5.5.3 Education Department Minutes

Education Department Meeting, 11AM – 1PM

DATE: January 13, 2014 (Debbie, Laurie, Joyce, Kay, Cheryl)

Items below may not be in the order that we talked about each.

Agenda / Decision / Point Person(s)
A. / Minutes / Sent out by Kay (stored on Kay’s computer for NCATE) / Kay
B. / Technology Plan / Kay will email everyone the matrix to respond to. Please send back to Kay for compilation.
In December: Kay will send everyone a heads up to look for matrix on Shared Drive in one folder labeled Technology Plan. You can save examples of candidate assignments in the folder. Ideally, we should have an updated (Fall 2013) Tech Matrix by the end of January 2014. Laurie suggested that we place this matrix on our to-do list every six weeks or so. / Kay
C. / CPR / Cheryl is asking if KDH or someone in Health and Fitness can provide training this term. / Cheryl
D.. / Student Teaching Seminar, January 20, 9AM – 2PM
Newby Hall, Room 9 / Laurie will send out email to student teachers about this seminar agenda.
Cheryl will arrange with Margaret Krantz a 2PM session outside of Newby for a TCID orientation for all current student teachers/seniors. Cheryl will contact Fall student teachers for this 2pm session.
Joyce suggested that we include open discussion about what student teachers see in their classrooms related to classroom organization and climate.
Debbie will advise Brian L. to get to this seminar from Indy.
Debbie and Laurie will explain additional release day for elementary student teachers to prepare for comps.
Kay will arrange for pizza lunch in Newby.
Monitor course registration for Ale / Laurie
E. / Student Teaching Application Orientation
January 20, 3 to 4pm
Newby Hall, Room 9 / Laurie will send out agenda for this orientation to all junior candidates. Candidates will get a heads-up about a Decision Point 2 contract/agreement to student teach. Agenda will include clarification of NEA membership requirement, background check. Juniors will be required to complete letter of introduction, printing of unofficial transcript, and one example of a lesson plan by January 31st. Application form should be completed during this session. / Laurie
F. / Kappa Delta Pi / Katie Schmidt (1st year) is eager to start a Kappa Delta Pi chapter on this campus. Debbie will check into requirements of faculty advisor and Katie’s interest in initiating this student club. / Debbie
H. / ICI STEM grant opportunity / The Independent Colleges of Indiana received grant money to fund STEM initiatives. Geoffrey Weiss will help write a grant. Debbie will attend work session in Indianapolis. / Debbie
I. / Mock Review by Laurie Henderson, Midway College / Debbie will contact Laurie about our recommendation that we meet 9 to 2:30pm on Friday, February 7th in Newby Room 9. We bring in snacks, water, etc. and offer lunch on campus or off. Cheryl will arrange for a room at the Comfort Inn for Thursday, February 6th. / Debbie
J. / Previsit with Dr. Sapp, BoE Chair / Kay will ask Dr. Sapp if pre-visit can be done on February 19th AM or February 20th, after 12noon with all of us attending. / Kay
K. / Curriculum proposals /
  1. Laurie is writing course description for children’s literature course, EDU 240, open to 1st and 2nd year students, no pre-requisites
  2. Change EDU 101 section to EDU 102 for secondary candidates
  3. Change EDU 201 to be recommended in year 3 or junior year
Debbie is working to find a way to compensate for less pedagogy in EDU 216 curriculum , currently taught by Paul Hildebrand. / Debbie
L. / Pass-Port / We will establish January 23st deadline for current candidates and EDU 230 participants to subscribe to Pass-Port. The current roster of candidates received official invitation during finals week. We will offer January 23st help day in Newby, 12noon to 7pm for anyone not yet subscribed. Kay will send out message to all eligible candidates. / Kay
M. / BoE Offsite Report / What do we want to include in the IR Addendum? Kay wants to submit addendum by end of January. Items and questions are listed on chart paper. So far:
  1. Kay will ask about space for Addendum, read report again about what is confusing BoE, and what the inconsistencies are.
  2. Kay will collage data from EDU 230 surveys from mentors (candidate dispositions)
  3. Debbie will collect student reflections of tutoring and ask Ashley Clifford for tutoring survey data
  4. Debbie will collect data from junior methods mentors (dispositions)
  5. Laurie will write a profile of cross cultural experiences and tinker with Pass-Port rubric .
/ All
N. / No department meeting next Monday because of seminar.

Education Department Meeting, 11AM – 1PM

DATE: January 27, 2014 (Debbie, Laurie, Kay, Cheryl)

Items below may not be in the order that we talked about each.

