Robotics I Syllabus
Mrs. Dowd
Contact Information:
Room: 126 Email:
Phone:419.534.5376 ext.3126
Course Description:
In Robotics I, students build and program the BaseBot, then use it to conduct experiments demonstrating physics and mechanical properties, adding sensors and mechanisms. REC 1 concludes with a capstone project featuring competitive instructional strategies.
Tutoring/Open Lab:
Most of the work done in this course will require the use of the computers in our classroom. While ample time will be given in class to complete all projects requiring the lab computers, there may be circumstances when a student needs extra time on the computer. I will notify you of any scheduled open lab/tutoring times. If you need extra tutoring or lab time on other days, please see me ahead of time to check my availability. I am always willing to meet you before or after school as long as I have prior notification.
Materials Needed:
In order to be organized and ready to learn it is important that each of you have the proper tools. It is your responsibility to be prepared everyday with the following.
- Writing Utensil
- Eraser
- Binder or Folder
- Lined Paper
- Headphones
- Flash Drive
*Please note, due to the project-based nature of this class, there may be other materials needed as the semester goes on.
Student Expections & Policies
- Be respectful of others and their property.
- Have a positive attitude
- Use appropriate language
- Be prepared and working in your seat before the bell rings.
- Leave the room only with permission and a pass (you will receive 2 passes perquarter)
- No food/drinks in the room; however, water in a lidded container will bepermitted
- Take care of all materials before you leave
- Use classroom materials properly and safely
- Do not line up at the door. Stay in your seat until the bell rings and I havedismissed you.
- There is a limited amount of space between rows in this lab. For the safety of
everyone, backpacks MUST be left in your locker. You will rarely sit at your
seat the entire period, so it is important that everyone be able to move freely in
the class. - We will be using the lab computers in this class. Your laptop should be putaway and under your desk when the bell rings. You may only have your laptop out if I have given you permission to use it during class.
- You should never touch any of the equipment in this class without permission.Stay out of the bookcases, cabinets, shelves etc unless I have asked you to get something from it.
- When you are in this class, you are to work on material for THIS class. Youshould not be doing work for other classes unless I have given permission to.
Violating any of the expectations or policies listed above will result in a loss of participation points for that day. Depending on the severity or frequency of violations, you may receive a lunch or after school detention from me and/or a referral.
It is your responsibility to find out what material you missed while absent. In order to do this, there is an absent folder in the class that you will find your work in. You should also check the assignment log to find out what we did that day. It is your responsibility to check the absent folder, assignment log, and copy the notes from a classmate. You will only be able to make up the work if you have an excused absence; while I will still provide the missed work, unexcused absences or suspensions receive NO credit for work missed. You have as many days as you were absent to make up the work that you missed. For example, if you are absent two days, then you will have two days to make up the work you missed for no reduction in points. If you are absent on a test or quiz day, you need to make arrangements to make up the test or quiz before or after school. Any homework that was due the day you were absent is due the day you return.
Grading Policy:
Your quarter grade will be calculated based on the following percentages:
Quarter GradeFinal Grade
Projects/Tests/Quizzes50%1st Quarter40%
Classwork/Homework30%2nd Quarter40%
Your letter grade is determined from the school scale. The scale is:
92 – 100 A
82 – 91 B
72 – 81 C
63 – 66 D
0 – 59 F
Students and parents can view their grades & missing assignments at any time by logging into PowerSchool. I also have an assignment log that students and parents can check. The link is in the homework matrix and on my personal website.
Participation (20%)
Since most of the work in this class are hands-on projects, one of the most important aspects of this class is participation. You cannot learn this material by watching someone else. You will receive 3 participation points each day. These points are lost if you are not participating or violate any of the students expectations and guidelines.
Late Work
Because of the cumulative nature of this course and the fact that you will have group members relying on you, it is very important that work be completed by its due date. However, it is also understood that people work at different paces. If students need more time for a particular project, they may spend one more week working on the project outside of class with no grade penalty. During the following week (the second week), projects may be turned in for a 10% reduction in grade. Beyond the two-week period, no credit will be given.
You will be expected to keep a binder or folder of everything we do in this class. Your binder will be kept in order by date, so date everything you do in this class. If you are absent it is your responsibility to get the missed notes. I will occasionally have binder checks or quizzes that will count towards your classwork grade.
In this classroom, I have a zero tolerance for cheating in any degree. I will be utilizing as one method of checking for originality in your work. If you plagiarize or copy assignments, you will receive a zero and a referral. It is very important that you do your own work at all times. If, at any time, you feel like somebody is cheating off your paper please see me immediately. If you voluntarily let somebody cheat, you will also receive a zero and a referral.
I will expect everyone to be an active learner in this classroom. This means asking questions and volunteering. If you ever feel lost it is very important that you see me immediately. In this class, everything builds onto one another, so the longer you wait, the harder it will be to catch up. I will be available before and after school if you require additional help.
This course will be unlike most courses you have taken previously. Because of the project-based nature of this course, there will be times you are struggling with what to do. While this can be very frustrating, this is often where the most learning occurs. While I will be more than happy to help guide your work, there will be times I will not be able to give you the answer and you will have to rely on your own research or your classmates to work together to solve a problem. Through this process, you will have the opportunity to experience situations similar to careers in these fields.
This syllabus can change at anytime at my discretion.
Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Dowd.
I have read and understand all the rules and procedures of the Robotics I class. I also understand the late work policy and absent work policy as described.
Parents & Guardians: Please make sure your contact information with the school is correct, as this is what I will use if I need to get ahold of you about your child.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent or Guardian Name: ______
Parent or Guardian Signature: ______
Does your child have any special needs (i.e. glasses, hearing problems, etc)
Yes No
If yes, please explain.