VETO 2011
Packet by the Ubiquitous Terror Squad (Josh Alman, Neil Gurram, Michael Olijnyk, Michael Wainberg)
1. This event occurred 199 years after a similar event in the same city. This event was precipitated by the ascendence of a duke of Styria to the throne of the country in which it occurred. This event took place in the Hradčany [harad-CHA-ni] district and was precipitated by a group led by Count Thurn. Counts Slavata and Martinitz landed on a large manure pile during this incident. FTP, name this event which contributed to the start of the Thirty Years’ War, in which a group of Protestants threw some hard-line Catholics out the window in the castle of the namesake city.
Answer: Second Defenestration of Prague (prompt on partial answer)
2. He discussed his justification for getting involved in the Manhattan Project in The Pleasure of Finding Things Out. This man along with John Wheeler names a theory of electrodynamics with respect to time-symmetry, and the sequence of six ‘9’s that begins at the 762nd decimal place of pi is his namesake point. Along with Julian Schwinger and Shinichiro Tomonaga, he won the 1965 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on quantum electrodynamics, and a photon represents a squiggly line on his namesake diagram. FTP, name this Caltech Physicist whose lectures were compiled into a namesake physics book.
Answer: Richard (Phillips) Feynman
3. When this musician presented the song of the year award at the 2010 Grammys, he read the nominees off of his new iPad. His most recent single was recorded with The Black Belles, and it had the same subject as his 2006 hit, “Charlene (I’m right behind you).” He recorded a cover of Rebecca Black’s Friday with the Roots on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and he won the Grammy for Best Comedy album in 2010 for his Christmas album. FTP, name this man who sang alongside Sheryl Crow, John Legend, and Tony Bennett at a D.C. rally he hosted with Jon Stewart.
Answer: Stephen Colbert
4. Elenor’s young son dies of meningitis in this novel. A string quartet by Beethoven plays in the background while a character suffering from ennui is murdered; that character is Maurice Spandrell. Everard Webley leads the Brotherhood of British Freemen, possibly based on Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists. This novel is its author’s fourth, released seven years after Crome Yellow. FTP, name this novel whose title evokes a musical technique used prominently by Bach, a work about Philip Quarles by Aldous Huxley.
Answer: Point Counter Point
5. This man impressed Joseph Joachim at age 4 and subsequently studied with Karl Heinrich Barth. He was not well-received on his first US tour, and in 1908 he tried to hang himself, but failed. This pianist married Nela Młynarska and partnered with Heifetz, Piatigorsky and, late in life, the Guarneri Quartet. He was not considered one of the greats until late middle age and retired at age 89. FTP, name this Pole with an intense joie de vivre, renowned for his Chopin, who shares a last name with Russian composer brothers Nikolay and Anton.
Answer: Artur or Arthur Rubinstein
6. This world leader was the first person to meet John Lennon and Yoko Ono on their “tour for world peace”. He appointed the first woman Puisne [pronounced like “Puny”] Justice to his Country's Supreme Court, Bertha Wilson. He supported participatory democracy as a plan for making his country a “just society” and he edited Cite Libre, to oppose Maurice DuPlessis. James Cross and Pierre Laporte were kidnapped during his rule. FTP, name this predecessor of Joe Clark who during the October Crisis invoked the War Measures Act after telling a CBC reporter to “Just Watch Me”.
Answer: (Joseph Philippe) Pierre (Yves Elliott) Trudeau
7. Along with the pentose phosphate pathway, transketolase is also involved in this series of reactions. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate are converted into fructose 6-phosphate and a phosphate ion during one stage. In the first reaction of this cycle, ribulose bisphosphate is carboxylated by RuBisCO. Taking place in the stroma of chloroplasts is, FTP, what light-independent cycle of reactions involved in photosynthesis, named after a certain Melvin?
