7-31-2015 - Uniform Setup & Sizing Procedure
Tools Needed:
• 2 Laptops or iPads - with our CHARMS account open.
• Uniform Bag Label Printer.
• Pencils
• 2 Clipboards - for student to carry Uniform Checkout Sheet from station to station with.
• Roll of Duct Tape
• 7 long tables
• Uniform Racks
◦ 2 with all jackets
◦ 2 with all bobbers
◦ 2 empty to place completed uniforms in uniform bags in.
• Sewing Kit w/seam ripper
• Blank Student Uniform Checkout Sheet - 30 copies needed. They are on our website, under useful information.
• Bland Student/Parent Uniform Contract and Info Sheet. - 50 needed. They are on our website, under useful information.
• 2 Clipboards - for student to carry Uniform Checkout Sheet from station to station with.
1st Saturday of Full Band Camp - Uniform Sizing Set-Up Day
• Uniform Crew (4 to 6 parents) - Gather all uniforms/hats/shoes/gloves/paperwork and accessories needed to start uniform sizing on Monday of Full Band Camp. (HATS are in the trailer).
◦ Put all of the stations below and their items in a logical assembly line in our choir room.
◦ There should be a small table with one to two parents outside the choir room door to start the process with each student.
◦ Each student will need a empty Uniform checklist on a clipboard, to take to each station.
◦ Parent at each table will fill in the student's sheet with the checkout number of the uniform item at that particular table.
• Station 2 - Bibbers
◦ There should be a table with one to two parents next to the 2 racks containing bibbers to size student with.
◦ Parent (not student) should write the Bibber checkout number on the student's Uniform Checkout Sheet and sends them to Station #3.
• Station 3 - Jacket / Sash
◦ There should be a table with one to two parents next to the 2 racks containing Jackets/Sashes to size student with.
◦ Parent (not student) should write the Bibber checkout number on the student's Uniform Checkout Sheet and sends them to Station #4.
Station 4 - Shakos
◦ There should be a table with one to two parents next to the Shakos Boxes
◦ Recommend having 1 size shako (s,m,L) put on a table for students to quickly try on for "size".
◦ Parent (not student) should write the Shako case checkout number on the student's Uniform Checkout Sheet and sends them to Station #5
• Station 5 - Drillmasters
◦ There should be one parent at this station's table with "sizing" Drillmasters on it.
◦ Recommend having one pair of each "size" Drillmasters put out in a row with a long strip of duct tape, with each size labeled on the tape, to do this process quickly.
◦ Parent (not student) should write the Bibber checkout number on the student's Uniform Checkout Sheet and sends them to Station #6
◦ The used shoes are in the uniform room in a shoe bin.
◦ We need to order new shoes for everyone who needs them. The technology has been upgraded for this year.
• Station 6 - Gloves
◦ There should be one parent at this station's table with "sizing" gloves on it.
◦ Recommend having 2 pairs of each size of glove (s,m,L) and 2 sets of fingerless put on a table for students to quickly try on for "size".
◦ Parent (not student) at this table should write down the student glove size on the student's Uniform Checkout Sheet and sends them to Station 7.
▪ Woodwinds use fingerless gloves, which are one size fits all.
◦ Gloves are in the uniform room.
• Station 7 - Band Show T-Shirt
◦ There should be one parent at a table with fitting t-shirts on it.
◦ Recommend bringing in 2 (s,m,l,xl,xxl) for students to quickly try on for size.
◦ In the past students have guessed at sizes, they were wrong, parents complained. Don't want to go through this again.
◦ Also, have parents who want to order t-shirts for themselves get their order in before this Saturday ending band camp.
◦ Parent (not student) should write the Bibber checkout number on the student's Uniform Checkout Sheet and sends them to Check-Out Station
◦ The, now completed, Student Uniform Checkout sheet is handed to this parent to put all sizing info into the student's Charms Account (from a laptop) for that student. Mr. C. can show you how to do this.
◦ Then print out a label for uniform bag
◦ Back of label contains all uniforming size, including hat number.
◦ Front of the label contains students name on top line. Instrument on second line.
◦ EHS Marching Band - Uniform Contract. Hand one to each student and tell them to fill it out and return it to Mr. C. by the last Saturday of band camp.
◦ STUDENT IS DONE and told to send in _______________(next student's name) to have their fitting done.
◦ After all students are done being sized, please give Mr. C. a list, by student name and size, a list of Drillmasters, Gloves, Band Show T-Shirts to order.
• Tali Montesi has records of upperclassmen's uniforms from last season to make the bibbers/jacket/sash/shako process go faster. Get them from her before the Monday fittings start.
• Organization is key. You need a minimum of 8 parents to make this process go quickly. Max you will need is 11 parents.
• Order of Sizing:
◦ Monday - Seniors / Juniors
◦ Tuesday - Sophomores / Freshmen
◦ Wednesday - Anyone who did not get fitted. - When Finished put everything away and leave Choir room clean.
◦ We order Drillmasters and Gloves from the Bandshoppe Company.
EHS “Cougar Pride” UNIFORM CHECK-OUT Sheet
Name _______________________ Date ____________
Instrument Section_____________ Bibber Number______
Jacket Number______ Sash Number______
Shako Size______ Guantlet Number______
Drillmaster Size______ Glove Size______
Band T-Shirt Size______
Manager’s Notes:
EHS “Cougar Pride” UNIFORM CHECK-OUT Sheet
Name _______________________ Date ____________
Instrument Section_____________ Bibber Number______
Jacket Number______ Sash Number______
Shako Size______ Guantlet Number______
Drillmaster Size______ Glove Size______
Band T-Shirt Size______
Manager’s Notes: