42nd Annual WD & WRD WATER TEST and 10th Annual WRDX WATER Test

Sunday August 27,2017



Lakewood- Rogers Park,North Meridian Road, Valparaiso, IN


John Jackman ( WD, WRD, and WRDX ), Lawren Coulam Kinney (WRDX) and Mark Iken ( WD, WRD)

Entries from members of the Newfoundland Club of America will be accepted with postmarks July5, 2017 or later. Entries from non-members of the Newfoundland Club of America will be accepted with postmarks July 15, 2017 or later. Entries will not be accepted if postmarked prior to these dates. Entries close at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, August9, 2017at the Test Secretary’s home after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, substituted, or altered except as described in the NCA water test regulations.

Sunday August 27,2017

WD/WRD/WRDX test entries are limited to 22 dogs. Limited to 4 WRDX entries of the 22 entries. If the maximum of 22 untitled entries is not reached, entries will be accepted for WD/WRD/WRDX re-qualifiers to fill the maximum of 22 dogs to be judged that day.

Saturday August 26,2017



Judges: Lawren Coulam Kinney and Mark Iken

For the Saturday WD/WRD/WRDX test, entries are limited to 8 dogs. Threepositions will be reserved for the WRDX test. If these do not fill, they will be filled with WD or WRD entries.


Entry Fee: $40 per dog per test

Entries with a check payable to “SCNC” should be mailed to :

Robert Kinney

3322 Yankee St

Niles, MI 49120


TheSouth Central Newfoundland Club has been granted permission to hold its 41st Annual Water Tests by the Working Dog Committee of the Newfoundland Club of America under the Rules & Regulations for Water Tests as updated January 2016.

Newfoundland Club of America, Inc.

President:Pam SaundersFirst Vice President:John Cornell

Second Vice President:Lynne Anderson Powell Recording Secretary:Steve Britton

Corresponding Secretary:Pam Rubio Treasurer:Mary L. Price

Board of Directors:Steve McAdams, Mary Lou Cuddy Sue Marino, Pat Randall, Donna Thibault,

Roger Frey

AKC Delegate David Helming

Web Site:

South Central Newfoundland Club Inc.

President:Robin Katen Vice President:Susan Wilde

Secretary :Kirsten AndersonTreasurer:Jane Huge

Board of Directors: Michael Stewart

Water Test Committee

Chair: Robin

Secretary: Robert

The committee thanks all the volunteers from South Central Newfoundland Club and beyond who generously donated

their time to make this test a success.

Site Description

Lakewood-Rogers Park is located in northwest Indiana on 122 acres just north of Valparaiso, Indiana city limits and south of Chesterton, Indiana. The park is one hour from downtown Chicago. The park is open year-round and facilities include picnic areas, hiking, shelters and playgrounds.

Loomis Lake covers 100 acres. There are approximately 110 feet of shoreline on the beach. Dogs are swimming 20 feet from shore. At 75 feet, the water is 10-15 feet deep. Restrooms are adjacent to the beach area. There is ample shade near the beach and throughout the park.

The Basic Control will be conducted in a portion of the test area selected by the judges which includes level sand and gravel at the water's edge fading into grass further back from the water.

The tow-a-boat exercise will be calling to the back of the boatpointed to shore for Saturday and Sunday

For the All Breed test on Saturday, articles will be dropped by the boat. No canoe /kayak will be used.



Entries postmarked prior to the opening dates on page one will be returned.

Entries from within the United States will be accepted by U.S. Mail ONLY.

Foreign entries must show a verifiable mailing date.

All entries must be submitted on an NCA entry form, and must include a copy of the dog’s current AKC, ILP/PAL or foreign registration.

Entry slots will be filled according to postmark date. In the event that the number of entries with the same postmark date received exceeds the limit, entrants and alternates will be determined by a random drawing. Entries received after the entry limit has been reached will be placed on an alternate list in order of postmark. Alternates will be notified immediately should an opening occur.

For the Saturday All Breed test, the maximum number of dogs to be judged will be 8.Three positions will be reserved for the WRDX test. If these do not fill, they will be filled with WD or WRD entries.

For the Sunday WD/WRD /WRDX tests, the maximum number of dogs to be judged will be 22. Limited to 4 WRDX entries of the 22 entries. Untitled dogs entering for WD, WRD or WRDX will be given priority over WD/WRD/WRDX requalifiers.

Be sure to indicate NCA membership of at least one owner on each entry form.

