7th Grade Benchmark #2



1. If you were a member of Clovis's tribe in the year 486 AD, where would you have been looking for land to settle and helped invade?

2. Conflicts between which people led to most of the problems between Christians in the Roman Empire and Christians in the Byzantine Empire?

3. If you wanted the best chance to establish a farm in the Arabian Peninsula, what area would you establish your farm?

4. Who was Muhammad?

5. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Where do Muslims practice their religion? What is their holy book?

6. Within the first 100 years of Umayyad control, the Muslim Empire was found on which continents?

7. Because of the exchange of ideas between Arabian merchants and the people they traded with in East Africa, many of the government officials in East Africa adopted which religion?

8. The Arabic language was important because it was the language of the Qur'an. What style of writing was developed, in part, by Muslims to stress the importance and beauty of this language?

9. What plants were grown and used in the Mayan lowlands?

10. What item did members of the Aztec nation have to trade for because it was not commonly found or produced in the region they lived?

11. If you were a Mayan who lived in the tropical lowlands of Mexico, you would have to adapt your home and hunting practices to what type of environment?

12. Which person would have been a member of the highest class in the Mayan society?

13. Most of the Aztec gods were associated with

A. agriculture.B. livestock.

C. trade.D. warfare.

14. What was the central component of the daily life of all Aztecs?

15. Which empire ended after Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizzaro kidnapped their leader, Atahualpa, and destroyed their army?

16. Where and why did the Mayan civilization developed in the Americas?


18. Describes an example of architecture used by the Incas?

19. Suppose you were in a museum looking at an Aztec artifact with pictures of daily life painted on deerskin. You are most likely looking at

A. a headdress.B. a golden necklace.

C. a codex.D. a farming calendar.

20. A person visiting Mexico City might see the remnants of ______, a legacy to the magnificent architecture of the Aztecs.

21. Suppose you were visiting the remains of the capital city of an early Mesoamerican empire that was comprised of a series of intricate stone structures built like a maze in a mountainous region. You were visiting the capital city of which MesoAmerican Civilization?

22. A quipu was a counting tool made of rope that was used by which MesoAmerican civilization?

23. What would be an achievement made by Mayans in the field of astronomy?

24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Aztec's use of their calendar?

A. The Aztecs used the calendar to mark the beginning of their era.

B. The Aztecs used the calendar for planting and harvesting crops.

C. The Aztecs used the calendar to choose the best time to go to battle.

D. The Aztecs used the calendar for conducting religious ceremonies.