6th Grade Social Studies Final Exam Review
Know what the equator shows and how it defines the earth - ______
Know what the Prime Meridian shows and how it defines the earth
Examples Physical Features on a map ______
A map key shows ______
A compass rose shows______
What are the cardinal directions ______
Know what a physical map shows ______
Know what a political map shows ______
Know what a climate map shows ______
Which ocean separates the Eastern and Western hemispheres between North America and Europe? ______
Which ocean is the most northern ocean in the world? ______
Which ocean touches Asia, Australia, North America and South America?
What two continents are completely located in the Eastern Hemisphere?
What two continents are completely located in the Southern Hemisphere?
Buddhism – Eight fold path/Four Noble Truths, Meaning of Buddha, Founder of
Hinduism – reincarnation, caste system, oldest religion
Judaism – holy writings, homeland
Christianity – Founder/Jesus Christ, holy bible
Monotheistic - ______
Polytheistic - ______
Know the definition of an archaeologist ______
Know the definition of a migration ______
Know the era of history that came before the birth of Christ – the time before the Common Era ______(hint how is it abbreviated)
The new stone age when people became sedentary is known as the ______Era
An artifact is ______
Understand why people in the Stone Age worked together in bands ______
Understand why early people migrated to other places such as different continents?
Whatmost likely developed due to the need to cooperate with each other while
hunting and gathering? ______
Artifactsfound in a museum would be considered ______sources.
What did the development of agriculture mean to early people? ______
The Ice Age was ______
The primary jobs of the women during the early stone age was to ______
On which continent have archaeologists determined that early man first originated
Egypt is located on the continent of ______
Egypt is located on the ______River.
Paper-like material in which the Egyptians wrote on is called ______
The leader of the Egyptians is called a ______
The burial place for Ancient Egyptians is called a ______
Mummies are ______
Egyptians believed in a ______religion.
Ancient China is located on the continent of ______
What are the three major rivers in Ancient China? ______
The Ancient Chinese believed in more than one god so they practiced a ______religion.
The Great Wall of China______
The Silk Road in Ancient China was ______
What major contributionsdid the Ancient Yellow River Valley Civilization contributed to our current society?
Know the meanings of :
irrigate - ______
peasant - ______
The agora was ______
What is a monarchy? ______
What is an oligarchy?______
What is a democracy?______
What type of government was Sparta ______
What type of government was Athens ______
Athen’s way of life could be described as ______
Sparta’s way of life could be described as ______
Describe what a legion was in the Roman Army ______
What continent is Italy located on ______
Geographically Italy could be described as ______
Know the two major social classes of Ancient Rome
______and ______
Describe the major differences between each class.
______- ______
______- ______
Who ruled the Roman Republic with absolute authority in times of emergencies ______(hint sometimes only ruled for 6 months)
Where did the Ancient Romans worship their gods? ______
Who was the first emperor of the Roman Empire______
The term Middle Ages means ______
The lords received their land from ______
What was the "Black Death"? ______
Define clergy? ______
During the Middle Ages, who had the most influence over the people?
What is a vassal? ______
What is a fief? ______
The social hierarchy in the Feudal System included:
During the Middle Ages, who controlled the Manor? ______
What was the inquisition as it related to the Catholic Church? ______
Which invading group of people are responsible for the First Crusade. ______
Name three historical impacts historians believe the Crusades hadon Europe
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Identify the 3 major principles that emerged from the Magna Carta.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Identify 3 important trade routes in the Eastern Hemisphere.
As trade routes expanded so did the spread of ______.
Why did Marco Polo travel to China? ______
What was the reasonIbn Battutastarted out on his travels? ______
What precious metal did Mansa Musa give to the people? ______
How did ZhengHetravel? ______
Who was Genghis Khan? ______
Under the rule of the Mongol Empire how were craftsmen and artisans treated?
Understand how and why the Christian and Muslim practices became part of Chinese cultural practices. ______
The Song Dynasty was able to hold off the Mongols by inventing ______.
Name three technological inventions that had a major effect on trade and exchanges in the early eastern hemisphere
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______