Agenda / Decision / Point Person(s)
A. / Minutes / Sent out by Kay (stored on Kay’s computer for NCATE) / Kay
B. / Institutional Report Addendum / We will respond to BoE requests in the off-site report as much as we can by February 28th deadline for submitting Addendum into AIMS. We can submit more exhibit room documents and up to 25 pages of narrative. Laurie suggests referring to example of IR or Addendum in the NCATE website. Laurie and Debbie agreed to read through the off-site feedback and let Kay know which items they would prepare. We agreed to devote February 5 and 6 to data organization and analysis. All of us will use the two days before the mock review to gather data for Addendum. Kay will summarize final portfolio data from 2013 and 2014. Today’s review of data resulted in discussion of:
  1. This group of program completers had many who completed a semester after graduation.
  2. This group experienced at least two revisions of the portfolio scoring guide in their candidacy.
  3. The 2014 cohort were more informed about a final portfolio as juniors. The 2013 cohort began portfolio construction as first-year and sophomores—too early to understand final expectations.
  4. The data indicates much improved scores from 2013 to Fall 2014 seniors. 16% needed interventions in 2013 group and one candidate did not complete the program as a result of failing portfolio. No interventions were required for 2014 Fall cohort.
  5. We could raise the 60% passing mark of 2013 to 70% for the 2014 cohort.
  6. Examination of teacher standard indicators was completed in each SPA review in AIMS.
General concerns from BoE to address in regard to data analysis include:
  1. Link to Conceptual Framework
  2. Evidence of candidate competence in content, pedagogy, dispositions, and student learning—this will require a general look across SPA or IDOE approved programs.
  3. Evidence of collaboration on analysis and decision making
  4. Accuracy of numbers of program completers and numbers of faculty teaching certification-required courses per program. The EPP is defined by all such faculty.
  5. Providing 2013 data as most current and complete representing most current assessments.
Cheryl will work on items in Standard 5 and 6. The previsit telephone conference should focus on details of the Examiners’ visit.
Debbie will keep Dean Jobe, President DeWine and Nasrin Shahinpoor informed as we go. They should have no surprises.
Everyone should understand the consequences of being placed on probation or having accreditation with conditions, or having the IDOE determine a separate determination. / All
C. / Pass-Port / Laurie helped us navigate administrators pages in Pass-Port to determine who has logged in. We should go into Account Search Results.
Kay will ask Jerome about academic minors in each candidate’s account descriptions.
Those who subscribed recently will not have to subscribe until January 2015.
Debbie noted that the first round of data for the EDU 340 case study could be uploaded into Pass-Port by April 5th. / All
D.. / Policy about student teaching placements / The 2007 policy for student teaching placements should be placed in the Department of Education Handbook, if it isn’t already. This may be an agreement to be signed by each junior who requests a student teaching assignment . / Kay
E. / TEC / Closure on Matt Perkins’ withdrawal from program will be on the Feb. 6 agenda. We double checked applications—both completed ones and those that will not be read by TEC on Feb. 6th. We have 20 completed applications ready to read. / All
F. / Panthers Teach / Taran McZee and Kay are working to read applications from Atherton High School students who want to participate in this mentoring program. At least one Benjamiin Templeton Scholar and one teacher candidate will be invited to read applications. Recommended candidates include Sarah-Bates Scott, Lauren McQuery, and Isaac Huntoon. / Kay

Education Department Meeting, 11AM – 1PM

DATE: February 3, 2014 (Debbie, Kay, Joyce)

Items below may not be in the order that we talked about each.

