LlyG Network Briefing Report
Event/Name of person(s) attending:David Williams (LlyG)
Helen Howells (NRW)
Terri Thomas (Head of RDP in Wales)
Richard Morgan (WG Forestry Policy team) / Date:
19thMarch 2015 / Venue:
Wales Government offices, Cathays Park, Cardiff
1. Purpose of Event/Meeting
There had been suggestion at the January LlyG Board meeting (by Helen Howell, attending from NRW as an observer) that LlyG contact the Rural Development Fund Programme (RDP) leads in Wales Government to see how we might be able to connect to the RDP. A letter was written by DW seeking a meeting and date arranged.2. Key Summary Points
A short report was prepared and sent to Terri Thomas suggesting connections to elements of the RDP programme. This should be read as a supplement to this briefing.* Overview of RDP direction was given - and potential to connect with LEADER groups
* Points on having a forestry body similar to 'Farming Connect' were discussed (Bill MacDonald is leading on this 'Woodland Connect' approach
* Initial approval of the RDP (2014 -2020) is expected sometime in April - final approval is set for 5th May
* Funding of projects can be considered in a 7 year cycle
* There is a changed approach from last RDP cycle - with 4 blocks of funding. From 2019/20 payments for ecosystems approaches come in.
*Sustainability and knowledge transfer will be key elements - covering such as soil retention, water quality/catchments and how forestry can support this
* Restoration of woodland is a named element in the RDP - so management and getting people in the right place to do this will be a feature
* LEADER groups are to look more at innovation - Rural Community Development, with multiple benefits realisation
* Access to open space will be important - linked to valleys areas and semi-urban areas
* A Glastir commons officer is likely - with funding to help overcome barriers, covering capital and revenue funding
* A WG call is expected shortly - for core funding to support community development (mentioned at Gathering) - with partnership to be encouraged.
* 'Green Care' is set to be a theme - concept of 'care farms (Emilia Trust) and such as Actif Woods
Overall it was a very wide ranging and open discussion with recognition that LlyG could be a useful partner on some specifics, linking with other partners who have the admin support/budget management resource .
3. Recommendations/actions arising
* maintain contact with Helen and Richard - their views were that this was a very positive meeting* Follow up as to call from WG for funding applications (Environment & Sustainable Development Directorate) - Gretel Leib contact and attended LlyG Gathering.
* Consider follow up approach after final RDP approval (5th May)
4. Useful Contacts
Teri ThomasRichard Morgan
Helen Howells
(contact details for all are wt the office with Rosie)
5. Suggested content for LlyG online news posting (up to 75 words)
'Llais y Goedwig had a very productive and wide ranging meeting with the Wales Government lead for the RDP programme in Wales, and this should lead to greater contact with rural development programmes such as LEADER. Wales Government have pointed out the opportunity for LlyG to make an application for core funding to the Environment and Sustainable Development Department, and this is an opportunity to follow up by 5th June - so watch this space!'(75 words)
6. Relevant documents
* Letter requesting meeting* Short report sent ahead of meeting drafted by DW