5103 2nd Street Lubbock, TX 79416
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Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction, 2008, TexasTechUniversity (anticipated graduation in May).
Dissertation title: Story as vehicle for examining preservice teacher understanding of culturally responsive teaching.
M.Ed., Instructional Technology, 1995, University of Houston.
B.S., Elementary Education, 1989, University of Houston, Summa Cum Laude.
Scholarship: (Note: I have published and presented under the names Fehr and Fraundorf.)
Fehr, M. (in progress). Preservice teacher understanding of culturally responsive teaching.
Fehr, M. (in progress). Storytelling: Fiction as a catalyst for narrative inquiry.
Fehr, D., & Fehr, M. (in progress). Teach boldly. (An edited book designed to inspire and re-invigorate classroom teachers who are discouraged by institutional or societal challenges. Contributors will include Angela Valenzuela, David Berliner, Christine Sleeter, Linda Darling-Hammond, George Wood, and others.
Simpson, D., Boroda, G., Bucy, B., Burke, A., Doue, W., Faber, S., Fehr, M., Fryer, W., Gonzales, G., Harp, C., McMahan, S., Nesmith, S., Reynolds, S., Riegle, S., Romano, J., Willey, R., Wimberley, S., Won, M. (2006). A teacher’s indispensable qualities: A Freirean perspective. Journal of Latinos and Education, 5(2), 163-165.
Fehr, M. (2004). John Dewey: The accidental feminist [Review of the book Feminist Interpretations of John Dewey]. Journal of Thought: A Journal of Critical Reflection on Educational Issues.San Francisco: Caddo Gap.
Fehr, D., Fehr, M., & Pennisi, A. (2004). Taking down the yellow police tape: Controversial content in P-12 classrooms. In D. Smithshank (Ed.), Semiotics & Visual Culture: Sights, Signs, and Significance. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Fraundorf, M. (1997). Distributed computers and labs: the best of both worlds. Learning and Leading with Technology, 24(7),50-53.
Fraundorf, M. (1997). Business educators and the world wide web: Developing your own home page. Texas Business Educator, 43(2), 4-7.
Fehr, M. (2007). Talk to me, please! Facilitating Class Discussions. Invited panelist for faculty development session at Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, Texas Tech University.
Fehr, M. (2007). The Role of Resistance in an Undergraduate Diversity Course. National Association for Multicultural Education, Region 6 Conference. Lubbock, TX.
Fehr, M. (2006). Literacy Pedagogy in Teacher Education. AERA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. (Chair).
Fehr, M. (2004). Knitting in the ArtRoom. Texas Art Education Association annual conference. Galveston, TX.
Fehr, D. and Fehr, M. (2004). Healing Our World through Art. Texas Art Education Association annual conference. Galveston, TX.
Fehr, M. (2004). Women’s Art. FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch. Lubbock, TX
Fehr, M. (2003). Docent for Landmark Arts Galleries, School of Art, TexasTechUniversity, Lubbock, Texas. Presented slide show on Aztec culture and BuddyHollyCenter art exhibition to area elementary school students.
Fehr, D. and Fehr, M. (2003). Spirit Drawing: Gateway to the Soul of Art. Texas Art Education Association annual conference. Dallas, TX.
Buckley, B. and Fraundorf, M. (2000). Online Graduate Studies. Texas Computer Education Association state conference, TechSig meeting. Austin, TX.
Buckley, B., Fraundorf, M., Malone, D. and Pike, C. (1999). Online Graduate Studies. National School Conference Institute annual conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Anderson, J. and Fraundorf, M. (1999). Producing a Kids’ TV News Show. Texas Computer Education Association state conference. Austin, TX.
Fraundorf, M. (1997). 5th Grade Election Project: Curriculum + Technology = FUN! Texas Computer Education Association state conference. Austin, TX.
Fraundorf, M. (1997). Say Cheese! Digital Photography 101. Texas Computer Education Association state conference. Austin, TX.
Fraundorf, M. (1996). Hands-on Netscape/WWW. Delta Pi Epsilon chapter of Texas Business Educator's Association meeting, Houston, TX.
