ON 04 AUGUST 2014 AT 19h00

The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Cuane Hall, who welcomed and thanked all for attending.

A special welcome to Hilton Kidger from DSBC and Trevor Donald and Tony from PYC

As per the attendance registers, a quorum was established, according to the Club Constitution.

Present: -79present signed on

125 proxies received

Apologies: -2apologies received

The minutes of the 61st Annual General Meeting were taken as read and accepted.

Proposed: -Ryan Hansen

Seconded: - Geoff Phillips

Matters arising from 61st A.G.M. Minutes:

There were no matters arising.

The reports of the Chairman and Committee members were presented by means of a power point presentation as follows:

Chairman’s Report 2013/2014

Cuane Hall

Each year I thank the Executive and Committee for their hard work during the previous year.

I am not sure however, that our members as a whole fully understand the many day to day considerations and decisions that have to be made by their executive committee or the hours of work and dedication it takes to create the vibrant club that we all enjoy. Your executive committee’s valuable time and expertise is selflessly given with no material benefit.

My heartfelt thanks and gratitude goes to them.

To the committee as a whole it has again been an honor and a privilege to work with you all. The constant improvement in all of your sections year on year is plainly visible for all to see.

Once again from me a profound thank you.

A tremendous thank you to our Club Manager Paul and every staff member for their ongoing dedication and service.

I am pleased to say that at DUC we have engendered the culture where going the extra mile for our members is just part of the job.

The exponential growth in the facilities and membership and the demands brought with it has been well managed by Michael in the bar and Franklin and Thomas in the kitchen.

I would like to make a special mention that Michael has attained distinctions in a recently attended management course.

I am very proud of this achievement well done Michael

DUC has continued to build on the successes of the past years. You will see from the Treasurer’s report that the club is in a sound financial position. We are trading profitably and continue to add to our reserves in the form of invested savings.

DUC is still bucking the trend of other clubs in Durban and elsewhere in South Africa where members have been asked to contribute large amounts of money in terms of special levies to cover losses incurred through mismanagement and not keeping up with the changing times and requirements of their membership

PWC is a legal entity and has been incorporated. The company has been registered as a non profitcompany and as a Watersports Club it will enjoy taxbenefits and the pertinent rates relief.

The PWC inaugural board consists of six directors.

This comprises two representatives from each clubbeing their chief executive officers.

DUC Cuane Hall Geoff Phillips

DSBC Hilton Kidger Shaun Lavery

PYC Trevor Donald Tony Alison

Despite the evident success of our club there are still a few people who question the financial viability of the new PWC club.

The business model/plan developed and followed by the committee and management of DUC has been expanded by adding PYC Beach site and Ski Boat Club trading figures and this has evolved into the business plan going forward for the newly formed PWC.

Phillip Pearton our PWC point development liaison officer will expand on this further in his presentation as well as bringing you up to date on the latest developments

DUC has successfully joined with PYC Beach site in the next step towards integration of the clubs into the new PWC and in so doing we have been able to expand and improve the facilities for all members.

We have assisted the PYC Beach site financially in regard to the cost of building and improvements and have a satisfactory recovery agreement in place.

We have helped to grow their membership and in all ensured their sustainability going forward.

We have completed our first years joint trading and are happy to announce that the figures are more than favorable.

We are delighted that our goal to enable them to contribute financially to the new PWC has been achieved.

The Club Manager’s Report and the Treasurer’s Financial Report will be presented next.

Each office bearer will then cover the events pertaining to their portfolios.

Any questions you may have will be answered by the committee member being addressed under General

- not during their presentations.

Thank You


Paul Smit

As the focus of club management this past year has been mainly on the integration of the PYC and DUC facilities and membership, my report this year will highlight some aspects of this process.

We have heard in the Chairman’s report that this past year has seen the very early steps taken towards the physical, financial and “cultural” integration of the DUC, PYC and DSBC entities into the Point Watersports Club. There is still a long way to go, but at least now, after much debate and delay, the foundation has been laid upon which the future PWC administration structures can be built.

