Hyndland Headlines
44 Fortrose StGlasgow G11 5LP
Tel 0141 339 7207
Dear Parent/Carers,
As we are approaching the Festive season the children are continuing to work hard both across the curriculum but also participating in a vast array of Christmas activities. From our Christmas Countdown letter issued last week, you can see the plethora of event taking place over the next few weeks. We look forward to seeing you in and around the school and take this opportunity to thank you for your on-going support. Below is an update of some of the events that have taken place already this month and news of upcoming activities. On behalf of everyone at Hyndland Primary we wish you a happy, healthy and enjoyable festive period and we look forward to another exciting year ahead in 2016.
Kind Regards, H.S Brown (Head Teacher)
P7 Mock Court Project
Our P7 classes have been working alongside solicitors in preparation for their upcoming Mock trial on Wednesday 9th December 2015. This excellent interdisciplinary project has allowed the pupils to develop a wide variety of skills for learning work and life, as well as the opportunity to apply their own talents and creativity. A big thank you to Mrs Wynn and Ms Ritchie for facilitating this excellent learning experience. ( A separate letter with details of the Glasgow High Court Mock Court Trial to follow)
Road Safety Presentations
Gillian Bain (Glasgow City Council Road Safety Officer) delivered a series of excellent workshops and presentation for all classes P1-P7 as part of our application for the Lord Provost Road Safety Award. The children thoroughly enjoyed the informative sessions and all classes will be following up with more road safety lessons to further enhance their knowledge and understanding in this important aspect of their learning.
P7 Transition Programme
Our P7 classes have participated in a series of visits both from and to the English Department at Hyndland Secondary. They are now working with the Science Department, investigating sound and light ( HSS staff visiting P7 classes Nov -Dec) before embarking on two further sessions in January at Hyndland Secondary, with the opportunity to visit the Science labs and participate in experiments involving chemical reactions. These are a vital part of the transition process and the feedback from both pupils and staff has been very positive.
Partick Library Visits
As part of Scottish Book Week, our P3-P5 classes visited Partick Library to learn more about Glasgow Life’s Reading Challenge. The children learned about the different books and other services offered by the library, as well as being able to borrow books. ( Library Membership applications were distributed to P3-P5 classes) The main purpose of the visits was to motivate and further engage our pupils in reading for enjoyment as well as promoting the use of our local library.
Also, as part of the Library’s on-going 90th Birthday Celebrations P5 and P6 will be visiting the library to participate in a Christmas Then and Now workshops during the month of December:
P6 visit Wednesday 2nd December 11.00 -11.45
P5 visit Wednesday 9th December 11.00 -11.45
P5 Glasgow’ s Got to Dance Event
A group of our P5 pupils put on an excellent performance at Glasgow’s Got to Dance North West Competition held in Cleveden Secondary on Thursday 26th November. The pupils had been attending a Dance lunchtime club every Wednesday and had worked very hard to polish their routine. A big thanks to their coach Morven for all her hard work and support and a big well done to the boys and girls from P5!
P1 Scottish Book Week Activities
Our P1 classes have been enjoying listening to the three books shortlisted for this year’s award. The children have also had the opportunity to participate in a Book Swap Shop event, allowing them to swap one of their own books for a different book they have not read before. As part of this event the children will also all receive a book bag, with a brand new book inside.
P5 Squash Tournament
Some of our P5 pupils participated in a Squash Tournament at Scotstoun this month. Two groups of eight pupils competed with both teams doing very well. The classes had a block of coaching as part of their P.E this term and this event allowed them to apply their new skills. Well done P5!
Upcoming Dates for the diary – December 2015
Tuesday 8th December 2015 / P1- P3 Christmas Show ( Parents/guests of A classes and P1 Blue)Wednesday 9th December 2015 / P1 –P3 Christmas Show (Parents/guests ofB classes P1 Green)
Friday 11th December 2015 / Mums on the Run LP Run – Cricket pitch
P1-P7 Christmas Jingle Run –Gym Hall
Monday 14th December 2015 / Winning House Treat – P1-P3 pupils in School Treat, P4-P7 pupils to Science Centre – Christmas Challenge
Tuesday 15th December 2015 / End of Term Celebration Hyndland parish Church 9.45am ( if you do not wish your child to attend this celebration please let us know in writing by Friday 11th December 2015, so we can arrange supervision in school.
11 am Parent Thank you coffee morning .
P6B Charity Carol singing St Enoch Centre 1-2pm
Wednesday 16th / Dining Hall Christmas lunch-ONLY for children who have returned order form by 26th November – order forms in school bags Thursday 19th November-this meal is pre ordered so no other meals will be available on the 16th December.
Thursday 17th / Christmas Fayre
9.30-12pm Class Visits to Fayre am
1.30 - 3pm Open to all parents/carers/family and friends.
Friday 18th / Christmas Jumper Day - Wear a Christmas Jumper Day and Donate £1 to Charity (if you wish)
Whole School -Aladdin Panto in school 9.30am
P1 & P2 Party pm
Monday 21st / P3 Party pm-come dressed as you please all day
Tuesday 22nd / P1-4 Christmas treat 10-11am Magic show (Gym Hall)(break 9.45)
Early Lunch
P5-7 Christmas treat 1-2.15pm Disco (Gym Hall) or Festive Film (Dining Hall)
School closes 2.30pm-Happy&Peaceful Holidays!
School reopens Wednesday 6th January 2016 9am