5th Pacific-Asia Conference on Mechanical Engineering
(5th PACME 2012)
Author Name 1(Times New Roman, 14pt, bold)
Affiliation and address(Times New Roman, 12pt, bold)
E-mail address(Times New Roman, 12pt, bold)
Author Name 2
Affiliation and address
E-mail address
Author Name 3
Affiliation and address
E-mail address
Abstract:This abstract is a one-paragraph, self-contained summary of the most important information about the project being presented. This includes the problem being addressed by the project, the methodologies used as well as their merits, and the results obtained. The abstract (in block format) word limit is 150 words. All numbers in the abstract (except those beginning a sentence) should be typed as digits rather than words. (Times New Roman, 10pt., bold)
Keywords: inscription, decryption, file, image, text(Times New Roman, 12pt., bold)
1. Title of the sections
1.1. Sub-title of the section
The conference paper must be written in English in a clear and concise manner using Times New Roman and 12 pt font size with single line spacing. Please use A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins around.All pages must be numbered consecutively. The maximum length of the paper is 8 pages. The main text body should be left and right justified. Please indent in the beginning of paragraphs.
The main text should include introduction, experimental section, results, discussion and conclusion. Headings and subheadings for different sections of the papers should be used and clearly identified. If each section needs to be numbered, a sequence such as 2., 2.1., 2.1.1., etc should be used.
A proper introduction is required in the paper. The purpose of the introduction is to summarize previous work and recent progress in the field. The experimental section should provide sufficient detail of the materials, methods and equipment to allow repetition of the work elsewhere, but should not contain excessive detail of commonly used procedures. All data should be given in SI units.
Figures or tables must be embedded in the text with center alignment. All tables and figures must be cited in the text as “Figure 1”, “Table 1”. Reaction schemes and chemical structures should be included as Figures numbered consecutively.Color figures are encouraged. Authors must ensure that the labeling of the figures will be legible at final size. Axis labels should be of the typical form: Stress [MPa]; Velocity (v) [m/s] etc.
The caption of tables must be placed above each table, as in case of Table 1.Please leave a blank single line between text and table (caption).The caption of figures must be placed below each figure, as shown in Figure 1. Please leave a blank single line between text and figure (caption). Table and Figure should be placed upper or lower location in the page.
Equations should be numbered in sequence and referred to in the text, e. g. 'Equation (1)'.
where σ is the stress, F is the force and A is the area.
2.File Name
The file name of your paper should be the family name of the first author. For example, if M. Ogden is first author of the paper based on the abstract, then the file name of the submitted paper should be Ogzen.pdf.
3. Submission of full paper
Please send the full paper to the following e-mail address.
E-mail :
・Deadline for submission of abstracts----February 29, 2012 "Extended"
・Deadline for submission of draft full papers ----March 31, 2012 "Extended"
・Request for paper revision ----April 27, 2012
・Deadline for submission of full papers ----June 30, 2012
This part is optional.
Author(s) take the full responsibility for the accuracy of their references. The format of references must be uniform and consistent with the instructions below. All publications cited in the text should be referred to by a number in square brackets (e.g. [1]).
Full reference should be given in a list at the end of the paper in the following form.
[1]S. Taylor and S. Robinson,Title of the paper, Name of the Journal, 1(14),pp.48-58, (2004).
[2]R. Smith,Title of the Book, Publisher, City, pp.102-127, (2002).
[3]C. T. Sun, D. Anderson and M. Shames,Title of the Proceeding, Proceeding of name of the conference or symposium,pp.72-76, (2002).
[4]P. Brenner, et.al,Title of the patent, Registration number, Country, (2003).
Table 1 Example (Times New Roman 11 pt, center alignmentand leave a blank single line after caption)
Fiber type / Young's modulus / Strength / DensityT300 / 230GPa / 3530MPa / 1.76g/cm3
T1000 / 294GPa / 5880MPa / 1.80g/cm3
Figure 1 Example (Times New Roman 11pt, center alignmentand leave a blank single line after caption)