58th Annual Dory Days Parade

Pacific City, Oregon – Saturday, July15th, 2017

You are invited to participate in the58th Annual Dory Day’s Parade. Your prompt return of this form will assist us in planning one of Oregon’s finest old-fashioned parades. To be considered in the parade contest the entry deadline is 9:30a.m. on July 15, 2017. Please fill in the information below, sign, and return the release form below.

2017 Dory Days Theme: “Let the Good Times Roll”
Name of individual or organization: ______

Name of entry coordinator: ______Telephone: ______

Mailing address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Email:______Number of people in this entry: ______

Please, give us interesting facts about your entry, including participant’s names, make, model and year of boat or auto, or anything else you would like to have noted about your entry. ______


Does the entry have music (circle one)? Yes or No

Release Form: Upon receipt of approved application by Dory Days co-chairs, you are authorized to participate in the 2017 parade. Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the Pacific City-Nestucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, Dory Days parade representatives and Dory Days committee, collectively and individually, and to defend demands, suits, actions and attorney fees of any kind or nature based on damages or injury to any persons or property. This will include death and include indemnity property, arising in any manner from participant’s activities and/or participation in the 2017 Dory Days parade. Entrants under 18 years of age must provide parent/guardian signature on this form.

Signature of applicant: ______

Signature of parent/guardian (if applicable): ______

Date: ______

Return to: Dory Days Parade Committee, c/o Melita SpathP.O. Box 113, Cloverdale, OR. 97112

58th Annual Dory Days Parade

Information Sheet
2017 Dory Days Theme: “Let the Good Times Roll”

Parade registration/check-in will begin at 8 am on Saturday, July 15, 2017 at the Tillamook County boat landing

onSunset Drive in Pacific City.

To be eligible for parade entry, judging, and awards you need tochecked-in by 9:30AM. Judging will begin

promptly at 9:30AM. We are not able to judge late entries. Entrants line up in the order they arrive.

The parade begins at 11:00AM.

Parking at theboat landing is extremely limited, so please carpool if possible.

Horse trailer parking is available at Bob Straub Park.

General Rules:

  1. No entries shall depict, advocate or oppose political parties or candidates. Candidates’ names on vehicle or float are permissible. NO political material is to be distributed.
  2. Any distribution of material (candy, gum, flyers) by entrants MUST have prior approval by the parade co-chairs.
  3. Nothing can be thrown from parade entrants to spectators along parade route.
  5. Trophies will be given as follows:

First Place trophies for: Judges Choice Award, Best Theme, and Best Commercial.

First and Second Place trophies for: Best Decorated, Best Decorated Dory, Equestrian, Best Group, and Youth category.

First Place Car Trophies for: 30+ years old; Under 30 years old; and, The Rusty Truck Award.

All Participants will receive a participant ribbon.

Please contact the parade co-chair if you will not be able to participate in the parade after submitting your entry form or if you have any questions.

Parade Co-Chair: Melita Spath 503-812-4750 or email:

Although we no longer ask for an entry fee donation, any contributions to help cover the costs associated with the parade are greatly appreciated!

Enjoy the parade and other Dory Days events!!