
25 January 2012

5th European CAF user Event
Oslo, 27-28 September 2012

CAF as a driver for innovation

Presentation of the global content of the event
to inspire the search for good practice cases in the Member States

1.  Introduction

The 5th European CAF users’ event will have a special focus on the CAF as a driver for innovation through both plenary and parallel sessions.

The plenary sessions will deal with setting the culture to make innovation happen, through CAF characteristics such as:

* the bottom-up approach: create the ownership of staff and their involvement in improving the organisation
* building knowledge: self-assessment provides you with knowledge on the organisation which provokes new insights and new ideas

* the holistic approach: covering all aspects of the functioning of an organisation, giving the overall perspective and the link between Enablers and Results, illustrating the cause-effect relations;

* bringing the outside in: involvementof all types of stakeholdersto stimulate new ideas; being part of service delivery in a chain of activities with others; benchlearning to discover what others do

During different parallel sessions, we will give the floor to 18 European public sector organisations. They will present remarkable and innovative methods and practices that were inspired by the conclusions of the CAF self-assessment. These practices have lead to tangible results, especially in the field of citizen/customers and key performance.

“Innovative” is of course a broad and flexible concept but a number of the following characteristics could apply

methods that were never used before in your public sector

methods involving stakeholders in a way that did not occur before

-  new e-tools/ electronic techniques

methods involving citizen/customers in the process(es) of the organisation in an intensive way

using modern media/ the social media

appealing on the civil society and ngo’s

introducing a new and fresh house-style that attracts customers

-  promoting networking

motivating and inspiring ways of involving your staff

-  …

If your organisation has such an innovative practice and is ready to share it at European level, we hereby invite you to apply to present your case at the 5th CAF users’ event by contacting your CAF national correspondent. You can use the format under§ 5

2.  Selection criteria

Your candidature/ case will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria

ð  innovative approaches have been introduced as a result of a CAF application

ð  they can inspire the whole public administration community

ð  you can show tangible/visible results

ð  you can give a lively presentation

ð  you are sufficiently proficient in English so that your presentation can be clear/and well understood

There will be a balance in the presentations between the different Member States.

3.  Deadline

Please send us your short case description by the end of March at the latest by 25 March 2012.

4.  Contact information

The EIPA CAF Resource centre at EIPA

T +31 43 3296 317/328


W www.eipa.eu/caf

W caf.eipa.eu

The CAF national correspondents

For details see: www.eipa.eu/caf

5.  Format

To introduce your good practice, please write a text of ½ to 1 page along the following lines:

1.  Identification of the organisation

- Name of the organisation

- Name of the person in charge

- Email / phone/ website

- Level: European, national/federal, regional, or local

- Sector (administration, finance, construction/infrastructures, defence/security, culture/education, justice, healthcare/social work, labour/employment, agriculture, the environment, or public services, …)

2.  Short description (max 1 page) :

­  Title of the case

­  Keywords

­  Summary

Please demonstrate in the summary the innovative character of the project/ practice that you have installed as a result of the CAF implementation in your organisation.

It should be clear from the description that the introduction of these innovative methods have not only made the life of the organisation easier and more efficient (a better functioning organisation) but have also lead to better results for your citizen/customers and better outputs and outcomes for society.

An example: powerful knowledge management

The organisation has installed a new knowledge management system that allows the organisation to give better answers to the citizens. It has remarkably improved the satisfaction of the citizens.

Explain, if possible, how you have evaluated this progress?

Organisations that have used the CAF several times can show trends. Organisations that used the CAF only once can describe how they worked our their actions to reach results
