Unit Descriptions for First Quarter Spectra

The following units were used to teach the four curricular areas in the Spectra Framework: Problem solving, Communication, Research and Affective/Interpersonal Skills

1st grade: First graders have been immersed in a study of wild weather. They have learned about tornados, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as we explored online resources, constructed flip books, read stories and used printed resources.

Students simulated the creation of hurricanes on a weather web site. They compared and contrasted blizzards and snowstorms, tornados and hurricanes as we completed diagrams called a Venn graphs. Students learned about different levels of storm strength and how the levels affect the outcomes (amount of damage a storm can cause).

We discussed “watches” and “warnings”, how to prepare for a storm, equipment used to measure weather conditions. Students completed matching activities, vocabulary activities and a multiple choice “quiz” to test their knowledge of weather.

2nd grade: Second graders have been engaged in a study of pirates. We began our unit by creating our class “Articles of Agreement” similar to those we read about on a pirate web site. This has been our code of conduct for our class. Students also brought in their own personal “treasure chests” of items to share their interests with the class.

Students researched famous pirates. They studied different types of pirate ships, labeled their parts and created model pirate ships.

Students learned about jobs aboard a pirate ship and created job applications for the pirate career that they would most like to have.

We studied Jolly Rogers and maritime flags. Students created their name on a hanging collage of maritime flags.

Online, we went to a museum site for the Whydah – a pirate ship that was discovered and excavated. We studied the artifacts and their meanings. Students also participated in an online pirate simulation through National Geographic.

3rd and 4th grade: Third and fourth graders have been studying archaeology. They learned about the career of an archaeologist and the tools that they use. They learned about procedures for conducting a dig. Students did a web quest called “MAC Quest” which examined archaeological sites in St. Louis.

Students learned about stratigraphy as they read and studied online about Hadrian’s’ wall located between England and Scotland. They studied artifacts from the colony of Jamestown and classified them by functional categories.

Students imagined what items would be found in a layer for the 20th century and diagrammed them. They created an excavation of their bedroom drawing and explained the significance of the items found there.

Students learned about an Ancient Sumerian game called Ur. The procedures for playing the game have never been discovered. Students created procedures and rules for playing the game and created an artistic representation of the game board.

Students have begun learning about ancient cultures through archaeological finds. They will be comparing and contrasting different cultures and making inferences about why certain civilizations declined. They will also be learning about different techniques used for dating artifacts found at sites. This study will carry into the beginning of second quarter. The unit will culminate with a museum project. The students will create an interactive museum using a web site.

5th grade: Fifth graders have been learning the culture universals as they participated in an island simulation called “The Island of Terra”. They developed a system of government and currency/barter. They played an island simulation game that They considered the pros and cons of issues such as electing a leader and dividing the island into sections for individuals. Students completed graphic organizers and created an original island map.

Now students are engaged in a research study of an actual island or group of islands. They will present their research findings through the creation of an original short play.