The Mighty Conqueror
Bro Kenan Williams
113 No wonder Paul could say, when they was building a block, to chop his head off, he said, "O death, where is your sting? Show me where you can make me squirmer and scream. Grave, where is your victory, and you think you'll mold me out there? I'll point you to an empty one over there; and I am in Him, He'll raise me up at the last day." A defeated enemy!
114 The Royal Seed of Abraham! Now, the natural seed could not point to That. But the Royal Seed can conquer, already conquered, for He has gone before us and conquered every gate for us. He is now, after two thousand years, He stands in the midst of us, the mighty Conqueror. Not only did He conquer sickness... He conquered sickness. He conquered temptation. He conquered every enemy. He conquered death. He conquered hell. He conquered the grave, and rose up again. And two thousand years later, here He stands among us, this afternoon, identifying Himself, the mighty Conqueror! Amen. He is still here, alive, vindicating His promise, Royal Seed of Abraham! Oh, my! And the enemy shall...
115 "He will conquer the gates of his enemy." To those, Seed, He stands here alive to vindicate Himself to who? Those predestinated Seeds that can see it. He conquered that. Who, after his test, of the promise of the Word, they were sealed by the Holy Ghost, into the Body of Christ, to them confirmed (what?) Hebrews 13:8 to be so. They are sealed in there by the Holy Ghost, that Holy Ghost which was by... Abraham foresaw it; by faith he believed it. And now we receive It, looking back to the promise of what He said. And John 14:12 is made confirmed in this last days, by the risen Conqueror, Himself.
116 Not some system; but a Person, Christ, the Conqueror. Not my church, not my Baptist church, or your Presbyterian, Methodist, or the Pentecostals, not by that; but by Jesus Christ. He lives today. He rose over that, for our justification.
117 And because He lives, He said we live also. "Man don't live by bread alone, but by every Word," not part of the Word, "every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." "I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?" Take the gate of every enemy!
204 I'm identified with a group that knows He's unveiled, that knows He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, that knows that This is not a fanaticism. "It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." I'm identified with that group here, tonight. Yet, they're called a bunch of heretics, yet a bunch of fanaticism, on account of the Word of God. But, "I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for It's the power of God unto salvation," and I'm one. I'm with them living epistles I spoke of, vindicated, God veiled in human form, in men and women. Oh!
205 God in His en morphe again, unveiled Himself and make Hisself known to His people. The great King Who laid aside His Glory. "Yet a little while and the world won't see Me no more. I'll be veiled to them. But ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, all the way to the consummation, changing from Luther to Wesley, to on and on, from Glory unto Glory. I'm still the same God that lived, and going back to the original Glory." Hallelujah!
206 He has broken every denominational veil, every sound barrier. That sound that says, "Oh, that's fanaticism," He broke right through that. The sound that come out of there, said, "Oh, them people are crazy," He broke right through that veil. Yes, He did. "Oh, you can't do it. You're nothing but a bunch of fanatics." He broke right through that. "No such a thing as Divine healing." He broke right through that, oh, my, for His Word said He would. You can't conquer the Word of God.
207 And there He stands, yet, tonight, the mighty Conqueror, since He broke every Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, every other kind of a veil. He still stands among His people, tonight, unconquered by traditions. Let people say what they want to, do what they want to, anything they want to. God comes, breaking right through that sound barrier.
208 And remember, they tell me, when a plane really breaks that sound barrier, there's no limit to its speed.
209 I'm telling you, when you break that traditional barrier, that "Jesus is way back, and He isn't now," when you find He's the same yesterday, today and forever, there's no limit to what God could do right here in this convention, and show this world what they need: not a world's fair, but a world revival that'll be filled and baptized with the Presence of the living God, en morphe inveiling Himself into human flesh. Hallelujah! I believe it.
210 Broken every barrier, every veil, every veil! Nothing could hide His Presence. When people gets hungry in their heart, there's a veil ready to be broke. You can just depend on that. Rent every veil, by His great Holy Spirit!
211 And here He stands, tonight, the mighty Conqueror, same yesterday, today and forever; healing the sick, baptizing the believers, just as He always did. He's the mighty Conqueror. Doomed devils are on the run. Yes, sir. They always are, when He's around.
63-2 Revelation 1:17,18,
"And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not;
I am the First and the Last; I am He That liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
63-3 No human being could stand the full effect of that vision. His strength utterly gone, John fell at His feet as though dead. But the hand of the Lord in love touched him, and the voice of blessing said, "Fear not. Don't be afraid. I am the First and Last. I am He That liveth, and was dead; and, behold I am alive for evermore." What is there to fear? The judgment that fell upon Him at the cross, at the grave, and when He descended, was for us. He absorbed the full brunt of the wound of sin and there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. See for a surety our "Attorney" is our "Judge". He is both "Attorney" and "Judge." As Judge the "case is settled"--it is finished. There is now therefore no condemnation. Why should the church fear? What promise has He ever failed to manifest before us? Why should it fear punishment or death? It has all been overcome. Here is the mighty conqueror.
Here is the One Who conquered both worlds of the seen and unseen. Not like Alexander, who conquered the world at the age of thirty-three and knew no other way to turn for further conquest, so he died a victim of sin and riotous living. Not like Napoleon, who conquered all Europe but finally was defeated at Waterloo and banished to Elba, only to find himself conquered. But nothing could conquer Christ. He that descended has now ascended above all, and unto Him has been given a Name that is above every name. Yes, He conquered death, hell, and the grave, and has the keys thereof. What He looses is loosed, and what He binds is bound. There is no changing of it. There was no conqueror before Him and there is none beside Him. He alone is the Saviour, Redeemer. He is the ONLY God: and "Lord Jesus Christ" is His Name.
