IFCS/FSC/08. 09

78th Forum Standing Committee Meeting

26-28 February 2008

Bangkok, Thailand

Meeting Summary Report

1.0 Opening

The President welcomed participants[1] and thanked the Government of Thailand for hosting the meeting and the Government of Switzerland for providing financial support for document preparation and travel of participants. He emphasized the importance of a productive meeting stating the Forum Standing Committee (FSC) would continue to build on the agreements reached at its meeting in June 2007 to guide the preparation of the programme and plenary agenda for Forum VI.

Dr Siriwat Tiptaradol, Secretary General, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health, welcomed participants on behalf of the Government of Thailand. He said that Thailand's longstanding participation in IFCS had provided it with great opportunities to learn. IFCS provides a unique network connecting countries with others to address the important challenges posed by chemicals management. He emphasized Thailand's commitment to advancing chemical safety stressing the importance of working together to ensure the sound management of chemicals.

2.0 Adoption of Agenda

The President presented the Proposed Annotated Agenda (IFCS/FSC/08.01) to the FSC for its consideration and adoption. The main focus of the meeting is the continued detailed planning for Forum VI including the review and input on the final drafts of the meeting documents and plenary session programmes for the substantive chemical topics, host government arrangements and financial issues. The proposed agenda was adopted.

3.0 Acceptance of the Record of the 77th FSC Meeting

The revised Draft Record of the 77th FSC Teleconference (IFCS/FSC/07.30 rev1) was distributed to the FSC and other participants for review and comment. One member submitted suggested revisions that are incorporated in the revised draft. The revised Draft Record was accepted.

4.0 FSC - designation of representatives status report

The Secretariat provided an update on the official designation of representatives to the FSC. The designation of new members representing Brazil and NGO industry are awaited. G. Entenza, Argentina, is participating in the FSC meeting as the alternate for Brazil and Chile as well as an invited adviser in his capacity as the SAICM Regional Focal Point. R. Koch informed the FSC that ICCA is reorganizing its governance structure and that a decision on a representative would probably not be taken before Forum VI so he will continue to participate as the NGO industry representative.

5.0 Forum VI

5.1 Host government arrangements

The President introduced the topic providing background information. At its 76th teleconference the FSC accepted the offer of the Government of Senegal to host Forum VI in Dakar with the understanding that a detailed local arrangements document covering all the IFCS requirements would be prepared and presented to the FSC for consultation. It was agreed that the FSC will be kept informed on an ongoing basis on the host government’s organizational arrangements.

The secretariat referred to metting document "Forum VI, Organizational and Local Arrangements, Responsibilities of Host Country – Senegal, Basic Document" which presented information provided by the Government of Senegal and detailed outstanding matters. The main outstanding items are services for simultaneous interpretation during plenary sessions and regional group meetings on 14 September 2008, arrangements for conference hotels, reasonably cost food services at the conference facility, facilities for exhibits and side events and costs for optional arrangements (food & beverages, interpretation) for the latter.

O. Sow confirmed that the Government of Senegal would meet all the IFCS meeting requirements and following the IOC in mid March, the Government of Senegal would provide the necessary detailed information. Until then the hotels were not able to provide information. He confirmed that the necessary arrangements would be made to provide simultaneous interpretation for plenary sessions and that interpretation services would be provided for the regional group meetings on Sunday 14 September. The Government of Senegal will also provide French/English interpretation for all regional meetings of the African group. To a request to offer reasonably priced exhibit space for NGOs and developing countries, the FSC suggested that a separate room be dedicated to exhibits and a standard table and chairs be provided to those requesting exhibit space free of charge. It was further agreed that side events can be held, at no charge, in rooms used for regional group meetings and meetings of ad hoc working groups. The FSC confirmed that no side events or workshops were being planned for Saturday 13 September and thus the conference facility space would not be needed that date. The Government of Senegal will host a reception on Monday evening 15 September 2008. The IFCS Secretariat and President have scheduled a planning visit to Dakar during April 2008. Meetings with the local organizing committee and others will be arranged to discuss and take decisions on the necessary arrangements.

