Ucluelet Elementary School - March Newsletter

4 Ps – Be Prepared, Be Positive, Be Polite, Be Productive

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Dear: Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),

Spring is on its way! Will March weather come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? Only time with tell. This month, our students will be visiting the Ucluelet Community Centre on March 9th from 9:15-10:15 a.m. to participate in the Winter Concert Series and enjoy the rhythms and sounds of African music. Student Conferences are happening on March 13, 14, and 15th. Look out for information coming home from your child(ren)’s teacher in the next week on when your student conference has been scheduled. Therefore, on March 13, 14, and 15th there will be an early dismissal at 12:00 p.m.to allow for Student Conferences in the afternoon. This month is a busy, short month at UES with Spring Break beginning March 17-April 2nd (Easter Monday). School begins once again on Tuesday, April 3rd.

We ask for the safety of our students, to please drop off or pick up students using the “student drop off zone”, instead of the “bus drop off zone” directly in front of the primary classrooms. Also, it may be beneficial to label certain articles ofclothing for your child, as we have accumulated many jackets and hoodies in our Lost & Found and have not been able to track down who they belong to.

Last month, our school and community was treated to delightful performances from our students at the Ucluelet Elementary School Talent Show. Well done students, staff and Ms. Harling! Ms. Cirella and Ms. C. Wilson’s basketball teams continue to play hard, promoting team work and sportsmanship. Great job, students and staff. Ms. J. Wilson and her Grade 7 students spent a Saturday in February participating in a bottle drive. They did a wonderful job raising funds for their year-end trip. We have also been lucky to have WITS reminder visits from Constable Duncan and Auxiliary Cortes this month. A big UES thank you goes out to both men for the time they have volunteered at our school to help make it a better place. We ended the month of love in a splash of pink as many students and staff wore pink for Pink Shirt Day, to help promote an awareness around bullying.

Our school returned comfort kits to your child(ren) that you had sent to the school from previousyears. We then sent home a new Ziploc bag with a white letter that contained information around assembling a Personal Emergency Comfort Pack for your child(ren). All comfort items must fit within the Ziploc bag. Comfort bags will go home in June and be replaced in September, annually. A copy of the letter that was sent homehas been attached to this email. Please return the filled bag by March 16th.

Personal Emergency Comfort Pack Checklist:

1.Letter from parent(s)/guardian(s) to child and/or a photo

2.1 juice box

3.1 bottle of water

4.2 granola bars (Nut Free)

5.Small toy/game/book (cards, etc.)

Connected to Personal Emergency Comfort Packs are the verification forms (dated Feb. 13, 2018) that went home recently. It is extremely important to keep the school updated with current parent/guardian and emergency contact information along with home addresses. Verification forms are sent home in September and February. All verification forms update the data we have on file as well as data kept off site in the Ccan. Please complete and return your child's verification form by March 16th. If your child's verification form is returned after March 16th, the info held off site will not be the most current updated contact info for your child(ren).

Friendly Reminders:

Wednesday, Feb. 28th: Pink Shirt Day (bringing awareness to bullying) & UES Spirit Day

March 9th: Winter Concert Series at Ucluelet Community Centre (African music) 9:15-10:15 a.m.

March 13-15th: Student Conferences in the afternoon (dismissal at 12:00 p.m.) & our school is hosting a Book Fair!

March 16th: Wear Green for St. Patrick’s Day & Lunch Envelopes Due

March 17th – April 2nd: Spring Break/Easter Monday

April 3rd: School Begins after Spring Break

*Please visit our school's website for other important upcoming dates, newsletters, and information:


Mrs. Hansen, Principal

Ms. Cameron, Vice Principal