Standard / ReadingLiterary Text / Quarter 1
Lessons 1-7 / Quarter 2
Lessons 8-14 / Quarter 3
Lessons 15-22 / Quarter 4
Lessons 23-30
Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
KeyIdeas and Details / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RL.4.1 / Referto detailsand examplesin a textwhen explaining what thetext saysexplicitlyand when drawing inferencesfrom thetext.
(A: 1,3) Skill Emphasis: A. article details B. inference / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.RL.4.2 / Determinea themeofa story,drama,orpoem from details in thetext;summarizethetext.
(A: 1,3) Skill Emphasis: A. theme B. summary / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X
CC.RL.4.3 / Describein depth a character,setting,or eventin a storyordrama,drawing on specific detailsin thetext (e.g.,a character’s thoughts,words,oractions).
(A: 1,3) Skill Emphasis: literary element, analysis / X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Craftand Structure / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RL.4.4 / Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).
(A: 1,3) vocabulary / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.RL.4.5 / Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text.
(A: 1,3) text features / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.RL.4.6 / Compareand contrast thepoint ofviewfrom which different storiesarenarrated,including thedifference between first‐and third‐person narrations.
(A: 1,3) author’s purpose / X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Integration ofKnowledge and Ideas / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RL.4.7 / Makeconnections between thetext ofa storyor drama and a visual ororal presentation ofthetext, identifyingwhere each version reflects specific descriptionsand directions in thetext. / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
CC.RL.4.8 / (Notapplicableto literature)
Standard / Integration ofKnowledge and Ideas / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
KeyIdeas and Details / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RL.4.9 / Compareand contrast thetreatment ofsimilarthemes and topics(e.g.,opposition ofgood and evil)and patterns of events(e.g.,thequest)in stories,myths, and traditional literaturefrom different cultures. / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Range of Text Complexity / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RL.4.10 / Bythe end oftheyear, read and comprehend literature,including stories,dramas,and poetry,in the grades4–5text complexityband proficiently,with scaffoldingas needed at thehigh end ofthe range. / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / ReadingInformational Text / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
KeyIdeas and Details / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RI.4.1 / Referto detailsand examplesin a textwhen explaining what thetext saysexplicitlyand when drawing inferencesfrom thetext.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: A. article details B. inference / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X
CC.RI.4.2 / Determinethemain idea ofa textand explain howitis supported bykeydetails;summarizethetext.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: A. main idea B. article details C. summary / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.RI.4.3 / Explain events,procedures,ideas,orconcepts in a historical, scientific,ortechnical text,includingwhat happened and why,based on specific information in thetext.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: A. analysis B. inference C. sequencing / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Craftand Structure / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RI.4.4 / Determinethemeaning ofgeneral academic and domain‐specific words orphrases in a textrelevant to a grade4topic orsubjectarea.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: vocabulary / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / Craftand Structure / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RI.4.5 / Describetheoverall structure (e.g.,chronology, comparison,cause/effect,problem/solution)of events, ideas,concepts,orinformation in a text orpart ofa text.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: text features / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.RI.4.6 / Compareand contrasta firsthand and secondhand account ofthesame event ortopic;describethe differences in focusand theinformation provided. / X / X
Standard / Integration ofKnowledge and Ideas / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RI.4.7 / Interpretinformation presented visually,orally,or quantitatively (e.g., in charts,graphs,diagrams,time lines,animations,orinteractive elements on Web pages)and explain howtheinformation contributes to an understanding ofthetext in which itappears.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: A. text features B. inference / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.RI.4.8 / Explain howan authorusesreasonsand evidenceto support particularpoints in a text.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: making connections / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
CC.RI.4.9 / Integrateinformation from two texts on thesametopic in orderto writeorspeakabout thesubject knowledgeably. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Range of Readingand Levelof TextComplexity / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RI.4.10 / Bythe end ofyear, read and comprehend informational texts,including history/social studies, science,and technical texts,in thegrades4–5text complexityband proficiently,with scaffoldingas needed at thehigh end ofthe range. / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / ReadingFoundational Skills / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
Phonics and Word Recognition / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RF.4.3 / Knowand applygrade‐level phonicsand word analysis skills in decodingwords.
CC.RF.4.3a / Usecombined knowledgeofall letter‐sound correspondences,syllabication patterns,and morphology (e.g., rootsand affixes)to read accurately unfamiliarmultisyllabicwordsin contextand out of context. / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Fluency / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.RF.4.4 / Read with sufficientaccuracyand fluencyto support comprehension.
CC.RF.4.4a / Read on‐level textwith purposeand understanding. / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
CC.RF.4.4b / Read on‐level proseand poetryorallywith accuracy, appropriate rate,and expression on successive readings. / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X
CC.RF.4.4c / Usecontext to confirm orself‐correctword recognition and understanding, rereadingas necessary. / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X
Standard / Conventions of Standard English / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.L.4.1 / Demonstratecommand oftheconventions ofstandardEnglish grammarand usagewhen writing orspeaking.
CC.L.4.1a / Use relativepronouns(who,whose,whom,which, that)and relativeadverbs(where,when,why).