Agenda / Decision / Point Person(s)
A. / Minutes / Sent out by Kay (stored on Kay’s computer for NCATE) / Kay
B. / Student Teaching Schedules and Snow Days / After reviewing all local school calendars and having updates from school administrators, all student teachers will be teaching on February 17th. No student teacher will be asked to student teach beyond April 18th. Student teachers and supervisors should be at work during snow make up days in March and through April 18th. Kay will send out update to all supervisors. Supervisors will update their student teachers. The urban experience days of March 25, 26, and 27th will remain the same. The student teaching seminar is scheduled for April 10th before convocation and banquet. Cheryl is working on arranging a first aid and CPR training for student teachers on April 9th in the late afternoon or evening.
If there is another week of snow days, we may need to adjust the student teaching assignment before April 18th. / All
C. / EDU 221 and 230 Early Field Experiences / Debbie has compiled data and analysis including those students who needed intervention for her EDU 221 field experience. Specific anecdotal notes are helpful when these pre-candidates later apply for candidacy. Evidence of this field experience is a critical reflection paper. Debbie will attach a few examples of this paper to the data analysis as an Addendum exhibit. Kay will send Joyce the data from EDU 230 survey of dispositions and mentor comments. Joyce will add her notes about participants. Kay and Debbie will look for examples of the EDU 230 case study/case summary to attach to data for Addendum exhibit. / Debbie, Joyce, Kay
D.. / Student Teaching Data for 2013 program completers / Kay presented raw data for 2013 program completers’ student teaching evaluations. Raw scores from final evaluations were organized in Excel spreadsheets per program and for the secondary candidates in general. There were several issues to address in this examination of data:
1)Use of N/A for any standard indicator would be translated as a standard not having met nor addressed. The recorder interpreted all N/As as a “1”
2)There was a pattern of N/As or 1s for elementary student teachers who were in departmentalized schools or in schools where some content was not taught. In some cases schools did not offer professional development for teachers. In some classrooms student teachers had not experience with EL learners. Some schools did not practice RTI .
In some cases mentor teachers did all of the parent contact. Finally, some ACEI standard indicators in the rubric seem less appropriate for kindergarten.
In the immediate way of taking care of N/As, Kay will notify supervisors about avoiding the use of N/A and thinking of alternative ways to address or produce evidence. For example, if a student teacher does not have an ELL in his/her classroom, formal lesson plans can note strategies for ELLs or RTI in the event of including a student with special needs in this class. Student teachers can shadow a special educator and ELL specialist in the school to find out about school and teacher support. Student teachers can document professional development sessions that the school would provide on the topic of RTI or ELLs. Those student teachers who must complete an urban experience in Cincinnati can specifically look for strategies and activity related to RTI or ELLs.
We talked about ways that elementary teachers might include content not typically taught in their assignment. Planning and teaching for a specific content might be done through a second cooperating teacher in the school. In some cases, and interdisciplinary lesson could focus on “missing” content. In other cases content instruction might be added to the curriculum.
If a student teacher has a kindergarten assignment, the student teaching evaluation may need to be adjusted, given the content and content pedagogy ACEI standard indicators.
The parent contact indicator may need to be reworded so as to allow mentor teachers control over conversations with parents.
The two 2013 Excel spreadsheets for Elementary (18 candidates) and general secondary candidates (8) will need to be redone. Amy H. is providing this service!
The 2013 cohort is the first whole cohort to use the latest student teaching evaluation rubrics. / All
Supervisors please read.

Education Department Meeting, 11:00AM – 1PM

DATE: March 17, 2014

Attending: Joyce, Cheryl, Debbie, Laurie, Kay

Agenda / Discussion / Decision / Point Person(s)
A. / Minutes 3.10.14 / none / No minutes were recorded by Kay for this session with Steve Jobe. A post-it chart summarizes professors’ work on IR Addendum. / Kay
B. / NCATE scheduling document / Everyone reviewed their contacts; Kay attached March 5 email about contact assignments.
Debbie and Cheryl address Dr. Sapp’s concern in his March 16, 2014 email. / Include one vegetarian option for Sunday dinner. Kay will send Dr. Sapp an unmarked schedule April 22 after the IR Addendum is completed.
Debbie: Standard 6
Laurie: Standard 4
Joyce: Editing
Kay: Standard 5 / ALL
C. / IACTE Banquet and Honors Day Awards / See GPA handout. / IACTE Elementary Honor: Lauren Ehler
IACTE Secondary Honor: Katie Regan
Dr. Beck and Dr. Hanson attending April 11
Cordrey: Kate and Kelsie Weihe
Department Honors: Sara Chilewski and Hope Martin / ALL
D. / CPR class / Scheduled 4-9-2014 / Cheryl
E. / Clarification on Program completion including professional exams (Praxis 2 or CORE) and one year deadline for completion instructions / Program Completers are defined by AACTE Title II and by the date of taking PRAXIS II or CORE passing scores.
Blakli and Megan are two most recent program completers, having passed their PRAXIS II exams.
The one year deadline applies to completion of College certification requirements including BA, final portfolio, cross-cultural experience, and student teaching. Wil has one year to complete student teaching as he graduates in May 2014. / ALL
F. / Student Teaching Seminar
April 10, 2014 /
  1. Portfolio update due April 16th by end of day
  2. Pre and post results shared
  3. Interview coaching
  4. Urban experience debriefing
  5. NCATE on-site visit debriefing
/ Laurie
G. / Decision Point 2 Interviews / Debbie will schedule in finals week and beginning of May. Kay will not be interviewing. / Debbie
H. / Spicer Phillips Scholarship / Kay has asked if there is enough money in this endowment to help fund EDU 320S in May 2015 for the civil rights study in Tennessee and Alabama. Monica Green is joining Kay in planning this course. Steve Jobe oversees this endowment. / Given Steve’s memos of March 14 and Darlene’s note of September 27, 2007, Debbie will talk with Steve about the Department’s priorities for use of this endowment. / Debbie