Answer:Calvin cycle
8. In one work, this author suggests that sociology must study “social facts,” and apply a recognized objective scientific method. In another, this author discusses distinctive stages in the formation of societies such as "the horde" and "the clan," and posits societal corporations as a solution to the negative side effects of the titular concept, although he concludes that this concept is a moral good because it leads to organic solidarity. In another work, he examines the altruistic and anomic varieties of a the titular practice, and varying rates of it between Protestants and Catholics. FTP, name this author of Rules of the Sociological Method, The Division of Labor in Society, and Suicide, a French sociologist.
Answer: Émile Durkheim
9. The highest point in this polity is Chapal Waddi, and it is believed that the area surrounding Calabar contains the world's largest diversity of butterflies. The Obudu plateau lies in the southeast, with coastal plains lying further to the southeast and the southwest. An encroaching desert lies to the north, and a large area of mangroves lies in a river delta sometimes called the Oil Rivers that is a namesake of neighboring country. Its city of Port Harcourt was part of the Igbo-dominated breakaway region of Biafra. In 1991, its capital changed from its most populous city to Abuja. FTP, name this country, Africa's largest by population, with largest city Lagos.
Answer: Nigeria
10. One epithet for this deity is “kriophoros” or the “ram-bearer”. He was the father of a man who had gone with Heracles to see the Mares of Diomedes, only to be devoured by them, Abderus. Because two men couldn't keep quiet, he turned one into stone and the other into a hawk; those were Battus and Heirax, respectively. Those aforementioned events deal with stealing oxen after being born on Mount Cyllene and with murdering the watchman Argos to steal Io. This son of Maia used the shell of a tortoise to invent the lyre, and he owns the caduceus. FTP name this Greek god of thieves, the winged sandal-wearing messenger god.
Answer: Hermes (accept Mercurybefore “Greek”)
11. Khalid Bahah recently quit his ambassadorship to Canada from this country. Protesters wore pink to mark the Jasmine Revolution here, and several protesters were killed following a "Friday of No Return" on March 11. The Hashid tribal federation attacked security forces in the capital, and on June 4th Vice President Abd al-Rab Mansur al-Hadi took over as acting president when President Saleh was flown to Riyadh following a bombing of his palace. FTP name this formerly divided Arabian Country whose stability greatly concerns its northern neighbour Saudi Arabia, with port of Aden and capital Sana’a.
Answer: Yemen
12. One of this man's earlier works was strongly criticized for abandoning the Classical scholarly traditions. Georges Sorel argues that this philosopher was too blinded by philology to see the American captains of Industry. Michel Foucault, a self described follower of this man, adapted his notion of a bad conscience to his history of punishment. Bertrand Russell called him the philosophical progenitor of Nazism, even though he was strongly against Anti-Semitism. FTP, name this philosopher who inspired WWI German soldiers with his concepts of the ‘Will to Power’ and the Übermensch, and also said “God is Dead.”
Answer: Friedrich Nietzsche
13. The biggest sporting event here took place for the sixth time this summer, and ironically, its namesake team finished in the last bracket. Matches in the tournament generally see waitresses slinging slushies to spectators like Hissis [hiss-ee-s]. The top two teams came from the regions of Krawk Island, where pirates compete in eating contests at Food Club, and the space station where one might pull the lever of doom or adopt a cute Grundo. Poogles race every 15 minutes in Faerieland in, FTP, what virtual universe where users play games like Cheat and Meerca Chase to help take care of their pets?
Answer: (accept Neopia, the Neopets Universe, or similar)
14. On Seinfeld, George Costanza is compared to a character in this work who supposedly whistles in elevators and later steals a pen from Bill Oliver, reminiscent of his stealing footballs as a young boy. Another character who is about to argue a case before the US Supreme Court, Bernard, symbolizes the merits of hard work. This approach to the American Dream is juxtaposed with the lazier approaches of Linda's two children, Happy and Biff. For ten points name this play that culminates in the suicide of Willy Loman, by Arthur Miller.
