6th Grade Language Usage

Pronouns 2

Name __________________________________

Circle the correct answer.

Question #1:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

It looks like rain.

A. object

B. subject

Question #2:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

The lady was rude to us.

A. object

B. subject

Question #3:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

Did you pick those flowers for (me, I)?

A. I

B. me

Question #4:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

They were presented with an award.

A. subject

B. object

Question #5:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

We don't know what is happening.

A. object

B. subject

Question #6:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

The teacher wasn't talking to you.

A. subject

B. object

Question #7:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

For some reason, she went to bed early.

A. subject

B. object

Question #8:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

We don't know what is happening.

A. subject

B. object

Question #9:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

That star is shining just for me.

A. object

B. subject

Question #10:

Is the pronoun a subject or object pronoun?

Robert did the work for me.

A. object

B. subject

Question #11:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

The phone is for (she, her).

A. her

B. she

Question #12:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

(They, Them) want to order now.

A. They

B. Them

Question #13:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

(I, Me) would freeze without the warmth of the sun.

A. I

B. Me

Question #14:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

Would you give this to (he, him)?

A. he

B. him

6th Grade Language Usage

Pronouns 2

Name __________________________________

Circle the correct answer.

Question #15:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

(Us, We) have been waiting for an hour.

A. We

B. Us

Question #16:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

Can you see (I, me)?

A. me

B. I

Question #17:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

Don't be so mean to (them, they).

A. them

B. they

Question #18:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

Jimmy and (me, I) were married last week.

A. me

B. I

Question #19:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

Please deliver the letter to her or (I, me).

A. I

B. me

Question #20:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

The cat sat and stared at Matt and (I, me).

A. I

B. me

Question #21:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

She and (him, he) went on a hike through the woods.

A. he

B. him

Question #22:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

The music sounded loud to (them, they).

A. them

B. they

Question #23:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

My sister and (me, I) would love to go with you.

A. me

B. I

Question #24:

Choose the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.

The argument was between (she, her) and him.

A. her

B. she

6th Grade Language Usage

Pronouns 2

Answer Key

1. B -subject

2. B -object

3. B -me

4. A -subject

5. B -subject

6. B -object

7. A -subject

8. A -subject

9. A -object

10. A -object

11. A -her

12. A -They

13. A -I

14. B him

15. A -We

16. A -me

17. A -them

18. B -I

19. B -me

20. B -me

21. A -he

22. A -them

23. B -I

24. A -her