45th Annual Meeting
Central Atlantic Conference
United Church of Christ
June 12-14, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Plenary I
The annual meeting was called into session at 7:33 by moderator Sheila Helgerson. An opening prayer was offered by Conference Minister John Deckenback. Delegates were welcomed to the meeting by Melinda Loeblich, Chair of the Annual Meeting Task Force from Shenandoah Association, and Rev. Richard Vaught, Associate Conference Minister.
Quorum Report
Registrar Connie Heasley declared that 93 lay delegates and 80 clergy were present. Moderator Sheila Helgerson declared that a quorum was present. Sheila introduced parliamentarian Bruce Swanson and floor parliamentarian Judge Ralph France.
Approval of Agenda
Sara Fitgerald, CAC Board President, introduced the members of the Board of Directors. A moment of silence was held in memory of Robin McCord, CAC Board Member that passed away in 2008. Sara recognized those members of the Board of Directors (BOD) that were retiring: Ed Sewell, Archie Thornton, Sheila Helgerson, Barbara Ferguson Kamara, and Rev. Esther Ziegler. Sara introduced the Potomac Association Resolution regarding governance of the National UCC to be added to the agenda. In order to be added to the agenda the resolution requires a two thirds majority vote. A motion was made and seconded to add the Potomac Association Resolution as a business item to be considered during Plenary III.
VOTED To add the Potomac Association Resolution as a business item in Plenary III.
09 AM 01
A motion was made and seconded to add 30 minutes of discussion to the plenary before either governance resolution is moved.
VOTED To add 30 minutes of discussion to plenary III prior to moving either governance
09 AM 02 resolution.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the agenda as amended.
VOTED To accept the agenda of the 45th Annual Meeting as amended.
09 AM 03
Approval of Standing Rules
Sheila introduced the Standing Rules reminding delegates that anyone speaking to the resolutions must be registered and show their voting cards prior to speaking. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Standing Rules.
VOTED To approve the Standing Rules for Meetings of the Central Atlantic Conference.
09 AM 04
Introduction of Guests
The following guests were introduced to the meeting by Conference Minister John Deckenback:
Larry Rasmussen – Professor Emeritus Union Theological Seminary
Nelson Murphy – United Church Foundation
Gordon Gillis – President Cornerstone Fund
Michael Downs – President and CEO Pension Boards
Cheri Lovell – Mission Interpreter Cornerstone Fund
Ernest Angell – President and CEO Homewood Retirement Centers
Jon Barton – Virginia Council of Churches
Reiss Pottervelt – President Lancaster Theological Seminary
Hans Holznagel – Financial Development Ministries
Alton Pollard – Dean Howard School of Divinity
David Greenhaw – President Eden Theological Seminary
Family and Friends of Rev. Jerry Foltz
A motion was made and seconded to grant guests voice without vote for the duration of the meeting.
VOTED To grant guests voice without vote for the duration of the meeting.
09 AM 05
The business session was declared closed at 7:58 p.m.
Introduction of the Keynote Speaker
Rev. Janet Parker, Pastor for Parish Life, Rock Spring Congregational, introduced Dr. Larry Rasmussen, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary. Dr. Rasmussen shared his thoughts on “Talking the Walk.”
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Plenary II
Moderator Sheila Helgerson called on Rev. Jim Bundy to open the plenary with prayer.
Treasurer’s Report
Conference Treasurer Craig Sparks provided an overview of Conference finances. Craig stated that the Core Fund dropped from $1,200,000 in June 2008 to $600,000 by March 2009. This drop prompted the BOD to amend the 2009 budget. The Conference experienced a 2% drop in income and a 1% drop in expenses, however $148,000 was still drawn from the Core Fund. OCWM income was stable and the Friends of the Conference income was not as projected. The Conference received a clean audit with minor adjustments. The bookkeeping practices implemented in 2008 are saving the conference money.
