A. Candidate

412 East Jones Street · Savannah, Georgia 31401

(914) 566-2234 · (918) 676 2259


BS Criminology 2000

State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia

College Activities: ROTC Battalion Executive Officer, Distinguished Military Student, Basketball Team Manager, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Intramural Flag Football and Softball. High School Activities: 3 year Letterman Fayette County High School Football as Starting Middle Linebacker, Starting Middle Linebacker for The 1988 Clayton County Champions, Babb Junior High School.


7/04 to Present: Battalion S-5: Responsible for all Battalion public affairs and special projects. Successfully raised money for special events by soliciting donations and managing the S-5 store. Supervised 4 Non-Commissioned Officers.

·  Successfully planned and supervised Ranger Ball attended by more than 1400 people.

·  Organized Battalion Change of Command and Reception Ceremony.

·  Worked directly with and coordinated all television and print media.

·  Planned and conducted a Battalion Memorial Golf Tournament, raising $6800.00.

6/03 to 7/04: Airborne Ranger Platoon Leader: Responsible for a 53 man Ranger Rifle Platoon; conducting joint special operations and conventional infantry operations in support of U.S. policies and objectives; maintaining combat readiness for immediate worldwide deployment; planning and execution of all platoon operational requirements; individual and leadership training, discipline, health, morale of the soldiers, welfare of their families; maintenance and operational readiness of all platoon assigned weapons and equipment valued in excess of $1,000,000.

·  Deployed twice to combat in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.

·  Planned and executed over 50 combat missions, operating in mountainous conditions ranging 10,000 ft.

·  Selected to operate platoon independent of Battalion during combat.

·  Trusted with classified weaponry and materials.

12/02 to 5/03: Battalion Air Officer: Responsible for all Air Movement Operations for an 800 man Task Force with the mission to deploy anywhere in the world within 18 hours, conduct a combat parachute assault, and fight upon arrival. Responsible for planning, preparing, and executing, air operations using both Army and Air force Aircraft as well as training soldiers to attend the Air Movement Operation and Jumpmaster Courses.

·  Exited over 2500 Paratroopers during nine Mass Tactical Night Jumps out Air force aircraft without serious injury or incident.

·  Received 100% Readiness Rating during Division Command Inspection of over 100 vehicles prepared for air movement.

·  Developed Battalion Pre-Jumpmaster Course resulting in an 80% graduation rate and 91 Jumpmasters in my Battalion.

12/01 to 12/02: Airborne Infantry Platoon Leader: Responsible for training, maintenance, health, welfare, and discipline of a 38 man Airborne Infantry Platoon. Responsible for ensuring the platoon readiness to deploy anywhere in the world within 18 hours, conduct an Airborne Assault, and conduct future operations. Maintained and accounted for platoon weapons and equipment valued in excess of $500,000. Additional responsibilities included Company Arms Room Officer and Jumpmaster.

·  Deployed and led platoon during a six-month combat deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, executing over 30 combat missions without incident.

·  Led Platoon independently from the Company during a no-notice Evaluated Deployment Readiness Exercise, which validated the Homeland Security quick reaction defense plan.

7/01 to 12/02: Airborne Anti-Armor Platoon Leader: Led a 16 man platoon capable of deploying anywhere in the world within 18 hours of notification, conduct Airborne Heavy Drop Assault and provide Anti-Armor support to light infantry combat operations. Responsible for the accountability, deployment, and maintenance of assigned equipment valued in excess of $4,500,000 to include 6 HMMWVs and 4 ITAS Missile Systems.

·  Developed platoon training plan, which resulted in the Platoon being recognized during the Brigade's National Training Center Rotation.

·  Led platoon to Received 100% Readiness Rating on all platoon equipment during the Division Command Inspection

·  Developed and validated Platoon Standing Operating Procedures, which were adopted by all the platoons in the Company.

3/01 to 7/01 - Second Lieutenant, Infantry Officers Basic Course (IOBC): Developed technical and tactical skills needed to operate, maintain, employ all current dismounted infantry weapons and equipment. Learned leadership skills such as organization, professionalism, administration, and how to train, supervise, motivate and evaluate personnel.

·  Commandants List maintaining a 90% or higher on all written and practical examinations.

·  Recognized by the Regimental Commander for my determination, intelligence, physical and mental strength, and dedication to service those I serve and all who serve under myself.

·  Served as Student First Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, and Platoon Leader with Distinction.

9/98 to 12/00 - ROTC Cadet, State University of West Georgia

·  Served as Gold Bar Recruiter resulting in a 40-person growth in the ROTC program.

·  Planned and conducted 5 Information Briefs for Junior and High School Students

9/96 to 12/00 - Sergeant/ Cadet Platoon Leader, United States Army National Guard

·  Chosen by the Company Commander, over 5 other Cadets, to lead a Long Range Reconnaissance Platoon for a 1-year period during a shortage of Company Officers.

·  While serving as assistant to the Company Executive Officer, developed a time saving and more accurate equipment inventory system.

7/92 to 9/96 - Sergeant, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Responsible for training, mentoring, readiness, and welfare of 4 soldiers; completed Infantry Basic Training, Airborne School, Ranger School, Primary Leadership Development Course, and Combat Life Saver Course.

·  Deployed as part of Task Force Ranger to restore order in Mogadishu, Somalia in support the United Nations.

·  Earned the Joint Commendation Medal with Valor for actions in Somalia.

·  Earned 4 Army Achievement Medals for winning team competitions

6/91 to 6/92 - Sales Associate Sears Paint and Hardware: Assisted customers with home improvement needs. Selected to train all new sales associates. Given 2 pay raises in 1-year period due to outstanding sales performance. Achieved numerous repeat customers due to excellent service and knowledge.

PERSONAL Married. Skilled in computers: Microsoft Windows, Office, Excel and PowerPoint. Interests include traveling, fishing and golf.