Wednesday, March 29, 2017 | 3:30 PM
San Diego Marriott Gaslamp Quarter
660 K Street, 8th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101
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Gaslamp Quarter Association | 614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, CA 92101 |o (619) 233.5227 | f (619) 233.4693
Present Board
Members / Absent Board
Members / GQA Staff
George Bates
Cindy Blair
Pauly De Bartolo
Steve Gi
Howard Greenberg
Aron Langellier
Laurie Peters
Emily Rex
Pam Schwartz
Stephen Sherman
Nathan Wing / Jeffrey Burg
David Cohn
Michael Georgopoulos
Bruce Getz
Laurel McFarlane
Ryan O’Leary
Wayne Partello
Jim Shaw / Michael Trimble
Alex Ward
Sherry An
2 of 5 4/20/2017
614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, California 92101 | 619.233.5227 | FAX 619.233.4693
1. Call to Order – 3:36PM – 10 Directors Present
2. NON-AGENDA MEMBER/PUBLIC COMMENT (2 minutes maximum per speaker)
3:43 PM – George Bates Leaves – 9 Directors present
SDPD – Officer Marlo Woods Clean & Safe (DSDP) – Alonso Vivas
Council District 3 – Roberto Alcantar GQH Foundation – Catalina Preskill
City of San Diego – Daichi Pantaleon
4. Presentation: Stacie Spector – Senior Advisor for Housing Solutions
5. Approval of Minutes from Meeting of February 22, 2017
6. Treasurer Report – February 2017
MOTION: The Board of Directors approves the Consent Agenda (items 5-6).
Tabled to April 26 Meeting
Public Comment accepted, 2 minute max on each item as called by the Chair
7. Motion: Request motion to move to contract phase for Events RFP-Q finalist.
DISCUSSION: M. Trimble We had one submission from McFarlane Promotions. A. Langellier Did we talk about having the contract to be four years instead of every two years? M. Trimble That will be discussed during the contract negotiation phase.
MOTION: The Board of Directors motions to move to contract phase for Events RFP-Q finalist.
Tabled to April 26 Meeting
8. Motion: To discuss and approve the modified Board Responsibility policy.
DISCUSSION: L. Peters I don’t think it can be approved in the current format. I submitted some changes of typos and suggestions, so I think it needs to be a final document before it can be approved. M. Trimble Suggested changes include: the regular attendance of board meetings and special meetings moved from 3 to 2 unexcused absences and remove if justifiable. There was some concerns about the last sentence regarding speaking with one voice and the dollar figure contribution. S. Sherman Excuses are subjective so what counts as an acceptable excuse? P. Schwartz I think the important part is communication and not just not showing up to the meetings. If there are constant conflicts of schedule due to your business then it may be time for you to step off the board.
MOTION: The Board of Directors approves the modified Board Responsibility policy.
Tabled to April 26 Meeting
9. Motion: To discuss and approve amended Gaslamp Quarter Association Bylaw.
a. Article III, Section 3.2 Numbers of Board Members
DISCUSSION: M. Trimble The current Article states we need no less than 15 and no more than 21 board members. We discussed at Executive Board Meeting about a justifiable number that would not put us in a quorum issue. We suggested a minimum of 10 members and a maximum of 18.
MOTION: The Board of Directors approves the amended Gaslamp Quarter Association Bylaw.
Tabled to April 26 Meeting
10. Executive Director Report – M. Trimble
a. 5th Ave Active Loading Zone (6-month update)
b. D3 Chris Ward monthly meeting update
c. GQA Office Hours hosted by: M. Trimble and M. Georgopoulos
d. Mardi Gras/B3 – update
e. “Rabbitville” Sponsorship update
f. 150th Marketing Campaign/Celebration – update
11. Marketing Committee – E. Liddell
a. Website statistical demographic - update
b. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 | 2:00PM | location: TBD
12. Events Update
a. Hogue GQA Golf Tournament
i. Monday, May 8th Noon – Riverwalk Golf Club
b. 23rd Annual Taste of Gaslamp
i. Saturday, June 17th 1:00PM – 4:00PM
13. Special Events Committee – L. McFarlane - Next meeting – Thursday, April 20, 2017 Henry’s Pub
14. Community Groups Reports
a. Land Use & Planning Committee – C. Blair, GQA Representative
b. Downtown Community Planning Council – C. Blair, Business Representative
c. Downtown Parking Management Group – A. Ward
15. Urgent Non-Agenda Items (Action Items Must Meet Gov. Code Section 54954.2)
a. Next GQA Board of Directors Meeting | Wednesday, April 26, 2017 | 3:30PM | San Diego Marriott Gaslamp Quarter | 660 K Street, 8th Floor | San Diego, CA 92101
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Gaslamp Quarter Association | 614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, CA 92101 |o (619) 233.5227 | f (619) 233.4693