted YES on Letter Ballot 50 and you would like to maintain your YES vote, there is no need to send a new ballot. If you previously cast a NO vote on Letter Ballot 50, it is requested that you update or renew your vote by casting a new ballot.
Obtaining the draft: Two versions of Draft 6.1 are available on the IEEE 802.11 web site. One version has tracking of changes with respect to Draft 5.0 turned on, and the other version does not. The drafts are available at as follows.
With changes shown:
Without changes shown:
The comment resolution form can be located at
The draft is password protected. To obtain the draft, use the username and the password supplied to voting members for the private area.
Restrictions on comments: This is a recirculation ballot. Under IEEE 802.11 Working Group rules, comments are restricted to those sections of the draft that have been changed. Do not comment on sections of the draft that have not been changed. Comments on sections that have not been changed will be discarded. View the version of Draft 6.1 that shows changes to determine which sections have and have not been changed.
Voting Pool: Only individuals in the voting pool are eligible to vote. The voting pool for Letter Ballot 54 is the same as that for Letter Ballot 50. The pool is listed at
Submitting Comments:
To submit comments, the following instructions must be followed:
0)Form: The official comment form for Letter Ballot 5? must be used. This comment form is available at
1)Names: In the header of comment response form, please fill in your name in the <First Name>, <Last Name> fields. Do not use your initials or anything else.
2)Clause Column: This is the section number of the draft that your comment applies to - e.g. 2.1 or 4.2.3. Don’t put “all”, “many”, “various”, “general” or any other word you may personally fancy. If the field contains anything other that a clause number, the comment may be discarded and your vote possibly invalidated. If your comment relates to a table, place the clause in which the table resides in this column and not the table number. Put only the clause number and not the words, e.g. “clause”.
3)E/T Column: Please use and E or T only to indicate a technical or an editorial comment. Please use upper case only so things sort right when we get all done. Incorrectly categorized comments will be recategorized by the Task Group chairperson.
4)"Part of No vote” Column: If you say "no" in this column, we will free to skip that comment in terms of formally satisfying a "NO" vote. For any comment that is not part of your “NO” vote, mark it as "not part of a no vote" by entering “no” in the column. Any voter that votes “NO” should have at least one comment marked “yes” as part support for their “NO” vote. Any voter that votes “YES” should not have any comments marked “yes” in this column.
5)"comment/explanation" and "recommended change" columns: These are pretty self explanatory. If you do not recommend a change the comment may be skipped as you have not asked the group to do anything. Please keep the explanation of the comment separate from what you want done as a result of your reasoning. The voting group is too large for the task group to be interpreting what you are requesting. Please remember that the operating rules state that all “No” votes MUST be accompanied by comments which include specific reasons and enough information for the group to understand what you desire in order to change your “no” to a “yes”. Simply saying “not good enough” is insufficient as the task group cannot reasonably be expected to understand what would satisfy the commenter and so invalidation of the vote is justifiable.
6)Draft line numbers: If you choose to include a page / line number reference in your comments, please do so by putting is as text at the start of your comment. Do NOT put this info in the section number field. The rational is that the page/line numbers are valid only for the balloted draft version. The section numbers are more likely to still be correct in later versions.
Matthew B. Shoemake, TGg Chair
Stuart J. Kerry, 802.11 WG Chair
January 20, 2003