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While electrical storms are most common in the summer months, lightning can strike at any time of year and any hour. And when these storms rumble through, they can cause a significant amount of damage in a short period of time.

In the United States, lightning strikes the ground about 30 million times each year. In 2013, these storms resulted in 23 deaths, 145 injuries and nearly $24 million in property damage according to the National Weather Service.

“Lightning is only one part of the problem,” said [INSERT SPOKESPERSON OR INSURANCE EXECUTIVE’S NAME], [TITLE] with the AAA [INSERT CLUB]. “High winds and heavy rains associated with lightning storms can also be devastating.”

During the Storm

If a lightning storm is expected in your area:

  • Seek shelter inside a building.
  • Avoid contact with conducting pathways, like plumbing pipes, corded phones, televisions and other electronic equipment. Appliances, when plugged in, can also conduct electricity from the outside.
  • Use only a cell phone or cordless telephone during an electrical storm.
  • Delay household activities – doing the dishes, laundry and showering – until after a storm passes. Pipes, faucets and metal sink basins are conduits for electricity and touching them can result in an electrical shock.
  • Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after a storm passes. Lightning can strike miles from a storm’s center.

Lightning Storm Insurance Coverage
Damage caused by lightning, such as fire, is generally covered by standard homeowner or renters insurance policies. Electrical appliances damaged as a result of a lightning-induced power surge may also be covered by a standard policy.

Lightning-caused damage to a vehicle is typically covered under the comprehensive portion of an auto insurance policy.

Lightning storms can often have other impacts to your home and vehicles. These include:

  • Damage caused by falling trees due to high winds. This kind of damage is typically covered by standard homeowner and auto insurance policies. However, if the tree was known to be weak before the storm, the damage may not be covered.
  • A wildfire that results from a lightning storm can cause damage to homes and cars. Insurance coverage for wildfire, even if caused by lightning, is included in a standard home insurance policy and by the comprehensive coverage of an auto insurance policy.
  • Heavy rains can bring flooding, which is not covered by most homeowner policies. Homes damaged by flood may be covered by a separate, optional flood insurance policy, typically provided by the National Flood Insurance Program.
  • Damage to cars as a result of flooding is generally covered under optional comprehensive coverage of auto insurance policies.

For more information on auto, homeowners and other personal lines of insurance, please contact your local AAA office.

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Lightning storms and their accompanying high winds and heavy rains can wreak havoc. Make sure you’re prepared, and know what your home and auto insurance covers:

  • Damage to a home caused by a direct lightning strike, a tree falling on a home or a wildfire sparked by lightning are all generally covered by a standard homeowners insurance policy.
  • Electrical appliances damaged as a result of a lightning-induced power surge may also be covered by a standard policy.
  • Most homeowner policies do not cover flooding. Flood damage to homes may be covered by a separate optional flood insurance policy, typically provided by the National Flood Insurance Program.
  • Damage to cars as a result of flooding is generally covered under optional comprehensive coverage of auto insurance policies.

If a lightning storm is expected in your area:

  • Seek shelter inside a building.
  • Avoid contact with conducting pathways, such as plumbing pipes, corded phones, televisions and other electronic equipment.
  • Use only a cell phone or cordless telephone during an electrical storm.
  • Delay household activities, like doing the dishes, laundry and showering until after a storm passes.
  • Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after a storm passes, as lightning can strike miles from a storm’s center.

For more information on auto, homeowners and other personal lines of insurance, please contact your local AAA office.

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Insurance coverage for lightning storm damage includes:

  • Damage to a home caused by a direct lightning strike, a tree falling or wildfire sparked by lightning are generally included in a standard homeowner insurance policy.
  • Electrical appliances damaged by a lightning-induced power surge may also be covered by a standard policy.
  • Flood damage to homes is generally not covered by homeowners insurance. It is typically available through an optional policy from the National Flood Insurance Program.
  • Damage to cars as a result of flooding is generally covered under optional comprehensive coverage of auto insurance policies.

If a lightning storm is expected in your area:

  • Seek shelter inside a building.
  • Avoid contact with conducting pathways such as plumbing pipes, corded phones, televisions and other electronic equipment.
  • Use only a cell phone or cordless telephone during an electrical storm.
  • Delay household activities, like doing the dishes, laundry and showering until after a storm passes.
  • Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after a storm passes, as lightning can strike miles from a storm’s center.

For more information on auto, homeowners and other personal lines of insurance, please contact your local AAA office.