Forms for each test are attached at the end of the premium. Entry fees will be refunded under the following circumstances: entry is cancelled by notifying the test secretary by email, telephone or USPS prior to the closing date; entrant is assigned to the alternate list but does not wish to remain on it and cancels entry by notifying test secretary by email, telephone or USPS no later than seven days after the closing date; entrant does not receive a testing slot by designated check‐in time on the day of the test in which they had entered.

There will be a $25.00 fee for the post entry of dogs.

All Breed Water Test

This is not an NCA event. The South Central Newfoundland Club invites all dogs to participate in a separate water test to be held on Saturday afternoon, August 26, 2017.

Neither the South Central Newfoundland Club nor the Newfoundland Club of America will award titles. Any dog successfully completing all exercises at any level will be issued a certificate of completion by the South Central Newfoundland Club which the owners can submit to their parent clubs for recognition.

There will be no practice time


Tentative Schedule Saturday, August 26, 2017

Check in begins at 12:00 pm

All entrants for the WD/WRD/WRDX Tests must be checked in by the Test Secretary

WRDX Pre-swim 12:30 PM

12:45 PM WRDX entrants equipment check and meeting with judges for final instructions at the waterfront

1:00 PM WRDX Test begins

After conclusion of WRDX testing:

15 minute Junior Division Pre-swim

Junior entrants meet with judges for final instructions at the waterfront and Junior Division equipment check

Junior Division testing

Immediately following conclusion of Junior Division judging:

15 minute Senior Division Pre-swim

Senior Division entrants meet with judges for final instructions at the waterfront and Senior Division equipment check Senior Division testing

Conclusion of the test - Presentation of Awards


Tentative Schedule Sunday, August 27, 2017

7:15 AM Check in begins

7:45 AM All entrants must be checked in with the Test Secretary

7:45 AM - WRDX Pre-swim

8:00AM - WRDX entrants equipment check and meeting with judges for final instructions at the waterfront

8:15 AM WRDX Test begins

After conclusion of WRDX testing:

15 minute Junior Division Pre-swim

Junior entrants meet with judges for final instructions at the waterfront and Junior Division equipment check

Junior Division testing

Immediately following conclusion of Junior Division judging:

15 minute Senior Division Pre-swim

Senior Division entrants meet with judges for final instructions at the waterfront and Senior Division equipment check Senior Division testing

Conclusion of the test Presentation of Awards


Each entrant will receive a welcome gift bag. Each qualifier will receive a unique trophy selected by the committee.

SPECTATORS AND UNENTERED DOGS Spectators, as well as unentered dogs (except bitches in season), are welcome at the SCNC Water Test. Unentered dogs will not be permitted in the test site area. As a courtesy to our exhibitors, we ask that all dogs be kept quiet and leashed or crated.

BITCHES IN SEASON OR WITH OVARIAN SPARING SPAY Bitches in season or ovarian sparing spay will not be allowed on the test site until just prior to being judged, which will be after all other dogs are tested. When not being tested, these bitches must be contained in a designated area away from the official test areas.


Dogs must be crated or on leash at all times.

When on leash, the length of the leash must not exceed SIX feet and may NOT be a retractable leash.

When on leash, dogs must be under control at all times.

Dogs showing uncontrolled or aggressive behavior will be asked by the event chair, a board member, safety officer or other official to leave the site promptly or be crated for the duration of the event.

EXHIBITORS NOTE Each exhibitor is responsible for knowledge of the official NCA Regulations governing a water test and the applicable standards of performance. A copy of the official Water Test Regulations may be obtained for $5.00 from the WDC Publications Secretary, Dwight Gorsuch, 6282 Burris Road, Rock Hall, MD 21661. Please make payment to the NCA. You may also download them from the NCA website at:

Each exhibitor is responsible for providing his/her own water test equipment, including a U.S. / Canadian Coast Guardapproved personal flotation device and suitable foot protection to be worn in the water.

Directions :

From Chicago/ East/ West: I-80/90 Toll Road to Exit 31 or I-94 to Exit 26A. South on State road 49 to Highway 6 West to Meridian. South on Meridian 2.3 miles to park entrance. Entrance is just past road 600 North.

From I-94 to exit 26, Follow directions above

From the South: I-65 North to Route 30 ( Merrillville), East on 30 to 49. North on 49 to 6. West on 6 to Meridian. Follow directions above.


Veterinary Assistance

North Central Veterinary Emergency Center (Open 24 hours)

1645 S. US Highway 421

Westville, Indiana


Hotels- Check on current dog policy

Red Roof Inn / Michigan City , Indiana 219.874.5251. Located 30 minutes east of the park

Red Roof Inn / Merrillville, Indiana 219.738.2430Located 30 minutes west of the park

Courtyard by Marriott / Valparaiso, Indiana/ 219.465.1700

There are many hotels in Valparaiso that DO NOT accept dogs.

