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Additions to Prussian Reserve Infantry (Code PR)

These figures all wear the uniform issued in 1813, short jackets and breeches tucked into black gaiters. As before, the b versions wear the cap. I have sculpted them with the mix of equipment usual in reserve formations. Since these figures are all in march-attack poses I have ensured that they are all marching ‘in step.’ I decided to sculpt these figures as I needed them to complete the third battalion of the 12th line which I was painting at the time. They are now the fusilier battalion of that regiment.

Note that I have not added drummers, trumpeters or new officers to this set as they are already available in the range.

The figures-

PR59 March attack wearing shako

PR59bAs above wearing cap,head turned right.

PR60March attack, shako, head turned left.

PR60bAs above, cap, looking forwards.

PR61March attack, leg raised as if stepping over something, shako.

PR61bAs above, cap.

PR62March attack, holds musket with both hands, shako.

PR62bAs above, cap.

PR63N.C.O. carries musket on right arm, shako, head turned left.

PR63bAs above, cap, looking forwards.

PR64Casualty figure, falling backwards, shako.

PR64bAs above, cap.

PRpk.9 Bareheaded versions of, PR59 (bareheaded), PR60(balding), and PR62 (bandaged head).

New Prussian Landwehr.

I have been promising these figures for some time. They have been littering my desk, half-finished, for many months so I decided to complete them and put them into moulds. I felt that the original Landwehr figures, although good for their time, were now looking their age. My sculpting has moved on considerably since I released them and I had reached the point where I was not painting the landwehr I needed for my own collection as I didn’t like the figures. The old landwehr will be available from me until the end of the year. Those of you who want to finish formations using the old figures have until then to get them. Until next year please stipulate whether you want the new or the old landwehr.

Note that I have made the landwhr cap more formal than before, this is a result of the large amount of new information I have acquired since I completed the first set of figures. In some cases I have sculpted figures to conform to poses popular in the first range. Where this is the case I say so in the lists below.

The Figures-

This first set of figures is in marching poses with muskets on their shoulders. They are not marching ‘in step’ and are designed to look like a battalion marching towards the battlefield. If you add some figures in trail-arms poses (which I will release in the next few months) you can create a battalion with all the informality of landwehr on route march.

PL1Marching, looking forwards (replaces original PL1).

PL1bAs above looking right.

PL2Marching, taking long step, looking forwards (replaces original PL3).

PL2bAs above, head turned left.

PL3Marching , taking long step, musket held low on left shoulder.


PL5N.C.O. carries musket on right shoulder, armed with short infantry sabre. Can be used as a normal landwehr infantryman.

PL6Standard bearer, carries flag sloped over right shoulder. Rolled flag in cover will be available next month.

PL7Drummer, carries drum over left shoulder.

PL8Falling casualty.

PL9Enthusiastic figure, waving cap.

PLpk1Bareheaded versions of PL2 (balding), PL3 (bandaged head) and PL4 (bareheaded).

PL10Mounted officer, fits new horses (see below).

PL11Foot officer, wearing Kollet, sword shouldered (replaces PL15).

PL13Foot officer, wears the Litewka, holding sword in both hands.

PL14Marching foot officer, wears the litewka, sword shouldered.

PL15Officer in Kollet, sword pointing down, arm raised.

New Horses-

These replace the seven original horses. These horses have the same proportions as the artillery horses and are shorter and stockier than the original horses. The officer above only fits these horses. They are all in walking and trotting poses. A set of galloping horses will come out shortly.

H1Walking horse, front left leg forward.

H2Walking horse, front right leg raised.

H3Trotting horse, front right leg forward.

H4Walking horse, head lowered.

H5Trotting horse, front left leg forward.

H6Walking, front left leg raised, head down.

These horses are designed to work as a ‘Walking Set’ for the new cavalry figures I am working on at present.

Forthcoming releases-

(1)Galloping horses.

(2)March attack landwehr.

(3)Landwehr cavalry.