#6.3 Full Steam AHEAD – Regional Affiliates
State and regional groups of disability services professionals have existed for as long as (or longer than) AHEAD. These groups vary in the degree of structure and amount of activity they have, but share common values and mission with AHEAD. AHEAD members benefit from the existence of state and regional groups because they have a "pulse" on the issues of relevance in specific geographical areas, and they promote networking and sharing of information about local resources.
The Regional Affiliate program was established at the AHEAD Conference in Las Vegas in 1998. This step came about through the persistent hard work of Bill Pollard, Bruce Pomeroy, and Kip Opperman, and input from Michael Sax, the Membership Committee, and the Executive Council of AHEAD in New England. By definition, an Affiliate shall be a group of professionals actively working to enhance higher education opportunities for students with disabilities. The AHEAD Board of Directors must review changes to either the mission or by-laws of a state or regional Affiliate.
Affiliates and AHEAD jointly sign an affiliate agreement that outlines the responsibilities of each party to the agreement.
Benefits of Affiliation
- Access to AHEAD's resources and services
- Access to direct support from AHEAD; there are various types of support available to the Affiliates, including low cost general liability insurance
- A page on AHEAD's web site for information about the Affiliate, membership application information, upcoming activities, online discussion groups, etc.
- Use of the AHEAD name and camera-ready AHEAD logo for outreach materials
- Opportunities to partner with AHEAD in the development and advertisement of regional conferences and workshops, with the potential of increasing attendance and revenue generation
How to Join
Becoming an Affiliate of AHEAD is a relatively simple process. Just complete the brief application and Affiliate agreement form (link on AHEAD.org) and submit the completed documents to AHEAD with your organization's check (or credit card information) in the amount of $50 US. Attach the organization's mission statement, bylaws, and a list of officers.
Application Evaluation
After preliminary review by the Board of Directors Liaison to the Affiliates, the application will be voted on by the full AHEAD Board of Directors. The Board will consider applications for Affiliate status during regularly scheduled Board meetings, which occur annually in the fall, spring and summer.
Cost to Join
Initial application for Affiliation with AHEAD: $50 Annual renewal of Affiliation with AHEAD: $25,effective 2008
More information can be obtained by contacting Katy Washington, Board of Directors liaison to the Affiliate program, or visiting
Group NameCurrent Contact Person
AHEAD in TexasDallas Swafford,
AHEAD in VirginiaBeth Anne Dickie,
AHEAD-New EnglandMike Shuttic,
AHEAD of the Northern RockiesMika Watanabe,
Alabama AHEADTamara Massey,
AzPAC (Arizona)under reorganization Katy Washington,
Ark-AHEAD (Arkansas)Crystal Hill,
CAPED (California)Gwyneth Tracy,
C-AHEAD (Capital Area)Jeremy Wood,
COWY AHEAD (Colorado/Wyoming) Jill Sieben-Schneider,
CT AHEAD (Connecticut)Joanne Milke,
Florida AHEADAimee Stubbs,
Georgia AHEADMichael Anderson,
ILLOWA-AHEAD (Illinois/Iowa)Carly Armour,
Indiana AHEADKeri Turrell,
IPHED (Idaho)Karina Mason-Morris,
KAN-AHEAD (Kansas)Kathy Wilson,
Kentucky AHEADVeronica Hazard,
Maryland AHEADCristina Finan,
MI-AHEAD (Michigan)Sarah Rose,
MNAHEAD (Minnesota)Tom Lynch,
Mississippi AHEADunder reorganization Katy Washington,
MO AHEAD (Missouri)Heather Stout,
New Jersey AHEADAngela Millman,
Nevada AHEADSandi Patton,
NM-AHEAD (New Mexico)VauneHegmann,
NCAHEAD (North Carolina)Maranda Maxey,
NYSDSC (New York)Loren Nowak,
OHIO-AHEADCarey Busch,
OK-AHEAD (Oklahoma)Anne Machado,
ORAHEAD (Oregon)Gabriel Merrell,
South Carolina AHEADTina Vires,
Tennessee AHEADWynn Goch,
Utah AHEADPola Morison,
WAPED (Washington)Jon McGough,
WINAHEAD(Western Iowa & Nebraska)Melinda Classen,
WI AHEAD (Wisconsin)Colleen Gonzales,