7th BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum 2012

16 – 18 November 2012

Vienna / Austria


Osnaživanje Business and Professional Women

u Regiji Podunavlja

Jednakost, inovacije i održivost kroz osnaživanje ženskog poduzetništva

The Danube Strategy has been elaborated and endorsed by the European Union to provide a sustainable framework for policy integration and coherent development of the Danube Region – to make this a truly EU region for the 21st century, secure and confident, and one of the most attractive region in Europe.

Four Pillars address the major issues: Connecting the Danube Region; Protecting the Environment; Building Prosperity and Strengthening the Danube Region.

By 2020, all citizens of the Region should enjoy better prospects of higher education, employment and prosperity in their own home area.

(*source: European Union Strategy for Danube Region (EUSDR), Brussels 8.12.2010)


BPW DanubeNet is a network for business and professional women whose primary aim is to bring together decision-makers of the Danube Region to exchange know-how and best practices and to bring closer to its members the business and development opportunities of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

Petak, 16 studeni 2012

Mjesto: Ratsaal ( 5. kat), SECI c/o OSCE, Hofburg Congress Centre, Heldenplatz 1, 1010, Vienna

vrijeme / Uvodne i tematske sekcije
08:30 - 09:00 / Registracija sudionika
Program, name tags, promotion, give-aways, touristic brochures etc.
09:00 – 09:15 / Uvodni i pozdravni govor
09:15 – 10:00 / EUSDR i uloga institucije – sadašnja situacija i budući koraci
Uvod u strategiju Podunavlja i predstavljanje EUSDR i njihov proces implementacije
10:00 - 11:00 / Sekcija I: Povezivanje Regije
Pregled i posebnost turizma-turizam kao primjer najbolje prakse
( Transport, Shipping, Inter-modality, Energy, Tourism and People to People Contacts
Okrugli stol s visokim predstavnicima , institucijama i BPW predstavnicama
Snaga Young BPW u povezivanju Regije
11:00 – 11:30 / Pauza
11:30 – 12:30 / Sekcija II: Gradnja prosperiteta
Konkurentnost, društvo znanja, investiranje u ljude i njihove vještine ,
12:30 – 13:30 / Ručak
13:30 – 14:30 / Sekcija III: Jačanje Regije – Podunavski investicijski okvir
Međuinstitucijska suradnja i financiranje projekatasuradnje i razvoja Podunavlja- tekuće mogućnosti i partnerstva u budućnosti
14:30 – 15:30 / Sekcija IV: EUSDR (strategija EU za regiju Podunavlja) i ravnoteža rada i privatnog života : Izazovi i prilike
Ravnopravnost spolova u Podunavlju –uloga i izazovi EUSDR
15:30 – 16:00 / Pauza za kavu
16:00 – 17:00 / Završna prezentacija za BPW
Prijem u gradskoj vijećnici Beča
Prof.in Dr.in Elisabeth Vitouch
Predsjedavajuća Vijeća odbora za europska i međunarodna pitanja

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Mjesto: Hotel Astoria, Kärntner Straße 32-34, 1010 Wien

Time / BPW DanubeNet Focussed Working Sessions

Business Tables and

Workshops, round tabels

09:30 – 10:15 / Sekcija I: Poticanje konkurentnosti tvrtki kroz razvoj klastera (Hrvatska/Germany) – okrugli stol, prezentacija i poslovni stolovi
Ms. Alida Perkov, Chair BPW Danube Net and BPW President Club Pula/HR
10:15 – 11:00 / Sekcija II: Cjeloživotno učenje – kvaliteta u obrazovanju i učenju, suradnja s tržištem rada business tables for BPW members introducing state of the art and best practices
Life-long Learning and Entrepreneurship
11:00 – 11:30 / Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:15 / Sekcija III: Innovations for a sustainable future – Future drivers of innovation
Tourism business tables for BPW members introducing state of the art and best practices
12:15 – 13:00 / BPW “World Café”
Moderator: Sabine Schmelzer, BPW European Coordinator
13:00 – 14:00 / Lunch Buffet
14:00 – 15:00 / Presentation of BPW Danube Net countries – State of the art of businesswomen by countries and business possibilities
15:00 – 15:30 / Contribution of BPW Danube Net - Concluding Remarks
Ms. Marion Volk, Founder BPW Danube Net
19:00 / Gala večera

Nedjelja, 18 Studeni 2012

Mjesto : Hotel Astoria, Kärntner Straße 32-34, 1010 Wien

09:30-11:00 / Najava sljedećeg BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum
Ms. Alida Perkov, Predsjednica BPW Danube Net, Predsjednica BPW Pula/HR
Zajedno sa predsjednicom BPW zemlje domaćina u 2013.