Geneva Historical Society (315) 789-5151
543 South Main Street Fax: (315) 789- 0314
Geneva, NY 14456
1. No manuscript of other resource item may be removed from the museum.
2. Manuscripts and resource items may be photocopied only with the permission of a member of the Society’s staff and at the discretion of the Archivist. Copy charge: $.25 per page (8.5”x11” or 8.5”x14”), 11”x17” $.50 per page,
Microfilm copies $.50 per page, Computer scan/prints $5.00 per scan.
3. Many of the manuscripts and resource items are fragile and should be handled with care. Gloves are required to be worn when handling most materials in the Archives.
4. Only pencils are approved for use in the Archives. Pens are not permitted.
5. Manuscripts and resource materials should not be marked, cut, folded, soiled, or in any way damaged. Any accidents or discovery of damaged material should be reported immediately to a member of the Society’s Staff.
6. SMOKING, EATING OR DRINKING is not permitted in the archive area.
7. If planning to publish, the researcher assumes all responsibility to conform to the laws of libel and literary property rights which may be involved in his use of any document preserved in the archives. The researcher must obtain all necessary permissions. Where permission is granted, the applicant agrees to indicate in the publication that the original document is located at the Geneva Historical Society.
8. The Collection Storage Area is closed to the public. A staff member will assist you. Use of the research facility is free of charge for members, Geneva City Public & parochial school students, Hobart & William Smith College students, and Finger Lakes Community College students. A $3.00 fee will be charged for non-member City and Town of Geneva residents, $5.00 fee for all other non-members. Donations are gratefully accepted and are used to enhance our collections.
NAME __________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________ Subject of Research: ______________________________________________________
Purpose of Research: _____________________________________________________
(i.e. Thesis, book, personal interest, genealogy, etc.)
May we use you as a reference to others seeking information concerning your subject?
Yes____ No____
Date:____________________ Signature:____________________________________
Phone:___________________ E-Mail :_____________________________________
(optional) (optional)
Prouty-Chew Museum, Balmanno Cottage, Rose Hill Mansion, Weaver Tile Museum in the John Johnson House 08/15/2003