(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: A. pronouns B. adverbs / X / *
CC.L.4.1b / Form and usetheprogressive (e.g.,I waswalking;I am walking;I will bewalking) verb tenses.
(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X
CC.L.4.1c / Usemodal auxiliaries(e.g., can,may,must)to convey various conditions.
(A: 1,4) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / Conventions of Standard English / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.L.4.1d / Orderadjectiveswithin sentencesaccording to conventional patterns(e.g., a small red bagratherthan a red small bag).
(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.1e / Form and useprepositional phrases.
(A: 1,4) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / Language / Unit 1 / Unit 2 / Unit 3 / Unit 4 / Unit 5 / Unit 6
Conventions of Standard English / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.L.4.1f / Producecompletesentences, recognizingand correcting inappropriatefragmentsand run‐ons.(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: A. fragments B. run-ons / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.1g / Correctlyusefrequentlyconfused words(e.g.,to,too, two;there,their).
(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / *
X / X / *
X / X
CC.L.4.2 / Demonstratecommand oftheconventions ofstandard English capitalization,punctuation,and spellingwhen writing.
CC.L.4.2a / Usecorrect capitalization.
(A: 1,2) Skill Emphasis:Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.2b / Usecommasand quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotationsfrom a text.
(A: 2,4) Skill Emphasis: A. direct speech B. quotations / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X
CC.L.4.2c / Usea comma beforea coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
(A: 1,2) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.2d / Spell grade‐appropriatewords correctly,consulting referencesas needed. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Language / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
Knowledge ofLanguage / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.L.4.3 / Useknowledgeoflanguageand its conventionswhen writing,speaking, reading,orlistening.
CC.L.4.3a / Choosewordsand phrases to conveyideas precisely. (A: 2,3) Skill Emphasis: none identified by TLI / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.3b / Choosepunctuation for effect. / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.3c / Differentiatebetween contexts that call forformal English (e.g.,presenting ideas)and situationswhere informal discourseisappropriate (e.g., small‐group discussion). / X / X / X
Standard / Language / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
VocabularyAcquisition and Use / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.L.4.4 / Determineorclarifythemeaning ofunknown and multiple‐meaningwordsand phrases based on grade4 readingand content,choosingflexiblyfrom a rangeof strategies.
CC.L.4.4a / Usecontext(e.g.,definitions, examples,or restatements in text)asa clueto themeaning ofa word orphrase. / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.L.4.4b / Usecommon,grade‐appropriate Greek and Latin affixesand rootsas clues to themeaning ofa word (e.g.,telegraph,photograph,autograph). / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.L.4.4c / Consultreferencematerials(e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,thesauruses),bothprintand digital,to find thepronunciation and determineorclarifytheprecise meaning ofkeywordsand phrases. / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
CC.L.4.5 / Demonstrateunderstanding offigurativelanguage, word relationships,and nuances in word meanings.
Standard / Language / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
VocabularyAcquisition and Use / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.L.4.5a / Explain themeaning ofsimplesimilesand metaphors
(e.g.,as prettyasa picture)in context.
(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: A. simile B. metaphor / X / X / X / X
CC.L.4.5b / Recognizeand explain themeaning ofcommon idioms, adages,and proverbs.
(A: 3,4) Skill Emphasis: A. idiom B. adage/proverb / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
CC.L.4.6 / Acquireand useaccuratelygrade‐appropriategeneral academic and domain‐ specific wordsand phrases, including thosethat signal preciseactions, emotions,or states ofbeing(e.g.,quizzed,whined,stammered)and thatarebasic to a particulartopic (e.g., wildlife, conservation,and endangered when discussinganimal preservation). / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / Writing / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
TextTypes and Purposes / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.W.4.1 / Writeopinion pieces on topics ortexts,supportinga point of viewwith reasonsand information.
CC.W.4.1a / Introducea topic ortext clearly,statean opinion,and createan organizational structurein which related ideasaregrouped to support thewriter’s purpose. / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.1b / Provide reasons thataresupported byfactsand details. / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X
Standard / Writing / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
TextTypes and Purposes / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.W.4.1c / Link opinion and reasons usingwordsand phrases(e.g., forinstance,in orderto,in addition). / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.W.4.1d / Providea concluding statement orsection related to theopinion presented. / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / Writing / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
TextTypes and Purposes / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.W.4.2 / Writeinformative/explanatorytexts to examinea topic and conveyideasand information clearly.
CC.W.4.2a / Introducea topic clearlyand group related information in paragraphsand sections;includeformatting(e.g., headings),illustrations,and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.2b / Develop thetopic with facts,definitions,concrete details,quotations,orotherinformation and examples related to thetopic. / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X
CC.W.4.2c / Link ideaswithin categories ofinformation usingwords and phrases(e.g., another,for example,also,because). / *
X / X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.2d / Usepreciselanguageand domain‐specific vocabulary to inform about or explain thetopic. / X / X / X / *
X / X
CC.W.4.2e / Providea concluding statement orsection related to theinformation or explanation presented. / X / X / *
X / X / X
CC.W.4.3 / Writenarratives to develop real orimagined experiences orevents usingeffectivetechnique, descriptivedetails,and clear event sequences.
