6th grade Advanced Language Arts Agenda for weekstwo through six of 4th quarter

Upcoming assignment due dates:

  1. The Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions are due Thurs., 3/29.
  2. The Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions are due Fri., 4/13.
  3. Lesson 15 vocab exercises are due Mon., 4/16.
  4. Lesson 16 vocab exercises are due Wed., 4/18.
  5. Short story unit assignment #1 is due Fri., 4/20.
  6. Lessons 15-16 vocab review exercises, all problems, are due Tues., 4/24.
  7. Students will take the Lessons 15-16 vocab quiz on Thurs., 4/26.
  8. Short story unit assignment #2 is due Mon., 4/30.

Mon., 3/26

  1. Students will be able to identify demonstrative pronouns in sentences.
  2. Homework: students will read “The Luggage Store” and “The Off Season” before tomorrow’s class. The Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions are due this Thursday, 3/29.

Tues., 3/27

  1. Students will be able to identify interrogative and relative pronouns in sentences.
  2. Students will work on the Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions, which are due this Thurs., 3/29.

Wed., 3/28

  1. Students will work on the Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions, which are due tomorrow.

Thurs., 3/29

  1. Students will finish the Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions, which are due today.
  2. After you finish and share these questions with me, please begin reading the rest of The Martian Chronicles.
  3. Note: due to AZ Merit testing, we only have class on one day next week (Wednesday). Your assignment for Wednesday is to finish reading The Martian Chronicles.

Fri., 3/30

  1. No school today.

Mon., 4/2 and Tues., 4/3

  1. No class due to AZ Merit testing.

Wed., 4/4

  1. Students will work on the Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions, which are due on Fri., 4/13.
  2. Note: we only have class one class period before your Martian Chronicles questions are due, and that is next Thurs., 4/12; we don’t have class for the next five school days (Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).

Thurs., 4/5, Fri., 4/6, Mon., 4/9, and Tues., 4/10

  1. No class due to AZ Merit testing.

Wed., 4/11

  1. No class today due to the B day schedule.

Thurs., 4/12

  1. Students will identify indefinite pronouns in sentences.
  2. Students will work on the Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions, which are due tomorrow.

Fri., 4/13

  1. Students will work on the Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions, which are due today.
  2. Homework due Monday: the Lesson 15 vocab exercises.

Mon., 4/16

  1. Students will check answers to the Lesson 15 vocab exercises, which are due today.
  2. Students will begin their literature group assignment today by reading the first story on their list of stories. The assignment for this first story is due this Friday, 4/20.
  3. Homework due Wednesday: the Lesson 16 vocab exercises.

Tues., 4/17

  1. No class today due to AZ Merit testing.

Wed., 4/18

  1. Students will check answers to the Lesson 16 vocab exercises, which are due today.
  2. Students will work on Exercise One in the pronouns packet in groups. The class will then reconvene as a large group and we will check answers.

Thurs., 4/19

  1. No class today due to AZ Merit testing.

Fri., 4/20

  1. Students will work on the assignment for story #1; this assignment is due today.
  2. If you finish your assignment, begin reading story #2 on your list.

Mon., 4/23

  1. Students will finish reading story #2 and will discuss the story with their group mates. Students will then begin working on the assignment for story #2.
  2. Homework due tomorrow: the Lessons 15-16 vocab review exercises.

Tues., 4/24

  1. The Lessons 15-16 vocab review exercises are due today; please submit. Students will take the Lessons 15-16 vocab quiz on Thursday.
  2. Students will complete Exercise Two in the pronouns packet in class and will then check answers.
  3. Students will work on the assignment for story #2; this assignment is due no later than Mon., 4/30.

Wed., 4/25

  1. No class today due to the C day schedule.

Thurs., 4/26

  1. Students may have 10 minutes to study for today’s vocab quiz; students will then take the quiz.
  2. Students will work on the assignment for story #2, which is due by Monday. If students finish this assignment before the end of the period, they should begin reading story #3.

Fri., 4/27

  1. Students will complete Exercise Three in the pronouns packet in class and will then check answers.
  2. Any student who did not take the Lessons 15-16 vocab quiz yesterday should take it today.
  3. Students will work on the assignment for story #2, which is due by Monday. If students finish this assignment before the end of the period, they should begin reading story #3.