The XXIIIrd SENIORFORUM Kroměříž 2016 – Dr. Zd. Jarošś Memorial

Kroměříž, the Czech Republic – December2nd – 4th, 2016

The international selective competition of non-commercial and non-professional films

made by authors over 58 years of age – without any thematic limitation


A Purpose of Competition:

The main target of this event is an increasing of activities of senior authors giving a possibility for some comparison of their work results in non-professional creating of movies and videoprogrammes. The competition is allowed as for Czech as for foreign authors.

The 22nd SENIORFORUM is an international competition and is declared as a memory of MUDr. Zdeněk Jaroš who was the founder of amateur filmmaking movement in Kroměříž region and who was very successful author of lots of movie works, too. Later he became one of the group of people establishing Klub amatérského filmu (the Amateur Film Club - KAF) in 1973. Zdeněk Jaroš was a very friendly man and he was opened for searching of solutions and every needs of his collegues in KAF. He liked wild nature very much and, of course, all kinds of art.

Rules for Entry:

The entry is free for both domestic and foreign amateur authors if their works are on non-commercial and non-professional bases and are reaching all technical conditions. Films and videoprogrammes for the participation in this competition cannot be older than 3 years and the limitation of number of works made by one author are two. The preselection committee has right to check all works and to recommend works for projection.

Technical Conditions of Participation:

Entries for this competition can be videoprogrammes on digital MiniDV or DVD-video or .mp4, .mpeg formats through ftp server. They should be no longer than 15 minutes. Every videoprogramme has to be recorded on an extra cassette with introductory headline and final titles. The cassette and its cover has to be marked with all necessary data about inside work. The same has to be apllied to film works.

The festival organizers are responsible for all entries from the day they have received them until the time they are sent back to their owners. They cannot take responsibility for some lost or damage of the entries during their transportation. All entries will be sent back by mail within ten days after the festival will finish.

Financial Arrangements:

Each film or videoprogramme which is selected for the competition screening entitles its author (or a representative of its creating team) for a personal participation at the 23rd SENIORFORUM.

The organizers will pay an accommodation for him. There is also a possibility to book an accommmodation for other participants, but not free of charge. For every applied work its author has to pay the entry charge in advance. A charge document has to be an enclosure of the application form to the SENIORFORUM. These entry fees are 100,- Czech crowns or 15 Euros (18 USD). This amount has to be paid for ČSFV – Česká spořitelna a.s. pobočka 14, 767 18 Kroměříž (the Czech Republic) - account number 1480565389/0800. The amount in cash preferably may be enclosed to a post delivery of a filmfor the SENIORFORUM.

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Awards and Prizes:

All films and videoprogrammes delivered to the competition SENIORFORUM has to pass through the preselection procedure. The selection committee will check entries to be in full accordance to the festival rules and technical conditions. The decissions of the preselection committee and the international festival jury are final.

The international jury awards are these:

- the SENIORPRIX and the Medal of MUDr. Zdeněk Jaroš

-the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes and Recognitions

-the UNICA Medal

-the ČSFV Kroměříž Prize

-the Percy Childsś Prize

-the Spectator Prize – the House of Culture Kroměříž Prize

The prizes may be real things or financial amounts by abilities of the SENIORFORUM organizers and sponzors. Some of these prizes need not be asssigned by festival jury excluding the SENIORPRIX.

Deadlines for Entries:

Films and videoprogrammes along the application form for the competition, requirement for the accommodation and charge fee document must be received by the organizers no later than on the 15th November, 2016.

The decision of the preselection committee will be sent to authors till the 22nd November, 2016.

The 23rd SENIORFORUM Kroměříž 2016 will be opened on Friday,- December the 2nd, 2016 at 4 p.m. in the Music Hall of the House of Culture, Tovačovského str. 2828, Kroměříž and will be closed by the evening session with the festival jury connected with awarding of the festival prizes for best works on Saturday, December the 3rd, 2016at the same place.

Head Organizer:ČSFV Kroměříž (The Czech Union for Film and Video)

Co-organizers:Město Kroměříž – Dům kultury Kroměříž

(The Kroměříž Town – The House of Culture Kroměříž)

Klub amatérského filmu Kroměříž o.s.

(The Amateur Film Club Kroměříž)

Ministerstvo kultury ČR Praha

(The Czech Ministry of Culture Prague)

Patronage:UNICA – The World Union for Amateur Moviemakers

All letters, films, videoprogrammes and applications have to be send to the following address:

Dům kultury, Tovačovského 2828, 767 01 Kroměříž, the Czech Republic

( tel: +420 573500 581, fax: +420573500 584 )

or to the e-mail address :

The 23rd SENIORFORUM Kroměříž 2016 – Dr. Zdeněk Jaroš´s Memorial

The Czech Republic – Kroměříž – December the 2nd – 4th, 2016


Jméno a příjmení autora, rok narození ...... First Name, Family Name, Year of Birth......

Zuname, Vorname, Gebursjahr ......


Jazykové znalosti – Language Knowledge – Sprachkenntnisse:


Adresa – Address – Adresse:......


Telefon – Phone, Fax: ......

Stát – Country – Staat: ......

Název snímku – Movie Title – Filmtitel: ......


Videoprogram – Videoprogramme: MiniDV (digital) DVD-video other

Černobílý/barevný – BW/Colour – SW/Farbe

Projekční doba – Duration Time – Vorfuhrungsdauer: ...... min.

Rok vzniku – Production Year – Jahr des Herstellung: ......

Ocenění snímku – Awards or Distinctions – Bewertungen: ......


Důležité poznámky – Important Remarks – Wichtige Bewertungen: ......


Stručný obsah – Annotation – Synopse:......



Souhlasím suvedením mého snímku kpropagačním účelům: ANO/NE

I agree with the presentation of my movie for promotional purposes:YES/NO

Ich bin mit des Vorfuhrung von Teilen Meines Film zu propagandawerken einverstande:


Datum – Date: ......


Podpis – Signature - Unterschrift

The 23rd SENIORFORUM Kroměříž 2016 – Dr. Zdeněk Jaroš´s Memorial

The Czech Republic – Kroměříž –December the 2nd – 4th, 2016


Dům kultury, ČSFVČíslo:

Tovačovského 2828Došlo dne:

767 01 Kr o m ě ř í ž

Česká republika

Žádám o zjištění ubytování /počet /:December the 2nd, 2016

Request an accommodation for the day of /number/:December the 3rd, 2016

Ich ersuche um Sicherstellung der Unterkunf vom /Anzahl/:

Přihlášku kubytování zašlete nejpozději do:15. 11. 2016

This fulfilled accommodation ticket send to upper address till:15th of November, 2016

Termin der Anmeldung nur Unterkunf spatesten bis:15. 11. 2016

Příjmení, jméno: ...... Číslo pasu: ......

Name, surname: ...... Passport No: ......

Zuname, Vorname: ...... Pass Nu: ......

Adresa – Address – Adresse: ......



UPOZORNĚNÍ : Přihláška i termíny jsou závazné

Vpřípadě nepřijetí svého filmu TRVÁM – NETRVÁM na přihlášce kubytování

/Nehodící se škrtněte/.

ATTENTION: Application and the terms are obligatory.

In case my film will not be accepted for the competition I INSIST – I DO NOT INSIST

for the accommodation /mark off unsuitable/.

ACHTUNG: Anmeldung und termin sind verbindlich.

In Falle der Ablehnung meines Film ICH BEHARE – ICH BEHARE NICHT auf der

Anmeldung zur Unterkunf /Nicht passendes ist durchzusteifen/.

Datum – Date: ......


Podpis – Signature - Unterschrift