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405 Wallace Street
Combined Locks, WI 54113
Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
1. Call Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Dave La Shay at 6:30 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge recited.
3. Roll Call
Commission Members present: Dave La Shay, Chuck Kavanaugh, Mark McAndrews, Joe Sprangers, Jim Salm. Excused were: Beth Sewall and Ruth Wulgaert. Also present were: Amy Vander Hyden, Administrative Assistant, Phil Kleman and Stuart Boerst of McMahon, Judy Hebbe of the Times Villager and Tim Wittmann of Davel Engineering.
4. Commission Members – Oath of Office
Will be postponed due to missing members.
5. Consider Appointment of Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary
Will be postponed due to missing members.
6. Review Minutes & Agenda. Consider Approval
M. McAndrews made a motion to approve the Minutes and Agenda. The motion was seconded by J. Sprangers and it passed unanimously.
7. Review Bills & Treasurers Report. Consider Approval
J. Sprangers made a motion to approve the Bills & Treasurers’ Report. The motion was seconded by C. Kavanaugh and it passed unanimously.
8. Public Comment – Matters not on the Agenda
No general public present.
9. Consider approval of agreement for 2016 Pond Ecological / O&M Services from McMAHON
S. Boerst was pleased to announce that they are able to keep the fee the same as last year for ecological services and reminded the Commission that last year’s fee was 50% lower than three years ago. The cost savings are the result of successful invasive species control, extensive development of the high quality prairies and wetlands and other efficiencies. Regal, Main Street, and Emerald Pond have already been burned. Van’s Road, State Park Court, and Springfield Pond will be burned soon. Fox Valley Tech is doing the work. He showed color photos of the ponds. There is ever-changing color from May to November. Noe Road Pond is being prepped to be seeded this fall.
M. McAndrews made a motion to approve the 2016 agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by J. Salm and it passed unanimously.
10. Appoint a representative(s) to attend meetings pertaining to flooding issue on KK
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to appoint M. McAndrews to represent Garners Creek. The meetings will also include representation from the Village of Harrison and Calumet County.
11. Review Hearthstone Drive drainage investigation - McMAHON Memorandum
McMahon reviewed old project records. This section of creek was previously restored in 2001 as part of the Utility’s annual erosion control project. The project extended from Hearthstone Drive to north of Darboy Drive (1,850 feet). At that time, it was not considered navigable, so no permits were required. Recently, McMahon performed a site review. Approximately 350 feet of creek has been inundated with cattails, which appear to significantly impact flows through the area. Also, the culverts have approximately 8-12 inches of silt/sediment at the apron end walls. Presently, this section is deemed navigable, so a permit is needed from the DNR to perform any work. The Commission asked P. Kleman to get more information and report to the next meeting.
12. Review State Park Ct Pond downstream drainage investigation - McMAHON Memorandum
McMahon investigated the pond’s outfall structure and downstream storm sewer outfall and determined the outlet structure is operating as designed. The structure was not plugged and there was no sediment deposited in the apron endwall of the pond’s outfall. A topographic survey was conducted. Thick cattails have developed along the downstream creek corridor and are prohibiting flows through the area. This may be causing the higher flooding levels. The Commission will discuss the removal of these cattails at a future meeting.
13. Review Consider Area of Control Permit in Parker Farms Subdivision – McMAHON Letter
Tim Wittman from Davel Engineering presented the project narrative to the Commission. After review/discussion, there are issues that must be addressed prior to issuance of an Area of Control Permit.
J. Sprangers made a motion to approve the AOC permit, contingent upon addressing the issues. The motion was seconded by J. Salm and it passed unanimously.
14. General Business
a. Next meeting June 2
After discussion, the June meeting will be moved to the 2nd Thursday, June 9.
b. Fire near State Park Court Pond.
The building had chemicals stored in it. HAZMAT was called. They sandbagged off the culverts to prevent spilling into the pond. For follow up, there has been and will continue to be monitoring of the water quality and vegetation.
c. Consider Appointment of Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary
After discussion, the Commission did not want to postpone elections until next month. A motion was made by J. Salm to re-nominate current appointments. The motion was seconded by C. Kavanaugh and it passed unanimously.
15. Adjourn.
At 7:26 p.m. a motion was made by J. Salm to adjourn. The motion was seconded by J. Sprangers and it passed unanimously.
Ruth Wulgaert, Secretary
May 5, 2016