Longview ISD Page 3

6th Grade Unit 5: / Making Your Mark / Suggested Time Frame: / 5th Six Weeks
TAKS Objective: / 1, 3, 4 / TEKS: / 6.10F, 6.10G, 6.10L, 6.12A, 6.12H, 6.12I
Unit Overview
Making your Mark: People have left a stamp on the world in both ancient and modern times. All persons can make a mark in life.
Enduring Understandings
·  Everyone must find a form of personal expression.
·  The voice of history speaks to all today.
·  One person can make a difference. / Essential Questions
·  What is voice?
·  How is voice determined?
·  How can people make a difference? / Writing Purpose
Write a compare/contrast paper
Focus and Coherence
í  Maintain focus
í  Create quality
í  Use graphic organizers
í  Create
{  Pre-intro
{  Introduction
{  Body
Writing Process
í  Prewriting
{  Brainstorming
{  Graphic Organizers
í  Drafting
í  Revising
í  Publishing and Reflecting
í  State rubric—“What Makes a 4”
Review student samples—find state rubric attributes
Depth of Development
í  Strong topic sentence
í  Use transitions
í  Well organized ideas
í  Clear detailed sentences
í  Variety of published examples of compare/contrast persuasive writing
í  Respond by:
{  Student partners compare traits
{  Compare story characters’ traits
{  Create graphic organizers
{  Write paragraphs that reflect comparison and persuasive efforts
Use points of view from different perspective
Review 6th grade expectations including: B7, B11, C10, C13, C14, C31, C32, C35, C38, E2, E3, F6, J7, J8
Language of Instruction
first person
third person
Core Vocabulary
defy / delegate
/ Relationships and/or Connections that should emerge
Students will consider how they can make their own mark in life while realizing that the voice of history is never stilled. See Real World Links, p. xxvi, McDougal Littell Literature.
Products students will develop
Select from:
·  art
·  timeline
·  game show
·  brochure
·  role playing
·  book projects
·  diorama
·  inspiration
·  PowerPoint
6th Grade Unit 5: / Making Your Mark / Suggested Time Frame: / 5th Six Weeks
TAKS Objective: / 1, 3, 4 / TEKS: / 6.10F, 6.10G, 6.10L, 6.12A, 6.12H, 6.12I
Unit Overview
Making your Mark: People have left a stamp on the world in both ancient and modern times. All persons can make a mark in life.
Text Resources
Choose from:
Literature Anthology
·  For the Fun of It
·  The Jacket
·  Words on a Page
·  My First Dive with the Dolphins
·  Peers Talk it Out
·  Daring to Dream
·  The Wolf and the House Dog
·  Oh Broom, Get to Work
6th grade novels
·  Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
·  The Swiss Family Robinson
·  The Cay
·  My Side of the Mountain
·  Where the Red Fern Grows
·  Number the Stars
·  The Secret Garden
Selected Children’s Stories
·  Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
·  Love you Forever
·  Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type
·  The Keeping Quilt
·  Lon Po Po
·  Little Red Riding Hood
·  The Jolly Postman / Enrichment Workstations
·  Whole group
·  Small group
·  Paired learning (partners)
·  Library Research
·  Computer Lab
·  Writing/Grammar
·  Vocabulary
·  Reading Skills
·  Sustained Silent Reading
·  Poetry
Technology & Electronic Resources
·  TEA website: interactive TAKS practice
·  Online reading resources: www.Kidsolr.com
·  Online video clips
·  Internet research
·  www.mcdougallittell.com
Other (i.e., Speakers, Field Trips) / Speaking/ Listening Skills/Processes
q  6.1A
q  6.1B
q  6.1C
q  6.1D
q  6.2A
q  6.2D / q  6.2E
q  6.3A
q  6.3B
q  6.3C
q  6.4A
q  6.4C / q  6.5A
q  6.5B
q  6.5C
q  6.5D
q  6.5E
q  6.5F
Reading Skills and Processes
q  6.6A
q  6.6B
q  6.6C
q  6.7A
q  6.7B
q  6.7C
q  6.7D
q  6.7E
q  6.8A
q  6.8B
q  6.8C
q  6.9A / q  6.9B
q  6.9C
q  6.9D
q  6.9E
q  6.10K
q  6.10M
q  6.11A
q  6.11B
q  6.11D
q  6.12B
q  6.12D / q  6.13A
q  6.13B
q  6.13C
q  6.13D
q  6.13E
q  6.13G
q  6.13H
q  6.13I
q  6.14A
q  6.14B
q  6.14C
Writing Skills/Processes
q  6.15F
q  6.15H
q  6.16A
q  6.16B
q  6.16C
q  6.16D
q  6.16E
q  6.16F
q  6.16G
q  6.18A
q  6.18B / q  6.18C
q  6.18D
q  6.18E
q  6.18F
q  6.18G
q  6.18H
q  6.18I
q  6.19A
q  9.19B
q  6.19C
q  6.19D / q  6.19E
q  6.20B
q  6.20C
q  6.20D
q  6.20E
q  6.20F
q  6.20G
q  6.21A
q  6.21B
Viewing & Representing Skills/Processes
q  6.22A
q  6.22B
q  6.22C
q  6.23A
q  6.23B / q  6.23C
q  6.23D
q  6.24A
q  6.24B
q  6.24C
WRITING MINI LESSONS: / NOTES: / Method(s) of Assessment
A Observation evaluated by peers
B Students engaged in learning activities
C Direct questioning
D Observation of performance or process
Constructed Response
I.  TEKS Check
II.  Open-ended
“Creepy, Crawly Cures”, and “Project Backpack: Kids Helping Hurricane Victims”
III.  Essay
IV.  Research Paper
V.  Log / Journal
VI.  Story / Play / Poem
VII. Model / Map / Video
VIII.  Oral / Visual / Multimedia Presentation
Selected Response
1  Fill-in-the-blank test
2  Matching test
3  Multiple choice test
4  True/False test