As club management, it is our task to take the vision of the committees and turn it into reality. This task has proved to be challenging and we will let the following pictures tell the story of the physical integration to date:

As challenging as the physical integration of the PYC and DUC clubhouse has been, it has been nowhere near as challenging as trying to integrate the two different club memberships and cultures – especially among the longer serving members who have had more emotional “investment” in their respective clubs over the years.

Last year I wrote this for the AGM:

“With an eye on the future amalgamation of the three clubs, the reciprocity arrangement allows members of the different clubs to mix more freely and get to know the culture of each club. This will help reduce the concerns and objections of the “traditionalists” when the time comes to negotiate the shape of the future PWC”

Last year I also scored low on my Discovery Vitality Stress level indicators. This past year it shot through the roof with the membership integration challenges that we have faced.

These challenges include:

•“Takeover” fears and conspiracy theories

•“Where is the money going?”

•Them vs Us – who are you to tell us what to do?

•DUC members are a bunch of party drunkards with no interest in watersport

•PYC members are stuck up snobs

•Resistance to integration – not using full facilities available especially during events – “this is our club”

The financial integration of the clubs has also proved challenging but fortunately for club management, these challenges are dealt with mainly by the executive committees of the respective clubs.

I would like to thank the executive committee for the support they have given myself and the club staff over the past year in overcoming the challenges faced.

I would also like to bring to the attention of the general membership, the huge amount of time and effort towards all aspects of the PWC that is put in behind the scenes by the club executive that goes largely unnoticed and hence unappreciated by the membership of both clubs.

The current and future membership of this club owe a huge debt towards our current executive committee who, over past 6 years have brought the club to the strong position it is in today. Personally, I hope that they are willing and able to carry on for as long as possible, but I urge those of you here tonight to very seriously consider what the future holds once they are no longer able to.

As always, much of what we have achieved would not be possible without the staff that we have. It speaks volumes for the committee that most of the staff that are currently employed, have been at your service for at least the last six years. Some have been here longer, some less, some have left but usually as a positive career move. But most of the staff are here because they want to be, not because they have to be

Although we will be awarding a Staff member of the year award, we always refer to ourselves as the “team” as each and every staff member has a role to fulfil that is vital to the success of the team. So no individual accolades this year, but rather a big heartfelt thank you to the team for their winning performance this pass year.

Thanks to Lizzard for help in sponsoring the new uniforms.

Lastly, a big thank you the “fans” - the members who fully support the club through thick and thin and pay their subs without complaint!

Thank you

Paul Smit


Ian Agg

Ian presented and commented on the Financial Statements of the Club. Questions from the floor were answered to the satisfaction of those present.

Alan Graham queried if the investment belongs to DUC or PYC or is it jointly held. Answer: it belongs to DUC.

Vice Chairman’s Report

Geoff Phillips

Significant time this past year has been spent on eventually finalizing the Agreement between DUC and PYC relating to the use of the PYC beach site premises and the management and control of the facility.

The Agreement was eventually signed by both parties during June this year and we now have a working document to the mutual benefit of both clubs and their members.


I have assisted in various HR issues during the year. I would like to thank Doug Golan for offering his services and giving us valuable advice when required. Doug has just completed getting the Club up to compliance as far as the Occupational Health & Safety Act is concerned, and the relevant procedures are in place to ensure our staffs’ working environment is meeting the high standards we are setting for our Club.

Besides new work undertaken, the Club has ongoing maintenance needs to maintain standards, and part of my function is to advise and assist in the most effective way of achieving results in the most cost effective manner.


I also assist our Chairman by representing DUC on the Point Development Steering Committee and I occupy a seat on the new PWC inaugural board.

In closing, on behalf of the Club, I would like once again to thank Mike van Rooyen for offering his services on security issues over weekends and on big function days.

Our staff work really hard to ensure our comfort while we are at the Club. A smile and a “Thank You” can make their day as pleasant as ours.

Thank you

PWC Liaison Officer

Philip Pearton

The PWC has been in on-going negotiations with the DPDC with regard to the purchase and development of the new PWC property and building development.