Answer: Death of a Salesman
15. The police chief alleged that the key piece of evidence surrounding this man’s arrest had been tampered with. Babak Andalib-Goortani was eventually charged with assault relating to the arrest of this man. Identification of the police officers involved in this man’s arrest was made difficult because the officers had covered up their ID badges. FTP, name this bystander whose cheekbone and nose were broken by police at the G20 summit in Toronto last year, supposedly told to ‘stop being a smartass’ after telling an officer his unusual last name.
Answer: Adam Nobody
16. The bit complexity of this algorithm is O(n(logn)(loglogn)), [“big oh of n log n log log n”], which is because the prime harmonic series asymptotically approaches loglogn. The algorithm proceeds as follows: initially, let k be 2. At each step, circle the number k, and then for each positive integer i greater than or equal to k, cross off the number i times k, until that becomes greater than n. Then, set k equal to the next smallest integer that is not crossed off, and repeat until there are none left. The algorithm returns all the circled numbers. FTP, name this sieving algorithm, named for a Greek scholar, which finds all prime numbers up to a specified integer n.
Answer: Sieve of Eratosthenes (accept only Eratosthenes after “sieve” is mentioned, prompt on partial answer)
17. This man first distinguished himself as a cavalry commander against Aristobulus II. He attempted to invade Parthia as punishment for their support of his political enemies, but was crushed when his Armenian allies deserted him. With Egyptian support, he was later able to exact revenge on the Armenians. He fought alongside his future enemy at Philippi, and with his most important patron at Pharsalus. He was made Master of the Horse following his service in the Gallic Wars. FTP, name this Roman leader who was crushed in 31 BC at the Battle of Actium, along with his lover Cleopatra.
Answer: Marc Antony
18. Though he was not Tchaikovsky, he wrote a work with twenty movements based on the services of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Andante con moto is the second movement of his Opus 45, Symphonic Dances, whose finale quotes the chance “Blessed be the Lord” from his Vespers. Dies Irae is quoted throughout a choral symphony that uses the text of an Edgar Allen Poe poem, The Bells, while an Arnold Bocklin painting inspired his symphonic poem Isle of the Dead. He may be better known for a work whose eighteenth part is in D flat major, as opposed to the A minor theme found in another composer's 24th Caprice. For ten points, name this Russian composer of Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.
Answer: Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff
19. In 1974, Maurice Nadon first allowed women to join this group, which shortly thereafter introduced an official maternity uniform for its pregnant members. It was founded by George Arthur French, who also became its first comissioner in 1873. There were 300 original members, positioned at Macleod, Edmonton, Calgary, and Carlton, although today they have over 35,000 members. This organization falsely identified Maher Arar as a terrorist, making it the 2007 Canadian Press Newsmaker of the Year. FTP, name this group which quashed the North-West Rebellion, and supervised American gold mining activities in the Yukon, better known for its members' Stetson hats, red uniforms, and horses.
Answer: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
20. This nation's Yala National Park is home to the national bird of this country is its namesake junglefowl. Its southernmost point is Dondra Head, while its northern region of Vanni contains its northernmost point Point Pedro. Its longest river begins in its Central Highlands, Mahaweli, and its Gulf of Mannar indents it to its northwest. Its highest point is Mt. Piduratalagala, and its fifth most populous city is Trincomalee. A major pilgrimage site in this nation is Rama's Peak and a series of limestone shoals, Adam's Bridge, in the Palk Strait, separates this island from the Tamil Nadu state of a much larger country. For ten points, name this country not far from India, home to Kotte and former capital Colombo.
Answer: Sri Lanka (prompt on Ceylon)
21. Despite being expelled from Victoria College as a troublemaker, this man went on to obtain degrees from Princeton and Harvard. This man lived in The Colosseum on Riverside Drive, near the university where he was a professor for 40 years. This author’s best-known work draws on the colonialist literature of Conrad as well as the post-structuralist theory of Foucault and Derrida. This man founded the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra with Daniel Barenboim which recruited children from both Israel and Arab countries. FTP, name this Palestinian-born literary theorist and Columbia professor best known for his book Orientalism.
