Chattahoochee 2
48 count, 4 wall, beginner level
Choreographer: Unknown
Choreographed to: Shooting From the Hip by Barry
Upton, 5678 or Line Dance Fever 5
Danses i Køge 2007 til Mercery Blues med Alan Jackson
Toe Fans
1-2 Fan right toe to the right side, bring back to center.
3-4 Fan right toe to the right side, bring back to center.
5-6 Fan left toe to the left side, bring back to center.
7-8 Fan left toe to the left side, bring back to center.
Step forward, Hook, Slap and Clap.
1-2 Step right forward, step left to side.
3-4 Flick right foot behind left and slap right heel with left hand, step right foot to side.
5-6 Flick left foot behind right and slap left heel with right hand, step left foot to side.
7-8 Clap twice.
Applejacks and pigeon toes.
1-2 Move right toe to the right and left heel to the left, back to center.
3-4 On toes, spread heels. Return.
5-6 Move left toe to the left and right heel to the right, back to center.
7-8 On toes, spread heels. Return.
Step back diagonally right, left, right, left.
1-4 Step right diogonally back, touch left beside right and clap, step left diogonally back, touch right beside left.
5-8 Step right diogonally back, touch left beside right and clap, step left diogonally back, touch right beside left.
Vine right with scuff, vine left with scuff
1-4 Step right to the right, step left behind right, step right to the right, scuff left forward
5-8 Step left to the left, step right behind left, step left to the left, scuff right forward
Scuff forward and turn.
1-2 Step right forward, brush left heel forward.
3-4 Step left forward, brush right heel forward.
5-6 Step right forward, brush left heel forward.
7-8 Step left turning 1/4 to the left, step right beside left.