Name: ______# ____

7th Grade Religion Final Exam Study Guide 5/11/18 Mrs. Scribner

Religion Final Exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 31st.

Know the following vocabulary:


sanctifying gracecovenant Last Judgment

spiritual lifePassover sacramentals

virtueEucharist Ascension

despairtransubstantiationsecular institute

presumptionpassionPassion Narratives

Be able to look up scripture when given scripture verses.

Chapter 18

Define theological virtues and be able to list them.

Define cardinal moral virtues and be able to list them.

Chapter 19

Know when the apostles understood that Jesus received glory through suffering.

Who witnessed the Transfigurationand where did this occur?

With whom was Jesus speaking at the Transfiguration? (page 155 – Matthew 17: 1-8)

Know what the Transfiguration teaches us about glory.

Lazarus’ death and rising facts:

-immediate cause of Jesus’ death

-was dead for four days

-Martha objected

Jesus rode into Jerusalem for the Passover.

Know about the opposition's attitude toward Jesus. (page 156)

Chapter 20

Compare how Passover meal is like the Eucharist and how it is different.

Know the events that occurred at the Last Supper.

Priest – presides at Mass and can consecrate the bread and wine (transubstantiation).

Know the two main parts of the Mass. (page 164)

Be familiar with the parts of the Liturgy (page 168):

- Liturgy of the Word




-Prayer of the Faithful (also called General Intercessions)

-Liturgy of the Eucharist

-Preparation of the Gifts

-Eucharistic Prayer

-Communion Rite

What is the Sacramentary / Roman Missal ?

Know the new commandment of Jesus.

Chapter 21

Know particular judgment.

Know the three possibilities after death.

Chapter 22

Know the four ways we can encounter the Risen Jesus today. (pp. 181183)

Be able to explain the differences between sacraments and sacramental;

Be able to give examples of each.

Review page 184.

Chapter 23

Know the events described in "Pentecost: Touched by the Spirit."

Four actions that bonded the community of Christians together.

List four of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 24

Be able to explain what each does: deacon, priest, bishop

Knowthe greatest responsibility of a priest.

Vows: Know the three vows that religious make.

Matrimony - couples exchange vows to each other.

Precepts of the Church - List five of them. (page 242)