Answer: Edward Said [“sa-EED”]
22. This element is produced in the Deacon process. Merrifield's procedure displaces it in an SN2 reaction, and this element replaces a hydroxyl group in the Appel reaction. Michael Faraday studied this element extensively, and was the first to liquefy it as well as make two compounds containing it and carbon. DDT molecules have five atoms of this element, whose anion is found in halite and is the most common ion in seawater. For 10 points, name this element which forms the lightest strong acid, has atomic number 17, and is found in bleach.
Answer: Chlorine
23. This island was first sighted by the Portuguese just as the Kingdom of Middag was being founded. The Dutch established a commercial presence on the island, their strength based out of Fort Zeelandia, although they were eventually pushed out in 1662. French attempts to capture the island were rebuffed, but later Japanese attempts were successful. Its citizens were taught to see themselves as Japanese, and during World War II it served as an important base for Japan's South Strike Group. FTP, name this island which is separated from mainland Asia by a strait that saw a 1958 standoff between the USA and the People's Republic of China.
Answer: Taiwan or Formosa
24. The “people of the Ponderosa pine”, Hualapai, traditionally live near this. Several batches of 60-cent stamps depicting it accidentally reversed its image and placed it in Colorado. It was first discovered by a European in 1540, and Theodore Roosevelt stayed at the Phantom Ranch here in 1913. First travelled through by John Wesley Powell in 1869, Ferde Grofé wrote a suite about this national park. The Colorado River carved out, FTP, what mile-deep landmark in Arizona?
Answer: Grand Canyon
1. Name these languages, based on their names for themselves, within 15 seconds FTPE (show image in figure 1):
A. Answer: Basque
B. Answer: Korean
C. Answer: Amharic
2. Name these anaesthetics or analgesics based on their structural formulae within 15 seconds FTPE (show image in figure 2):
A. Answer: Diethyl ether
B. Answer: Acetaminophen (prompt on Tylenol or Paracetamol)
C. Answer: Acetylsalicylicacid or Aspirin
3. FTPE, name either the pianist or the piece featured in these iconic classical recordings:
A. 0:00 to 0:15
Answer: Glenn Gould, Goldberg Variations (from 1955)
B. 0:36 to 0:50
Answer: Vladimir Horowitz, Liszt Sonata or B minor sonata (from 1932)
C. 0:00 to 0:16
Answer: Johannes Brahms, Brahms Hungarian Dance 1 (from 1889)
4. Mr. Verloc owns a shop in the Soho region and is tasked by his superiors with destroying Greenwich with a bomb. FTPE:
A. Name this novel which follows the life of Mr. Verloc and is named for his occupation.
Answer: The Secret Agent
B. The Secret Agent was written by this Polish born English novelist who also wrote Victory and Heart of Darkness.
Answer: Joseph Conrad or Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski
C. This recurring Conrad character appears in Almayer's Folly, An Outcast of the Island, and The Rescue as a ship captain, and those three novels are sometimes referred to as his trilogy.
Answer: Tom Lingard
5. FTPE, name some things relating to megacities:
A. This Lombard megacity has a population of 7.4 million according to the OECD. Its cathedral hit Silvio Berlusconi in the face in 2009.
Answer: Milan metropolitan area
B. This sole German megacity has a population of over 10 million and includes Cologne, Düsseldorf and Dortmund. It is named after the two rivers flowing through it.
Answer: Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area (prompt on Ruhr-Rhine)
C. Although not a megacity, this Alpha World City according to the GaWC has been referred to as the “Methodist Rome.” It is the fourth most livable city according to the Economist’s 2011 rankings
Answer: Toronto