5.2 Agenda and programme

5.2.1  Overview of programme and proposed general time schedule

The working version of the "Overview of Programme and Proposed General Time Schedule" (IFCS/FSC/07.15 rev 2) for Forum VI agreed by the FSC at its 75th meeting was presented to the FSC for its reference and further consideration as needed.

5.2.2  Plenary agenda topics

The FSC reviewed and provided input for the finalization of the meeting documents and plenary session programmes for the substantive chemical topics on the Forum VI agenda. The FSC agreed that advance information on potential outcomes from each of the topic plenary sessions would be helpful to participants in preparing for the discussions during Forum VI. The FSC requested the lead sponsors to consider potential outcomes of their session.

L. Corra reminded members that the FSC had agreed that poverty reduction, widening gap, illegal traffic and children as cross cutting issues should be taken into consideration as relevant for each topic.

5.2.2.a Nanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges

G. Karlaganis, Switzerland, the lead sponsor for the topic Nanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges, presented for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the thought starter (TS) paper (IFCS/FSC/WG Nano/ 02 rev 4) prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme (IFCS/FSC/WG Nano/ 04 rev 4) . He provided copies of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Research recently adopted by the European Commission as additional reference information. The Code includes 7 principles and also provides guidelines to implement the principles.

L.Corra provided information on ISDE's Statement on Nanotechnology addressing a number of health and safety issues including calling for adequate risk assessments before licensing of products containing free nano-particles

The following comments and suggestions were offered by FSC members:

§  The broad perspective of meeting session is good; balanced presentation on positive and negative aspects;

§  the meeting document and proposed presentations for the session contain much useful information for developing countries;

§  focus should be action oriented and in particular what efforts can be undertaken by different stakeholder groups;

§  surveillance in work place - guidance on what to look for is needed;

§  nanotechnology and manufactured nanomaterials should be a concern of industry in all sectors manufacturing goods and products; all should these industries should be engaged in discussions, research and safety; this aspect is missing from the TS - R. Koch will provide text;

§  advertisement to consumers, particularly in area of cosmetics, and labeling of products should be addressed in TS;

§  potential for widening the gap or closing it should be addressed during session;

§  EC Code of Conduct on Research can serve as a useful model for others;

§  the National Agency for Science & Engineering Infrastructure, Nigeria has agreed to make a presentation on the work ongoing and planned in Nigeria;

§  K. Choi, R. Korea, will make presentation on work ongoing and planned work in R. Korea sharing the country's experience;

§  L. Tanasugarn, M. Luxem and A. Olanipekun will provide an update of the information on ongoing work in their respective countries to be included in the TS;

Several members referred to the topic of nanotechnology and manufactured nanomaterials as one of the most interesting and highest priority emerging issues and suggested that advance information on potential outcomes from the session would be helpful in preparing for the discussions during Forum VI. The FSC requested the lead sponsor to consider potential outcomes of the session and to report back later in the meeting. A number of members expressed the view that the outcome should be action oriented and constructive and include recommendations to the ICCM2 and global community.

During the second day of the meeting, G. Karlaganis presented a new section for the TS entitled "Possible Forum actions". The FSC provided specific input covering issues such as including hazard as well as risk, work of NGOs and other stakeholders, importance of monitoring, research, adequate application of precaution, technology transfer, vulnerable groups and highly exposed groups, identification of knowledge gaps needed to effectively evaluate benefits and risks, allocation of resources. Input provided by the FSC will be incorporated into the final text. The revised text will be distributed to the WG for their information and any further input they may wish to provide.

