ON MAY 14,2012 AT 7 PM AT
Present: R. Diestelhorst, C. Cluskey, B. Heman, B. Leas, and R.Sutton
Absent: D. Cusac, J. Dixon, and G. Longexcused.
(Gardner and Thewlis)
The meeting was called to order by thechairman, R. Diestelhorst at 7pm and declared a quorum present.
Motion was made by Charles Cluskeyto approveApril 9, 2012 minutes, seconded byBob Leas and was unanimously approved.
Treasurer Report
Amy presented the board with the current Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, July, 2011 through April, 2012, and Preliminary 2012 forecast and 2013 budget. She also provided the board with Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows reports. Amy requested the board consider re-evaluating the Statement of Cash Flows report projected through 2018 on a 6-month basis. Motion made to approve Aprilbills made by Robert Sutton seconded by Bob Leasand was unanimously approved.
District billing report-On, April 26, 2012;1940 in water usage bills were mailed.The District billed $80,348.15 in water usage, $9,700.00 in Loan Service Fees, and $867.79 in penalties, all totaling$90,915.94.
Billing Disputes- Mr. Torrey Wiechmann, 219 Jo Ave. had a leak between the water pit and house, therefore the bill adjustment is the responsibility of the District.
-Carrie Wallendal, 1152 N Red Oak Ct. was experiencing a smell and bad taste from the new water pipes that were placed at the Frontage Road. The District suggested letting the water run for a time to alleviate the problem. The board discussed adjustments to both water usage bills.
Motion made by Robert Sutton to adjust both water usage bills, $46.85 for Wiechmann and $187.56 for Wallendal totaling $234.41, seconded by Bruce Heman and was unanimously approved.
IRS Social Security Number Issue- Two contractors refused to provide their social security numbers to the District, therefore the District was unable to provide social security numbers on 1099 forms for the IRS. The IRS has notified the District with the issue and Amy reported to the board letters via certified mail have been sent to the contractors requesting social security numbers.
401K Plan Agreement- Motion made by Charles Cluskey to renew the 401K Plan Agreement, seconded by Bob Leas and was unanimously approved.
Illinois Epay- District customers will be able to pay water bills through Illinois Epay; the service offers Discover, MasterCard and American Express users to electronically make payments. This service is not yet available but information will be on the District website when it becomes available.
District Superintendent Report
The chairman reports 11,650,000gallons were pumped in the month ofApril. The bacterial test was fine and the Fluoride test was 1.1. Average hardness was4.3 grains per gallon.
-As of April 2, 2012, Ryan Hogan earned his class A water treatment license.
-Laptop Meter reading system vs. handheld- The board discussed the options between the laptop method and current handheld system. Greg estimated between wages and gas a savings of $2000/yr using the laptop method. Since the handheld will still be needed for the laptop reading system the board decided to research the laptop meter reading system when the customer base increases. Motion made by Bruce Heman not to purchase a laptop meter reading system, seconded by Charles Cluskey and was unanimously approved.
-Scott Friederich has agreed to take evening, pager responsibilities every third week, prior to his week-end. Scott requests an additional $120 for the week. The board differed the issue to the June meeting.
802 WoodlandKnolls Road- Mr. Gordon Fletcher has declined to purchase the meters for the individual apartments. Greg is waiting to hear from Mr. Fletcher with the tenants contact information to make arrangements for meter removal.
Summer Help- Gregory Long will start as part-time summer help in June. He will work an average of 20 hours a week at $8.25/hr., for approximately 8 weeks. Motion made by Bob Leas to hire Gregory Long for part-time summer help seconded by Robert Sutton and was unanimously approved.
Kevin was unable to attend the meeting; issues were differed to the June meeting.
Board Member Items
-The blue payment box has been repainted and carpet in the office has been installed.
Motion made by Bruce Heman to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Charles Cluskey and was unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned 8:05 p.m.
Angela Thewlis
Next Meeting-June 11, 20127pm
Please call to be excused if you are unable to attend.