7th Grade Geography
Ms. Katherine Sheridan, Teacher
Classroom No. 14
Textbook: National Geographic World Cultures and Geography, Eastern Hemisphere
Course: The Geography curriculum is designed to teach students about the geography of the eastern hemisphere—the continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Students will explore the climates, resources, industries, animal life, people, and cultures found on these continents. Class objectives will be achieved through classroom discussion, note-taking, written assignments, oral assignments, group assignments, quizzes, tests, and reports.
Required Supplies:
1. Loose-leaf notebook paper
2. Pencils or pens (blue or black ink)
3. Three-ring binder or folder
Correct spelling and grammar are expected on all written assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects. One point will be deducted for each misspelled word on written assignments and projects, for a maximum deduction of 10% of the total points available for that assignment.
Grading Scale:
A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59 and below
Students will be notified of upcoming tests and most quizzes at least 2 days in advance of the assessment. Pop quizzes, however, will be administered without advance notice at the teacher’s discretion.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit opportunities will be made available throughout the school year.
Make-up Work:
Students who are absent when work is assigned will adhere to the submission schedule as outlined in the Hilldale Middle School Student Handbook:
If absent 1 or 2 days, work is due at the beginning of class on the 3rd class meeting after returning to school.
If absent 3 or 4 days, work is due at the beginning of class on the 4th class meeting after returning to school.
If absent 5 or 6 days, work is due at the beginning of class on the 5th class meeting after returning to school.
Students who are absent when work is due must submit the homework upon return to school.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Ms. Sheridan can be reached by calling Hilldale Middle School at 918-683-0763 or via e-mail at .
7th Grade Geography
Student Information
Name of Student: ______
Name of Parent: ______
Parent Phone Number: ______
Parent E-mail: ______
Medical Information:
Please check yes or no as appropriate for each question.
1. The student should wear his/her glasses in the classroom. Yes _____ No_____
2. The student has a hearing impairment. Yes _____ No_____
If yes, please explain.
3. The student has an illness requiring medication. Yes _____ No_____
If yes, please explain.
I have read and understand the policies to be followed in Ms. Sheridan’s 7th grade Geography class.
Parent ______Date ______
Student ______Date ______