Fraundorf, M. (1996). Linkway Resources in Cyberspace. Texas Computer Education Association state conference. Austin, TX.
Texas Teacher Certifications:
Elementary Self-Contained (Grades 01-08) Issue Date: 12/16/1989Expiration Date: Life
Elementary Art (Grades 01-08)Issue Date: 12/16/1989Expiration Date: Life
Information Processing Technologies I (Grades 01-08)Issue Date: 05/11/1995Expiration Date: Life
Information Processing Technologies II (Grades 01-08)Issue Date: 05/11/1995Expiration Date: Life
Professional Experience:(For employment verification, please note that my last name was Fraundorf prior to 2002.)
2005-presentFull-timeInstructor and Student Teaching Supervisor, College of Education, Texas Tech University
Responsibilities: Teach Elementary Social Studies methods, Middle Level Social Studies methods, Middle Level Curriculum & Philosophy, and Elementary Capstone courses. Supervise student teachers in elementary schools and middle schools. Provide TaskStream training and support to students and faculty. Member of Assessment Team for the College of Education.
Doctoral student, Curriculum & Instruction. Minor: Instructional Technology. Additional emphases in diversity studies, multicultural education, culturally responsive teaching, and teacher education. Research projects: Self-regulation in a diversity course; Preservice teacher understanding of culturally responsive teaching; Development of a Diversity Awareness Survey.
2007 Summer Research Assistant, collaborated with faculty in developing a mixed-methods Diversity Awareness Survey, funded by C&I department grant.
2004-2005Elementary School Teacher, AldersonAcademy, LubbockIndependentSchool District, Lubbock, TX.
Responsibilities: Teachart to diverse, at-risk students in grades 3-6.
2003-20043/4-timeInstructor and Student Teaching Supervisor,College of Education, Texas Tech University.
Responsibilities: Teach Elementary Math Methods, Elementary Capstone, and Secondary Capstone courses. Supervise EC-4 student teachers.
2000 – 2002Curriculum Designer/Online Instruction Developer for Masters Online.
Responsibilities: Design and develop online graduate courses for practicing elementary and secondary teachers in Curriculum & Instruction with emphasis oninstructional technology.
1998-2000Instructor; HoustonBaptistUniversity. Houston, Texas.
Responsibilities: Design, develop, and teach web-basedgraduate courses in Curriculum & Instruction with emphasis on instructional technology, for practicing elementary and secondary teachers in the Masters Online partnership with Fort Bend ISD.
1998-2001Instructional Technology Coordinator; FortBend ISD, Sugar Land, Texas.
Responsibilities: Provide leadership for a team of 50 Instructional Technology Specialists at elementary and secondary schools in a large school district. Design and coordinate large scale training initiatives for teachers, district-wide. Ensure that technology is used effectively by teachers and students in 50 schools. Help plan future direction of instructional technology in the school district.
1997-2000Course Facilitator, Facilitator Trainer; Masters Online partnership, Sugar Land, Texas.
Responsibilities: Course Facilitator, and Facilitator Trainer for online masters degree program accredited by HoustonBaptistUniversity.
1997-2000Curriculum Developer/Web Developer; Masters Online, Sugar Land, Texas.
Responsibilities: Design and develop online graduate level courses for practicing elementary and secondary teachers in Curriculum & Instruction with emphasis on instructional technology.
1995-1998Instructional Technology Specialist/Trainer; FortBend ISD, Sugar Land, Texas.
Responsibilities: Provide instructional and technical support for campus based technology at several elementary schools. Provide teacher training in the use of classroom technology. Provide leadership to the team of elementary Instructional Technology Specialists.
1994 SummerInstructor; University of Houston Kids University, West Houston Institute. Houston, Texas.
Responsibilities: Teach computer course for youth.
1993-1995Elementary School Teacher and Network System Operator, PalmerElementary School, FortBend ISD, Sugar Land, Texas.
Responsibilities: Teach second grade and provide on-site technical support for local area networks in three elementary schools.
