/ Form NMS 2 – 06
Application for a Consent to use a Detection Device
Section 2 (2) of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1987


1. Applicant:
2. Address:
Tel: / Fax: / E-Mail:
3. Relevant archaeological experience:
4. Name of Site:

Use county followed by townland name. If an urban site use county followed by town name, street, and street number(s). If a maritime wreck use name of ship and port of origin if known.

5. Location: Urban: Rural: * Wreck:County:.

Townland: / Town:
Street Name: / Street/Site Number:
* Ship Name: / * Port of Origin:

National Grid / Transverse Mercator: (Easting) (Northing) Use GPS to derive coordinates

* Latitude:Longitude: Use GPS to derive coordinates

OS 6’ Sheet: / RMP Number:
Other Mapping:
6. Site Type:
7. Type of device:
8. Period for which Consent Applied for: / Weeks from / / /

9. Has site been inspected by applicant:Yes: No: 

* Applies only to maritime sites.

For Office use only:

Application Received: ……/……/……..Sent to NMI:……/……/…….

Response issued:……/……/……..Response NMI: ……/……/…….

Form NMS 2 – 06

10. Owner of site:
Owners address:
11. Purpose of project:

12. Planning Details: (to be filled out only if the Licence is in connection with a development)

Planning Authority: / Planning Register Number:

Are you aware of the planning conditions relating to this site?Yes:No: 

Conditions relating to a Consent to use a Detection Device under Section 2 (2) of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act,1987

  1. The consent holder must obtain permission from the owner of the land/ *wreck to carry out their project before availing of this licence. No responsibility shall attach to the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs for failure on the part of the licence holder to obtain such permission.
  1. The consent holder shall be responsible for all loss, damage or injury, to persons or property, in any way arising from their project and shall indemnify the State and the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, his/her officers, agents and employees against all action, loss, claims, damages, expenses and demands arising therefrom.
  1. A consent to use a detection device does not include permission to excavate for archaeological objects. If excavation or the recovery of archaeological objects is envisaged, a separate excavation licence must be applied for (see Form NMS 1-06).
  1. The consent holder shall comply in all respects with the provisions of the National Monuments Acts 1930to 2014 and any Acts altering, amending or replacing those Acts. Copies of the Acts are available on the National Monuments Service website
  1. Please note that Consents are granted subject to the provisions of the National Monuments Act 1930 (as amended) which requires the finders of archaeological objects to report the find, within four days of finding, to the Director of the National Museum (his servants or agents), or a member of the Garda Síochána, stating his/her address, the nature and character of the object found and the circumstances in which it was found. He/She must allow the object to be inspected, examined and photographed and surrender it to the NationalMuseum if required to do so.
  1. * Finders of wrecks must report any such find within four days, to the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, or to a member of the Garda Síochána, stating their name and address, the nature of the wreck found and the circumstances in which it was found.
  1. The consent holder shall be given a reference number in relation to each consent, which shall be used in all correspondence relating to the project.
  1. This consent relates only to the types of detection devices mentioned in the consent document. If at any stage, any other piece of detection equipment is required, a separate consent should be applied for.
  1. The consent holder must inform the National Monuments Service at least two working days in advance of the actual commencement of the project.
  1. The consent holder shall provide a report on the results of the use of the detection device(s) to the Licensing Section, National Monuments Service, Department of Culture, Heritageand the Gaeltacht, Room G.50, Custom House, Dublin 1.S/He must lodge one digital (PDF format on CD or USB) and two hard copies of a preliminary report on the excavation with the National Monuments Service, and one digital (PDF format on CD or USB) and one hard copy of same with the National Museum of Ireland within four weeks of the completion of the consent. Note that the coordinate referencing system in current use is the Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) and not the ‘National Grid’.
  1. The licence holder must inform the National Monuments Service within two working days of completion of the project.
  1. The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht may revoke this consent at any time should he form the view that the consent is not being carried out in accordance with the conditions of the consent or is otherwise contrary to the protection of the archaeological built heritage.

I declare that the above information is accurate and that if the consent is granted I will abide by the conditions set out above.

Signature: ______


The completed application form must be received by the Licensing Section, National Monuments Service, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Room G50, Custom House, Dublin 1 at least three weeks prior to the date on which it is proposed to commence the project.

Form date: July 2016