MINUTES – JULY 12, 2016


7/25 Practice, then the boys are transported to camp

8/1 Official practice

8/2 Freshman Parent Meeting after practice

8/3 B & W Meeting - 6:30 Team Room

8/5 Evening, senior picture night after practice

8/6 Picture Day (Vince Atwell is our Media Guide Coordinator)

8/6 Deadline for Sponsorships

8/8 Card Blitz – Family Fundraiser

8/9 Back to school

8/19 Chalk talk, 6:30 am – 7:15 am OPEN INVITE TO ALL FAMILIES

8/20 First game – Brophy/Flagstaff (no parent bus, provide own transportation)

8/27 Auction


Parents are welcome to attend camp. Observe and support the boys, but let our coaches do the coaching.

Packing restrictions will be discussed with the boys by Coach Z. No skateboards, long boards, speakers, etc…. space is limited.


House of Comedy in City North

Tentative start at 4:30 or 5:00, show at 7:00

50/50 revenue

Mystery bags – Johanne Rossi

Team reps will begin collecting/organizing gift baskets.


Funds are tight until all sponsorship dollars are collected and card fundraising completed.


Spring mixer was a HUGE success with new memberships.

Matt will approach Angela Cook about designing an ad for membership.


Army, Navy and Marines will be represented and possibly the Coast Guard.

100 water bottles are being donated.

Max Mora is identifying a charitable organization to support.


Aaron Witsoeis coordinating with Chipotle/Desert Ridge on a 50% donation to Pinnacle FB from sales. Target September 13th for this event.

Chipotle will also supplement feeding the coaches on some Saturdays.

The Hatton family is also offering a Chick fil-A fundraising night with the players serving at their Tatum location. More details will follow.

Also, the Hatton’s will speak with Jessica regarding potentially stocking Chick fil-A in Snack Shack.

Lori Munn is registering Pinnacle FB for a Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser with the proceeds benefitting us year round.


Coach would like to turf the south end of the H Building entrance to eliminate the tracking of rock/gravel indoors. It would also be beneficial in cooler weather as a training facility, i.e., sled pushing, agility, etc…. This project has agreement and will be executed prior to season start.

Coach Zupke and Coach Verbalitis will communicate the upcoming Freshmen practice schedule.

The Chalk Talk program will continue for the 2016 season. Qualifying for Chalk Talk can be done through the top two B&W Membership packages. We are discussing offering Chalk Talk participation outside Membership packages for a nominal fee. More details to follow.

Coach would like to augment the current Kyle Daggett memorial. He is addressing with the School Administration.

New LED lights have been installed on the field.

Hope to see everyone at our next meeting on Wednesday, August 3rd.