7thGrade Utah Studies
Mr. George
In 7th grade History we will be covering various aspects of Utah history including Counties and cities of Utah, geography, Dinosaurs, Native Americans, Mountain men and Explorers, Pioneers, Political leaders, government, major events and other influences that helped shape this state. This class will provide the students with a variety of learning methods.
Utah Studies:
The Utah history book is (The Utah Journey)that begins with early geology of Utah and ends with present day. We will study a large variety of topics including counties of Utah, famous people, physical features of the state, mapping skills, early religions, and important events. Each student will be assigned a textbook that they are responsible for.
The online blog for this class is animportant resource used to convey daily lesson instructions and inform absent students of work they have missed. On the blog, students will be able to access a summary of each day’s activities, as well as download any important documents pertinent to class. Most of the work will be on the blog and can be downloaded directly from it.Blog will be updated at the first of every week. The blog address is <blog.wsd.net/kgeorge
****If a student does not have access to the internet at home there are computers in the media center and the computer lab by the office which available each day before school, during lunch, and after school for student use.
Classroom Rules:
- Be in your seat, ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
- Bring your assignments and required materials. EVERY DAY
- Treat others how you want to be treated.
- Follow Directions –
- Be Responsible
Required Materials:
- UDOT Composition Notebook
- Colored pencils
- Pencils, and/or Pens (No Red)
Each student is provided 4 hall passes each term. These may be used by a student to leave the classroom for a short time (5 minutes or less) for emergencies, trips to the restroom, visits to the counseling office, use of the phone, or trips to a drinking fountain or locker.These passes may also be saved until the end of the term and turned in for extra credit.
Grades in citizenship are awarded to each student on the basis of responsible and respectful behavior, cooperation, and leadership in following rules and procedures.
H in citizenship represents Honor in behavior.
S in citizenship represents Satisfactory in behavior.
N in citizenship represents Improvement Needed in behavior.
U in citizenship represents Unsatisfactory behavior.
The following are to be considered in arriving at a citizenship grade for students: Absences, truancy, tardiness, honesty, vulgarity (spoken or by gesture), respect for others, courtesy, unprepared with book, required materials, etc. Any student who fails to cooperate with Substitute teachers will receive a “U”.
Grades are based on Assignments, Quizzes, Test Scores, Daily Thoughts, Presentations and participation. Extra Credit will be given throughout the term. All grades will be based on the total number of points earned versus total number of points possible and converted to a percentage. Percentages for letter grades are as follows:
B+ = 87 – 84% / C+ = 75 – 72% / D+ = 63 – 60% / F = 50 – 0%A = 100 – 94% / B = 83 – 80% / C = 71 – 68% / D = 59 – 56%
A- = 93 – 88% / B- = 79 – 76% / C- = 67 – 64% / D- = 55 - 51%
You may access your student’s current grades on <myweber.wsdinfo.net>. Grades will be updated once weekly. The midterm report sent home by Weber School District. The information provided on the Portal at <MyWeber.wsdinfo.net> constitutes notification of a student’s progress in History and his/her grades. Students who fall below a D may receive an email notification from the district weekly until the grade is no longer at a failing level. If a parent does not have access to the internet, a student may use school computers to access grades or a parent may contact a teacher for a current progress report.
Late Work Policy:
We encourage all Razorbacks to be responsible in completing assignments and projects on time.
- When students are not able to finish their assignments by the designated date, the opportunity will remain for them to complete and submit their work within five days of the original due date for a maximum of 70% of the pointsup until five days before the end of the term.
- I reserve the right to work with students on an individual basis that may be less limiting, but not more restrictive than the policy.
Absent Work Policy:
- Students will also have five daysto make up any work missed due to an absence for full credit.
- If a student is absent from class, it their responsibility to come to the teacher to get the make-up work that they missed when they return.
- It is their responsibility to write “ABSENT” on the top of the assignment when they turn it in or in will be marked “Late”.
- Students absent for school excused activities are expected to meet original due dates.
In order to optimize the opportunity students have for an education in Junior High School, we feel that it is extremely important for students to be in class on time. Students need to be on time, in their seat, ready to begin when the bell rings.
Tardy Consequences:
1st TardyTeacher warning
2nd TardyParent contacted by teacher
3rd TardyTardy contract with student advocate. The student will be required to sign the contract
and bring the contract home for a parent signature and return the contract to the
student advocate within 3 days. If the contract is not returned the student will attend lunch intervention.
4th TardyParent contact by teacher, “N” for citizenship, and lunch intervention
5th TardyParent contact by teacher, “U” for citizenship, and lunch intervention
6th plus tardiesLunch intervention and referral to administrator for additional consequences which may
include suspension.
The History department will be following Weber School District’s policy on videos in the junior high school. We only show videos that relate to our curriculum and enhance the teaching of certain subjects.We do wish to show some videos that contain the “PG” rating. Please read the list, and if there are no objections to the video, your signature on the contract will be permission to show your child the videos.
If you have objections to a video, please check any of the following video clips that you do not want your child to watch.
Video Permission:
The Utah Experience“G” / 9/11 video
“PG” / “Life after Dinosaurs”
“PG” / “Last of the Dogmen”
“PG” / History Channel “The Donner Party”
“G” / The Sandlot“G” / Jeremiah Johnson
Please sign and return this disclosure to Mr. George.
I agree and comply with all of the policies, rules and procedures set forth in the disclosure statement for History. I understand these policies, rules and procedures.
Student Printed NameParent’s E-MAIL ADDRESS
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature