Fourth Grade students have the opportunity to design their own adventure and share it in a creative way. Each student will select a point of interest in Indiana to investigate. This site can be historic, a state park, a museum, a city or town, or any place that is in some way significant to Indiana’s past, present, or future.

Students are strongly encouraged, butnot required, to select a site they will be able to visit. In hopes of providing ample time for a visit, the final presentation date is in April. Students may choose a distant site or one in the Greenwood area. To provide many project ideas, the students will brainstorm a list of possibilities in class. We will provide each student with some resource information provided by our state government.

This project consists of several components. Students will select

their site, research the site, make a plan to share their research using a

visual format, complete the visual, and prepare a class presentation. It will

be exciting to have our study of Indiana culminate with these presentations.

Information regarding the components, due dates, and evaluation is included

in this packet.


A. ParentAwareness Sheet (p. 4)Due WEDNESDAY, Sept. 17

Parents sign and return Awareness Sheet to show that they know about the project and to write any questions that need to be addressed.

B. Proposal (p. 5)Due FRIDAY, Sept. 26

Includes place, reason for selecting the site, and the expected format for the visual. If a student changes his/her mind on any of this information, a new proposal needs to be submitted as soon as possible. Complete the proposal form and turn in the bottom half to your teacher.

Keep the top half for your records.

C. Letter to site DONE IN CLASS

In class, the students will write a letter to the site (or possibly the Chamber of Commerce) requesting maps and information about the site. If you are unable to visit the site, this will give the student necessary information and brochures to complete the project. The student will need

to bring in a business-sized envelope, the address to their site, and a postage stamp. We will address the envelopes together inclass.The addresses of most places will in your Indiana Tour book or on your map. Some addresses may require some creative thinking. Your teacher can help if you are having trouble. You may also find some of the information you need on the Internet. The students will be writing letters in class and mailing them from school. This will be graded on the correct letter format and envelope addressing, sentence structure, and spelling.

D. Travel Report (p.6-7)Due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5

Students will turn in the completed Travel Report form. This form includes general information such as significance of the site, geographical location, and travel information. This report can be completed using your map and the information you receive in response to your letter.

E. Visual Plan (p. 8)Due FRIDAY, January 9

Students will turn in the completed Visual Plan sheet stating the form his/her visual will take, a step-by-step plan for completing the visual, and a list of supplies needed. What follows is a list of some of the many creative ways to present the visual, or you may have your own creative idea. The majority of your project must be an original creation (ie; do not only display/use pre-made information on your visual)

  • Computer program (PowerPoint etc,)
  • Photographic essay-mounted photos with captions for each picture
  • Slide show or student-created overhead transparencies
  • Display of memorabilia on poster
  • Collage-poster size
  • Mobile-minimum of 10 items
  • Self-produced map or floor plan-large poster size
  • Physical model-labeled with name of site and location
  • Hand-made book
  • Re-enactment performance-live or on video tape-student must also speak and present the video; not just plug in the video and let it run!
  • 60 second commercial-live or on video tape-the rest of the time limit will be spent in the oral presentation of the information required on the evaluation sheet.
  • Painting
  • Student-created brochure
  • Video and oral report-you will need to explain what we are seeing

F. Visual/Presentation (Rubric pp. 9-10) Projects Due MONDAY, APRIL 13

Projects will be presented beginning on Monday, April 16. Students should plan to present general information on their site (like what was included on the Travel Report), their visual, how the visual was made, why they chose this site, and what significance it has to Indiana’s history. Presentations should be 6- 12 minutes in length. Points will be deducted for the presentation not being in this range. You should practice using the evaluation sheet on pages 9-10. These sheets are for you to use at home as you practice. Your teacher will be using one just like it to grade you.