CC.W.4.3a / Orient the readerby establishinga situation and introducinga narratorand/orcharacters;organizean event sequencethat unfolds naturally. / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.3b / Usedialogueand description to develop experiences and events orshowthe responses ofcharacters to situations. / X / X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.3c / Usea varietyoftransitional wordsand phrases to managethesequenceofevents. / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X
Standard / Production and Distribution of Writing / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.W.4.3d / Useconcretewordsand phrasesand sensorydetails to conveyexperiencesand events precisely. / X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
CC.W.4.3e / Providea conclusion thatfollowsfrom thenarrated experiences orevents. / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.4 / Produceclearand coherentwriting in which the developmentand organization areappropriateto task, purpose,and audience. / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / * / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X
CC.W.4.5 / With guidanceand supportfrom peersand adults, develop and strengthen writingas needed byplanning, revising,and editing. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.W.4.6 / With someguidanceand supportfrom adults,use technology,including theInternet,to produceand publish writingaswell as to interactand collaborate with others;demonstratesufficient command of keyboarding skills to typea minimum ofonepagein a singlesitting. / X / X
Standard / Research to Build and PresentKnowledge / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.W.4.7 / Conduct shortresearch projects that build knowledge through investigation ofdifferentaspects ofa topic. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.8 / Recall relevantinformation from experiences orgather relevantinformation from printand digital sources; takenotesand categorizeinformation,and providea list ofsources. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.W.4.9 / Draw evidencefrom literaryorinformational texts to supportanalysis, reflection,and research.
CC.W.4.9a / Applygrade4Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Describein depth a character,setting,or eventin a storyordrama,drawing on specific details in thetext [e.g.,a character’s thoughts,words,oractions].”). / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
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X / *
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X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.W.4.9b / Applygrade4Reading standards to informational texts (e.g.,“Explain howan authorusesreasonsand evidenceto support particularpoints in a text”). / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
Standard / Range of Writing / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.W.4.10 / Write routinelyoverextended timeframes(timefor research, reflection,and revision)and shortertime frames(a singlesitting ora dayortwo)fora rangeof discipline‐specific tasks,purposes,and audiences. / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X
Standard / Speakingand Listening
Comprehension and Collaboration / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.SL.4.1 / Engage effectivelyin a rangeofcollaborative discussions(one‐on‐one,in groups,and teacher‐led) with diversepartners on grade4picturesand texts, building on others’ideasand expressing theirown clearly.
Standard / Speakingand Listening
Comprehension and Collaboration / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.SL.4.1a / Cometo discussionspreparedhavingread orstudied required material; explicitlydrawon thatpreparation and otherinformation known about thetopic to exploreideas underdiscussion. / X / X / X / X / X / *
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
CC.SL.4.1b / Followagreed‐upon rulesfordiscussionsand carryout assigned roles. / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
CC.SL.4.1c / Poseand respond to specific questions to clarifyor followup on information,and makecomments that contributeto thediscussion and linkto the remarks of others. / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
CC.SL.4.1d / Reviewthekeyideasexpressed and explain theirown ideasand understanding in light ofthediscussion. / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / X / *
X / X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
X / *
CC.SL.4.2 / Paraphraseportions ofa textread aloud orinformation presented in diversemedia and formats,including visually,quantitatively,and orally. / X / X / X / X
CC.SL.4.3 / Identifythe reasonsand evidencea speakerprovides to support particularpoints. / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas / L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.SL.4.4 / Report on a topic ortext,tell a story,or recountan experiencein an organized manner,usingappropriate factsand relevant,descriptivedetails to support main ideas orthemes;speak clearlyatan understandable pace. / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Standard / Speakingand Listening
Comprehension and Collaboration / Unit1 / Unit2 / Unit3 / Unit4 / Unit5 / Unit6
L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 / L7 / L8 / L9 / L10 / L11 / L12 / L13 / L14 / L15 / L16 / L17 / L18 / L19 / L20 / L21 / L22 / L23 / L24 / L25 / L26 / L27 / L28 / L29 / L30
CC.SL.4.5 / Add audio recordingsand visual displays to presentationswhen appropriateto enhancethe development ofmain ideas orthemes. / X / X / X / X / X / X
SL.4.6 / Differentiatebetween contexts that call forformal English (e.g.,presenting ideas)and situationswhere informal discourseisappropriate (e.g., small‐group discussion);useformal English when appropriateto task and situation.
situation. / *
X / X / X / X
TLI Testing Model Map
Quarter / Passage Type / Prompt Type
Quarter 1 / Fiction-Stories / Narrative Story Starter
Quarter 2 / Informational / Opinion
Quarter 3 / Poetry / Personal Narrative
Quarter 4 / Technical / Inform & Explain

4th Grade Literacy Curriculum Map Guide 2012 Revised August 19, 2012 4th Grade-1 * X These standards identified by the district must be addressed using Journeys and/or supplemental materials.

4th Grade Literacy Curriculum Map Guide 2012 Revised August 19, 2012 4th Grade-1 * X These standards identified by the district must be addressed using Journeys and/or supplemental materials.