Greece Test Part 2
Study Guide
6.50 Compare and contrast life in Athens and Sparta.
· Polis is another word for city-state.
· Helots were slaves in Sparta.
· Review the characteristics of Athens and Sparta.
6.51 Compare and contrast the status of women and slaves between Athens and Sparta.
6.52 Analyze the causes, course, and consequences of the Persian Wars.
· Cause-The Athenians sent support when the Ionians rebelled against the Persians.
· Course-Review the notes on the battles of the Persian Wars
· Consequences-1. The Greeks began to consider the idea of being one unified group.
2. Athens started to exert power 3.Lead to the Peloponnesian War
4. Western Civilization is greatly influenced by the Greeks(language, art, government….etc.
5. If the Greeks lost the Persian Wars this would not be the case.
6.53 Analyze the causes, course, and consequences of the Peloponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta.
· Causes-1. Athens was extremely powerful 2. Other city-states feared Athens 3. Athenians began moving into other people’s lands
· Course-Athens attempted to fight exclusively by sea, Sparta tried to fight by land, Athens brought the people inside the walls that resulted in a plague, after several decades Sparta won the war
· Consequences-After 27 years of fighting the war the Greek city-states were weak
6.54 Explain the rise of Alexander the Great and the spread of Greek culture.
· Review the life of Alexander the Great
· Review questions and images on the results of Alexander the Great’s spread of Greek culture.
6.58 Explain why the city-states of Greece instituted a tradition of athletic competitions and describe the sports they featured.
· Review the list of events included in the Olympics .
· What was the purpose of the events?
6.59 Describe the purposes and functions of the Parthenon and acropolis.
· Review your description of Greek architecture.
· What was the Parthenon and what was its purpose?
· What was the function of the acropolis?