I have been attending monthly meetings with the PWC team and DPDC representatives with a mandate to ensure that the proposed developments are viable and in the best interests of the clubs constituting PWC.

I have worked closely with the individual clubs to assess the feasibility/viability of the proposed new development and have created financial forecasts based on the current financial figures from the clubs.

These projections were presented to the new board of the PWC at a board meeting in April. The forecast projections show that the new PWC will be able to afford the proposed 1st phase development to the value of R25 million without affecting the current strong cash flows of the combined clubs.

The clubs have built up large reserves and a building fund and will be able to make a significant contribution to the development.

A second draft of financial forecasts is currently being completed with the latest year-end figures from the clubs and this will give us a clear picture of where we now stand.

The highlights of the PWC development thus far:

•Signing of the final amended Agreement

•Registration of the PWC as a legal entity and constituting the board of directors

•Securing the status of Vetch’s Beach as an operational beach managed by PWC

•Development of the 1st draft of the financial forecasts for PWC

•Purchase of new kitchen and dining room assets that will be utilised in the new club

•Development of the PWC constitution (on-going)

Craig Woolley advised the Malaysian Board that we the three clubs had previously engaged him as our counsel and did not want a conflict of interests. The Malaysians were adamant that they saw no conflict as they intended to honor the legal signed agreements between themselves and PWC.

They have been meeting with the City to further their goals and it is our intention to enter into dialog with them pertaining to our land sale agreement as soon as they have reached consensus with the City on their current proposals. I will keep the club members informed on all new developments as and when they occur.

As for now we will continue as we are under the existing agreement.



Tracey-Lee Featherstone


In Addition to our usual member Boats, This year saw the launch of DUC's own DIVE Rubber Duck which primarily launches on a Sunday for the divers but is available any other day.


This year one of our junior members, 12 year old Michael Maclean, become one of the youngest person to

achieve recreational diving’s “black belt equivalent”


If you are a DUC member you are entitled to a discount if you dive at Aliwal Shoal, Durban or Sodwana with an approved dive charters.

You purchase the voucher at the discounted rate and when you redeem it, the charter gets the full price from us

The vouchers are for DUC members use ONLY, are not transferrable and cannot be used by non-members.

You can ONLY purchase these from the club







MAR 15 / DAN DIVERS’ DAYS - Very informative and well attended
JUN 5-8 / SODWANA DIVE AWAY - Coral pirates party
– I have already booked our spots for next year
We had our 2nd Dive Gear CAR BOOT SALE. This afforded members a chance to sell any unwanted or unused gear as well as an opportunity to buy inexpensive second hand gear.
AUG 23 / DEALER DAY – Gives merchants a chance to show off their products or services, DUC members benefit with awesome discounts & specials!
SEP 24 / HERITAGE DAY- WRECK CLEAN UP 2014 (Duc & calypso Durban)
We are aiming to get the Boat fuel sponsored so that the Dives can be free.
From St.Augustines Hyperbaric Chamber
18h00 To 20h00 (8 Max/ Min 6 Divers per dive)
St. Augustine's hyperbaric chamber, up to the equivalent depth of 50m
•Duc booking only
•R200 Per person (DUC VOUCHER PRICE) / R250 non member
•Non divers welcome, 16years & above
•Divers under 16years - by approval
•Cameras allowed (only in housings)
•Dive computers in Tupperware with water to log the dive
18h00 To 20h00 (8 Max/ Min 6 Divers per dive)

OUR mission for the DUC SCUBA section is to provide a home to qualified divers from all agencies & dive schools where they can dive comfortably, affordably & socialize with their families on a regular basis. I think we are accomplishing this & it’s great to be amongst so many like-minded people.

On or off the committee, I look forward to another year of SCUBA with you all.

Thank you

Underwater Photographic Section Report

Bryan Hart


DUC competed in the annual Sodwana Shootout and enjoyed the following success:

Allen Walker – overall winner

Chiara Rae Hart – Kids Winner

Bryan Hart – 3rd place in land section4


November 2013 -Sardine Run – “the making of” By Allen Walker