64-1 "Don't fear, John. Don't fear, little flock. All that I am, you are heir to. All my power is yours. My omnipotence is yours as I stand in your midst. I have not come to bring fear and failure, but love and courage and ability. All power is given unto Me and it is yours to use. You speak the Word and I will perform it. That is My covenant and it can never fail."
296-2 What a far cry from reality is this church age in which we live. And one day soon these men that even now purport to speak for the church will be rising up in the ecumenical move to place a living antichrist at the head of their organization which deposes the Lord and we will find Him (Christ) outside the church saying,
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."
Revelation 3:20.
296-3 But let me say this. Our Lord is not defeated. Men claim to open the door to God and shut that door, but they are liars. All that the Father has given Him will come to Him, and he that cometh to Him in no wise will be cast out; He will lose NONE of them. John 6:37-39. And when that last elected member to the body of Christ comes in, then will our Lord appear.
296-4 The key of David. Was not David the king of Israel--all Israel? And is not Jesus the Son of David according to the fact that He will sit upon the throne of David in the millennium and reign and rule over His heritage? Surely. So the key of David signifies that it is Jesus Who will bring in the millennium. He Who has the keys to death and hell will raise up His own that they may share in His reign of righteousness upon the earth.
297-1 How wonderful that our Lord has all the answers. Truly in Him are all the promises of God fulfilled. Truly by being IN Him we are heirs to what He has purchased for us.
297-2 Yes, there He stands, the Lord of Glory. Once as the Father, He was surrounded by the angels, the archangels, the cherubims, and seraphims and the whole host of heaven, crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts". Such was His holiness that no man could approach unto Him. But now we see Him in the church, sharing His own holiness with us, until in Him we have become the very righteousness of God. Yes, and there He stands, "Jesus, Perfect Everything,"--Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, the Fairest of Ten Thousand, Alpha and Omega, Root and Offspring of David, Father, Son and Holy Ghost--the All and in All.
Isaiah 9:6,
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
In Him is perfect fulfillment. Though once we esteemed Him not, now we love Him with joy unspeakable and full of glory. In the midst of the church He stands, and we will sing His praise, for He the Mighty Conqueror is head over the church which is His bride. He bought that bride. He owns her. She is His and His alone and He cares for her. He is our king and we are His kingdom, His eternal possession.
297-3 Now you will recall that at the beginning of verse 7, I said that verse 9 would help us to understand it. I hope you saw what I meant. Jesus set Himself forth as He That is holy, true, (or the only reality) the One with the key of David, the One Who opened and shut. And that is exactly true. Those phrases describe Him perfectly. But the Jews in His day refused Him and all He was. They rejected their Saviour and all He meant to them. And the nominal Christian has now done the same. They have done what the Jews did exactly. The Jews crucified Him and then turned on the true believer. The nominal Christian has crucified Him afresh and turned on the true church to destroy it. But God is true, and He Who is above all will yet return, and when He does He will show Who the only Potentate is. And as He proves Himself to the world, and all the world bows at His feet, at that time all the world will bow at the feet of the saints, proving that they were right in their stand with Him. Blessed be God forever!
212 Closing, I might say this. There was a... Read a story, many years ago, about an old violinist. He had an old violin they was going to sell. You've heard the story, many times. And they wanted to sell it for a certain thing. And the auctioneer said, "Who will give me so-and-so?" I believe he was offered a few coins, maybe fifty cents, or something. "Going once, going twice,..."
213 Directly, a man raised up in the back. He said, "Just a minute." And he walked up and got it. Let's think that he played this:
There is a Fountain filled with Blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;
When sinners plunged beneath the flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
214 Then when he laid it down, there wasn't a dry eye in the place. Then he said, "Who will offer?"
215 One said, "Five thousand. Ten thousand." It was priceless. Why? The--the old master of the violin had revealed its true quality.
216 Oh, brother, sister, now let the Master of this Word, Who wrote It, the great Holy Spirit, rosin up His bow with love, and pull it across your heart.
There is a Fountain filled with Blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's vein.
217 You'll see the full value, and see the unveiled God come right in view. That, He's just the same as He was when He fell on the Day of Pentecost, upon the people, when He kenos'ed Hisself, "emptied" right into It. That's right.
218 You say, "Brother Branham, I've tried. I've tried. I've done this, that, the other."
219 One day I was having a meeting at Carlsbad, New Mexico. And we went down in this big old bat den down there. And it was kind of spooky-looking, and we got down there. And the--the man, when he got down there in this place, he--he snapped the lights off. And, oh, my, you can imagine how dark it was. It's just... It's so dark you could feel it.
220 And that's just about the way the times are getting, when we see the church that fails to recognize God's Word; when you see our daughters of Zion doing the way they're doing; when you see our brothers that smokes and drinks, and--and tells dirty jokes and things, and still trying to hold their confession in Christ. Oh, my, it's dark. It's pitch dark.
221 We see the sign of His Coming. There'll be... It's always darkest just before day. Then the Morning Star comes out to hail the day, and to herald it, and show that it's coming. Notice.
222 In there, when they turn that off, there's a little girl just screamed to the top her voice. There was a little boy standing by the guide, and he seen that guide when he switched the lights off like that. And that little sister was just about to have a fit. She was screaming, jumping up-and-down. "Oh! What's going to happen next? What's the matter? What's the matter?"
223 You know what he screamed? He said, "Don't fear, little sister. There's a man here who can turn on the lights."
224 Listen, little sister, you might think we're small and in minority. But, don't fear. There's a Man here Who can turn on the Lights. That's the Holy Spirit. You believe it?