MEALS: On Sunday for lunch, we will be ordering sandwiches from Jimmy John’s. Orders will be taken Sunday morning. Beverages will be provided

Hope to see you in Valparaiso this year !




Hosted By: South Central Newfoundland Club at Lakewood- Rogers Park,North Meridian Road,Valparaiso, IN

Entries from members of the Newfoundland Club of America will be accepted with postmarks July 5,2017or later. Entries from non-members of the Newfoundland Club of America will be accepted with postmarks July 15,2017 or later. Entries must be received by the test secretary by mail by the closing date and time. Entries close at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at the Test Secretary’s home. Entries not received by the closing date and time will not be accepted even if postmarked before this date. Entries postmarked before correct opening date will be returned.


Mail entry with $40 fee made payable to "SCNC" to: Robert Kinney,3322 Yankee St, Niles, MI 49120

Be sure to enclose a copy of the current AKC, ILP or Foreign Registration. Please print legibly. Information on this form will be used for record keeping and to generate a certificate of qualification should the dog and handler pass.

WD ______WRD ______WRDX______WD REQUAL______WRD REQUAL______WRDX REQUAL______

Full Name of Dog:______Sex______

AKC# ______DOB______Call Name: ______

Sire: ______

Dam: ______

Breeder (s) Name ______

Handler’s Name ______

Registered Owner (s) ______

Is any owner a member of the NCA? (circle) YES NO

Owner’s Address ______

City ______State______Zip ______

Entry Form Must Be Signed To Be A Valid Entry I understand that I enter my dog in this NCA Working Test at my own risk. I have read the current Test Regulations and understand them. I agree to abide by the Test Regulations, the NCA Constitution and By-Laws, and further agree to be bound by the Agreement printed on this entry form.


(Signature of Owner/Agent duly authorized to make this entry)

Phone ______Email ______


I (we) acknowledge that the NCA test regulations have been made available to me (us) and that I am (we are) familiar with their contents. I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I (we) agree to hold this club, its members, directors, governors, officers, agents, superintendents, or test secretary and the owner or lessor of the premises or grounds and the employees of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the test premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim or loss of this dog by disappearance, theft, damage or injury, be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the club or any of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person or any other causes. I (We) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time, resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves) or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this test, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents, or other persons.


Hosted By: South Central Newfoundland Club at Lakewood- Rogers Park,North Meridian Road,Valparaiso, IN

This entry is for the All Breed Test on Saturday August 26,2017.Entries from members of the Newfoundland Club of America will be accepted with postmarks July 5, 2017 or later. Entries from non-members of the Newfoundland Club of America will be accepted with postmarks July 15, 2017 or later. Entries must be received by the test secretary by mail by the closing date and time. Entries close at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at the Test Secretary’s home. Entries not received by the closing date and time will not be accepted even if postmarked before this date. Entries postmarked before correct opening date will be returned.

Mail entry with $40 fee made payable to "SCNC" to: Robert Kinney,3322 Yankee St, Niles, MI 49120

Be sure to enclose a copy of the current AKC, ILP or Foreign Registration. Please print legibly. Information on this form will be used for record keeping and to generate a certificate of qualification should the dog and handler pass.

WD ______WRD ______WRDX______WD REQUAL______WRD REQUAL______WRDX REQUAL______

Full Name of Dog:______Sex______

AKC# ______DOB______Call Name: ______

Sire: ______

Dam: ______

Breeder (s) Name ______

Handler’s Name ______

Registered Owner (s) ______

Owner’s Address ______

City ______State______Zip ______

Entry Form Must Be Signed To Be A Valid Entry I understand that I enter my dog in this NCA Working Test at my own risk. I have read the current Test Regulations and understand them. I agree to abide by the Test Regulations, the NCA Constitution and By-Laws, and further agree to be bound by the Agreement printed on this entry form.


(Signature of Owner/Agent duly authorized to make this entry)

Phone ______Email ______


I (we) acknowledge that the NCA test regulations have been made available to me (us) and that I am (we are) familiar with their contents. I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I (we) agree to hold this club, its members, directors, governors, officers, agents, superintendents, or test secretary and the owner or lessor of the premises or grounds and the employees of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the test premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim or loss of this dog by disappearance, theft, damage or injury, be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the club or any of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person or any other causes. I (We) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time, resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves) or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this test, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents, or other persons.