G. Karlaganis presented for information a draft for a Dakar Declaration on nanotechnolgy and manufactured nanomaterials that he as the lead sponsor is considering submitting to Forum VI for its consideration. He invited comments and suggestions and also others to associate themselves with the document. A revised draft will be circulated to the WG for its information and comment.

5.2.2.b Substitution and Alternatives

T. Jakl, Austria, lead sponsor for the topic Substitution and Alternatives, presented for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the thought starter paper (IFCS/FSC/WG Substitution-Alternatives/02rev3) prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme (IFCS/FSC/WG Substitution-Alternatives/ 04 rev3). The topic is addressed as a risk reduction strategy covering the life cycle and social dimensions. He clarified that for the substitution and alternatives plenary session the proposed presentation on DDT and its alternatives will focus on DDT within the substitution context and the technical approach and scientific methodological aspects would be presented.For the proposed presentation on substitution as a strategy of product development – as well as a driver for innovation (from stakeholder point of view) a representative from private sector has not yet been determined.

The FSC did not request any revisions or additions to the TS prepared by the WG. The draft plenary programme was also reviewedby the FSC with out any changes suggested. It was requested and agreed that the presentation on DDT and its alternatives should complement the planned UNEP/WHO/GEF side event on DDT and its alternatives and any discussion during the plenary session on IVM & IPM. For the topic substitution as a strategy of product development – as well as a driver for innovation (from stakeholder point of view), R. Koch suggested a presentation by 3M on PFOS as an example of voluntary activity.

During the FSC discussions, it was noted that the elaboration of possible Forum recommendations or agreed actions would most likely entail the establishment of an ad hoc WG during Forum VI to prepare. The elements in the TS could be presented in plenary as a basis for possible recommendations. For this topic, as well as the other plenary topics, the FSC expressed the view that it would be helpful to have in advance a further developed/detailed list of possible recommendations and action items based on the TS and presentations. T. Jakl, as lead sponsor, offered to prepare these in consultation with the WG and to submit them as a lead sponsor room document for the consideration of the Forum. The FSC agreed to the proposed process.

5.2.2.c Lead and cadmium - need for international action?

M. Luxem, Germany, lead sponsor for the topic on lead and cadmium - need for international action? presented for the consideration of the FSC the final draft of the information/reference paper ((IFCS/FSC/WG Lead and cadmium/04 rev 1) prepared as the Forum VI meeting document and the proposed plenary programme. The focus is on the dispersal of lead and cadmium through international trade of these metals as commodities and in products and wastes and whether the potential hazards and risk via this mechanism may warrant coordinated international action to protect human health and the environment. The Forum may wish to consider whether such trade may lead to problems that cannot be sufficiently addressed by countries acting alone, whether those problems may rise to the level of an international concern, and thus whether they call for a coordinated international approach to addressing them - the risk, responsibility, and remedy approach to considering the issue. If the Forum concludes that adverse effects related to mobility of these metals through international trade may warrant coordinated international action, then the Forum may wish to consider what additional steps or actions may be desirable, including the means for their implementation. Any proposed actions or recommendations agreed by Forum VI will be forwarded to the UNEP Governing Council for its consideration at its session in February 2009 when it addresses the topic of heavy metals and to the ICCM2 for its consideration. The FSC may wish to consider a title for this paper and the session that more closely reflects this refined focus. The authors suggest the option, International Transport of Lead and Cadmium via Trade: An International Concern? M. Luxem noted that the content of the draft meeting paper was of the character of a TS paper rather than a reference or information paper and that information and case studies from developing countries and CIT were sought.

G. Wiser, co-author of the draft paper, explained that the TS addressed the issue of transport via trade to complement and add value to the work being carried out by UNEP and others. The TS was not a review of the science, that was work is being undertaken by UNEP. Three (3) questions were presented to the Forum for its consideration: 1) does trade in lead and cadmium result in problems?, 2) are these problems of international concern?, and 3) is a coordinated international approach needed? In its discussions the Forum may wish to think about and identify criteria for the 2nd question.