4-H Great Lakes & Natural Resources Camp 2016 – Forms & Payment Summary
February-AprilPromotional materials and applications distributed for camper recruitment. Counties will be sent a small supply of promotional brochures directly. Application forms, ads, flyers, and press release can also download from the camp web site at http://4h.msue.msu.edu/4h/glnrc.
March-May 1Applications sent directly to the State CYI/4-H Office. – No payment due at time of application. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis based on:
- Returning campers (25-30 maximum)
- New campers (40-45 maximum)
- Gender balance (36 max for each gender)
- 4-H member/non 4-H youth ratio (non 4-H will be limited)
- Geographical representation of campers from across state
- Out-of-state campers accepted at unsubsidized rate of $450 if space is still available after May 1.
All applicants will be notified of their selection (or not). Accepted campers will be sent additional forms to complete and return directly to the State MSU Extension 4-H Office along with full payment postmarked by May 27.
- If county 4-H scholarship support is being provided, the amount of the county scholarship needs to be referenced with the remaining forms and partial payment being sent by the camper.
- Those who don’t submit all forms and payment by May 27 risk forfeiting their camper spot to wait-listed applicants.
May 1-27Applications will continue to be accepted if camper space is still available. Out-of-state applications will be considered at this time until enrollment fills.
May 6Counties with campers will be emailed a camper summary list.
May 6-27Counties to send in local scholarship funding for campers if applicable.
May 27Campers’ completed post-acceptance forms and full payment due (postmarked by May 27) to State CYI/4-H office in order to lock in camper spot.
- Payment payable to MSU.
- GLNR Camp / camper’s name should be listed on check or money order.
- Checks for county scholarship support remitted with a County Deposit Transmittal Form should be deposited to the GLNR Camp account DS022638, subaccount 1203.
June 5Wait-listed applicants will be offered any spaces forfeited by campers who didn’t submit all forms and payment by May 27.
July 31-August 64-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp!
Cancellation Policy – Fees are refundable minus a handling fee as listed below.
Before June 1 – payment is fully refundable
June 1 to June 30 – $100 not refundable
July 1 to camp – $200 not refundable
Refunds for cancellations will be processed in the month after the cancellation is made, (For example a June cancellation refund will be processed in July.) To make a cancellation, provide the camper’s name, county, and date of cancellation to or 517-432-2963. Also provide:
- Name of who to provide refund to (must be the same name as whoever provided the payment).
- Date payment was sent to MSU, check number, and amount paid.