1990-1993Elementary Art Teacher and Network System Operator, QuailValleyElementary School, FortBend ISD, Sugar Land, Texas.
1990 (Spring)Second Grade Classroom Teacher, QuailValleyElementary School, FortBend ISD, Sugar Land, Texas
1989 (Fall)Substitute Teacher, FortBend ISD, Sugar Land, TX
2006-2007TEACH Fellow. The TEACH Program (Teaching Effectiveness and Career Enhancement) is sponsored by the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (TLTC) at TexasTechUniversity. Award winning TEACH Project and Teaching Portfolio. I was one of eighteen fellows for the 2006-2007 academic year, selected from across the university. This program is modeled after the national Preparing Future Faculty movement and is designed for Ph.D. students with teaching appointments. Fellows are assisted with further developing teaching skills and exploring faculty roles. For more information, see
2008Judge for TEACH Program fellows’ teaching portfolios. Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, Texas Tech University.
2007-presentAssessment Team, College of Education.
2006-presentTrainer for new Student Teaching supervisors.
2006Provided summer TaskStream training to students at TTU Fredericksburg campus.
2004College of Education Technology Committee, TexasTechUniversity.
2000Summer Curriculum writer for Region IV Educational Service Center’s Campus Technologist certification training program, Houston, TX.
1999-2000Region IV ESC Technology Leadership Group, Houston, TX.
1998-1999Region IV ESC Campus Technologist Certification Advisory Council, Houston, TX.
1998-2000Executive Steering Team, FortBendIndependentSchool District, Sugar Land, TX.
Spring, 1997Curriculum Development Steering Committee to develop plan for curriculum renewal, technology, and staff development, Fort Bend Independent School District, Sugar Land, TX.
1996-1997Fort Bend I.S.D. World Wide Web site development team. Sugar Land, TX.
1996-1997FortBendISDTechnologyLongRange Planning Committee. Facilitator for Staff Development sub-committee. Sugar Land, TX.
1996Summer Curriculum writing team for Fort Bend ISD elementary level technology goals/scope & sequence/objectives, Sugar Land, TX.
1990-1995Technology Liaison for QuailValleyElementary School, FortBend ISD. Sugar Land, TX.
Professional Society Memberships:
Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, Sigma Nu chapter at TTU.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.
American Educational Research Association.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
National Association for Multicultural Education, Texas chapter.
National Council for Social Studies.
National Education Taskforce (the NET).
Honors & Awards:
2006-2007 - Two TEACH Program awards at TexasTechUniversity: Teaching Portfolio Award and TEACH Project Award (development of online curriculum modules on Culturally Responsive Teaching).
1996-1997 - Finalist for Teacher of the Year, PalmerElementary School.
1994-1995 - Finalist for Teacher of the Year, PalmerElementary School.
1993-1994 - Excellence in Education Award, FortBendIndependentSchool District.
1993-1994 - Finalist for Teacher of the Year, PalmerElementary School.
1992-1993 - Teacher of the Year, QuailValleyElementary School.
1991-1992 - Excellence in Education Award, FortBendIndependentSchool District.
1990-1991 - Finalist for Teacher of the Year, QuailValleyElementary School.
1987-1989 - Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Kappa Delta Pi National Education Honor Society; Golden Key Honor Society.
1986-1989 - Dean's List, University of Houston.
Exhibitions of Artwork:
National Association for Multicultural Education, Region 6 Conference Art Exhibit. College of Education, Texas Tech University. LubbockTX. Spring, 2006.
Faculty Art Show. LubbockIndependentSchool District, Lubbock, TX. 2004.
Dia de los Muertos art exhibition: Celebracion. Lubbock Regional Arts Council and BuddyHollyCenter. Lubbock, TX. Fall, 2003.
Two-person art exhibition: Fehrware.FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch, Lubbock, TX. November-December, 2003.
Juried art show of local chapter of National Art Education Association. Lubbock, TX. Spring, 2003.
Faculty Art Show. FortBendIndependentSchool District, Sugar Land, TX. 1992.