Sixth Grade ELA 5th Six Weeks Summary

In this brief summary, dates will fluctuate according to your students, calendar, and special events.


Suggested: 5 Days

·  Skills: Identifiying author’s purpose in writing

·  Modeling: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

·  Reading: Choose from the collection of short stories, poetry, etc. in McDougall Littell's The Language of Literature

·  Novel Study: (can choose from the following): Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry; The Swiss Family Robinson; The Cay; Number the Stars; My Side of the Mountain; The Secret Garden; Where the Red Fern Grows

·  Writing: Begin Prewriting (brainstorming) for Compare/Contrast Writing

Suggested: 5 Days

·  Skills: Drawing inferences, conclusions, and generalizations. Support with evidence from text.

·  Modeling: Love You Forever

·  Reading: Choose from the collection of short stories, poetry, etc. in McDougall Littell's The Language of Literature

·  Novel Study: (can choose from the following): Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry; The Swiss Family Robinson; The Cay; Number the Stars; My Side of the Mountain; The Secret Garden; Where the Red Fern Grows

·  Writing: Continue Prewriting (mapping ideas using graphic organizer) for Compare/Contrast writing

Suggested: 5 Days

·  Skills: Paraphrasing and summarization

·  Modeling: Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type

·  Reading: Choose from the collection of short stories, poetry, etc. in McDougall Littell's The Language of Literature

·  Novel Study: (can choose from the following): Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry; The Swiss Family Robinson; The Cay; Number the Stars; My Side of the Mountain; The Secret Garden; Where the Red Fern Grows

·  Writing: Continue Prewriting (begin writing rough draft) for Compare/Contrast writing.

Suggested: 5 Days

·  Skills: Main Idea and Supporting Details

·  Modeling: The Keeping Quilt

·  Reading: Choose from the collection of short stories, poetry, etc. in McDougall Littell's The Language of Literature

·  Novel Study: (can choose from the following): Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry; The Swiss Family Robinson; The Cay; Number the Stars; My Side of the Mountain; The Secret Garden; Where the Red Fern Grows

·  Writing: Complete rough draft. Editing and revising Compare/Contrast writing

Suggested: 5 Days

·  Skills: Using graphic organizers to organize information

·  Modeling: Lon Po Po and Little Read Riding Hood (compare/contrast)

·  Reading: Choose from the collection of short stories, poetry, etc. in McDougall Littell's The Language of Literature

·  Novel Study: (can choose from the following): Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry; The Swiss Family Robinson; The Cay; Number the Stars; My Side of the Mountain; The Secret Garden; Where the Red Fern Grows

·  Writing: Publishing (final copy) of Compare/Contrast writing

Suggested: 5 Days

·  Skills: Author’s Point of View

·  Modeling: The Jolly Postman

·  Reading: Choose from the collection of short stories, poetry, etc. in McDougall Littell's The Language of Literature

·  Novel Study: (can choose from the following): Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry; The Swiss Family Robinson; The Cay; Number the Stars; My Side of the Mountain; The Secret Garden; Where the Red Fern Grows

·  Writing: Journal Writing

8/27/2007 DRAFT 2