State of the Conference
The Rev. Dr. John Deckenback, Conference Minister, provided an overview of Conference activities. John noted that the CAC is considered one of the strongest conferences in the UCC, one reason being the strength of our board and committee leaders. He acknowledged Sara Fitgerald’s efforts as BOD President and asked her to offer her perspectives on the past two years as president. John continued his overview by offering highlights of the Freedom Schooner Amistad’s visit to Baltimore, his role on the search committee calling Rev. Beth O’Malley to the new endowed Dean of the Chapel at Hood College, and his participation in activities preceding the inauguration of Barack Obama as President. Over the past year the CAC welcomed the United Church of Christ of Fredericksburg into full membership, we celebrated the return of the church property to the members of Faith United Church of Christ¸ and celebrated the renewal activities at First Congregational Christian Church of Irvington, New Jersey. Additionally, a grant of $75,000 allowed the initiation of a small church vitality program, provided for staff continuing education as well as funds to churches in rural and urban settings for vitality initiatives. Boundary Awareness Training was held for numerous Conference clergy with the hope of extending the training to lay leaders. John summarized activities related to abolition of the Death Penalty as well as participation in the Tents of Hope program on the National Mall. He congratulated youth coordinator Kristen Curlee on her graduation from Lancaster Theological Seminary and Jerry Foltz upon his retirement. John spoke of his sabbatical time in the Middle East and Sudan, and studying at the Shalom Hartman Institute. John concluded his comments discussing the financial realities impacting the conference and our local churches. Following John’s comments, Mike Downs was introduced to bring greetings from the larger United Church of Christ family.
A motion was made and seconded to amend the agenda to move the Nominating Committee Report and Election to Plenary II from Plenary III.
VOTED To move the Nominating Committee Report and Election to Plenary II from Plenary III.
09 AM 06
Moderator Sheila Helgerson recognized Rev. Jim Bundy, BOD Vice President, to present the nominating report. Jim read the slate of nominations. A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate of nominees and approve their election.
VOTED To accept the slate of nominees and approve their election.
09 AM 07
A motion was made and seconded to move discussion of the Clergy Compensation Guidelines to Plenary II.
VOTED To move discussion of the Clergy Compensation Guidelines to Plenary II.
09 AM 08
Sheila Helgerson called on Glenn Patterson, Chair of the Operations & Personnel Working Group of the BOD, to present the guidelines. Glenn explained that the 2009-2010 Clergy Compensation Guidelines would have no increase in salaries. Glenn read a paragraph from the letter drafted by Board President Sara Fitzgerald explaining the decision to not increase salary guidelines and honor the previous salary schedule. Page 5 of the guidelines has changes to the benefits section to make the language more in keeping with the wording provided by the national office boards and pension programs. A motion was made and seconded to accept the 2009-2010 Clergy Compensation Guidelines.
VOTED To accept the 2009-2010 Clergy Compensation Guidelines.
09 AM 09
A motion was made and seconded to move the Stewardship presentation to Plenary II.
VOTED To move discussion of the Stewardship presentation to Plenary II.
09 AM 10
Sheila Helgerson called on Jill White, Chair of the Conference Stewardship Task Force to provide the Stewardship update.
Plenary II was recessed at 10:30 a.m.
Plenary III
Sheila Helgerson called the plenary to order at 1:30 p.m. and offered the opening prayer.
2010 Budget
Sheila called on Robert Ziegler, Chair of the Budget & Finance Working Group of the BOD, to present the budget. Bob highlighted the 2008 final numbers reflecting a $147,000 draw down from the Core Fund, revised 2009 budget reflecting an estimated draw down from the Core Fund of $72,000 and the balanced 2010 budget. Bob reviewed the status of the Core Fund, stating that it currently stands at approximately $750,000. The 2010 budget reflects realistic income projections, with the expectation being that income in 2010 will be equivalent to that projected for 2009. The 2010 budget reflects the decrease in staffing and associated costs. Some of the cuts made in the revised 2009 budget were restored in the proposed 2010 budget. A motion was made and seconded to accept the 2010 Budget as presented.
VOTED To accept the 2010 Budget as presented.
09 AM 11
Sheila Helgerson introduced the discussion period for the two governance resolutions, allowing fifteen minutes for each resolution. Conversation on each resolution would continue during the debate period. Rev. Barbara Kerschner Daniel, Evangelical Reformed Church, presented the Catoctin Association’s resolution Single Governance Structure for the National Setting of the United Church of Christ. Rev. Allison Smith, Bethesda UCC, presented the Potomac Association’s resolution A Resolution on Governance of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ. Considerable discussion was held regarding both resolutions, resulting in motions being made and seconded to table both resolutions.
VOTED To table both the Catoctin and Potomac Association’s resolutions on Governance of the 09 AM 12 National Setting of the United Church of Christ.
Moderator Sheila Helgerson declared that the business of the 2009 CAC Annual Meeting was concluded and adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jill White