4-H Carnival Planning Meeting


Attendees: Tansey, Kristi, John, Marius, Deb, Jeanette, Kirsty, Christina, Katie, Lydia, Justin

  1. Additions to Agenda-None
  2. Review Minutes from October Planning Meeting

Minutes Approved with no changes

  1. Schedule Dates

4-H Carnival: March 24th

  1. Event: 12-5
  2. Set-Up: Friday 5-7 pm & Saturday 8-11:00 am
  3. Basket Themes Due (1st choice/2nd choice )Due Dec. 4th
  4. Booth Themes Due: December 4th
  5. Ticket Sales: December 8th-March 16
  6. Baskets must be at the event by 10:00 am on Saturday
  • Reminder to families it is easier for us to check out tickets to the Club leader and let them check out to families, if that doesn’t occur and tickets are checked out from us, the money for those tickets needs to be returned to us, not returned to the Club Leader and vice versa.
  1. Marketing
  1. Begin distributing marketing material on February 26th.
  2. Volunteer Needed to Facilitate
  1. Radio Ads—Justin will work on this
  2. Flyer distribution
  • Discussion about having a volunteer step up to distribute flyers around town in a timely manner or have leaders and parents continue to put up flyers. No volunteers stepped up; therefore leaders and parents will continue to put up flyers.
  1. Yard Signs in Businesses
  • Are there any volunteers who are willing to take this on?
  • Discussion about frustration of yard signs being taken down. Where were yard signs placed? Carpet One, Farmers Insurance, Maverick on College Yard signs need to be placed on busy streets. On the survey taken at the doors of the Carnival, 1 more person advised they heard about the Carnival from yard signs than our Facebook ads. Usually order 50 yard signs. Remember to get permission before placing yard signs and do not place on State property.
  1. Tri-folds at Restaurants
  • Discussion about Clubs doing table tents for restaurants. It was discussed that printing was not expensive but the table tents if used need to be cut up and taped together. John volunteered to call a few family friendly restaurants to see if they would be willing to put up table tents 2-3 weeks before the Carnival.
  1. TV Interviews with Teens
  • Justin agreed to take on this task again this year. He asked for names as we get closer.
  1. Flyers
  • Discussion surrounding District 1 not allowing flyers to be posted. Flyers can be sent to the East Triad through Marius at East.
  • Discussion about posting flyers on mailbox clusters around town and in our home neighborhoods.
  1. KRRR live remote
  • Jeanette will check with the radio stations and update at the next meeting.
  1. Sherriff Volunteer Coordinator
  1. Cindy has agreed to be the Volunteer Coordinator.
  2. Volunteer sign-up is out and is the 2nd link. We need volunteers to help in many different areas. If you are signing someone else up, please make sure they are aware.
  1. Logistics
  1. Event Insurance
  • Need a food decision to finalize
  1. LCCC Contract and Food Waiver
  • LCCC contract and Food Waiver have been approved
  • Discussion centered on who will be doing the food booth and the backup plan if we didn’t have a club volunteer. Our profits are usually around $1200 on the food booth.

Option 1: Another club or a couple clubs pick up the concessions and runs it like before. The club(s) needs to have older members to handle the money and food, and adult support. If there were a couple smaller clubs who wanted to work together to accomplish it, that would also be an option.

Option 2: We have a volunteer to coordinate the booth and each club is responsible for sending older members/parents throughout the day to staff shifts. Someone would also be responsible for the food prep so the sign-up would include the prep time and clean-up time. This would distribute the work among the clubs.

Option 3: We have a non-4-H group run the booth and they get all profits from it.

The booth date deadline of December 4th has been waived for the food booth. The question was asked, if the clubs choose option 2, can the profits be split among the clubs? That can be discussed further.

It is recommended if we offer pizza, to use Papa Johns because they sell it to us for $3.00 and we can sell it for $5.00.

The 4-H office sent out the options to all Club leaders, and only heard back from Brenda (Outlaws). They will be doing the booth that they had already planned.

  1. Pipe and Drape
  • Pipe and Drape has been confirmed with the Laramie County Fair. Larry has asked that we send a count by the beginning of March.
  1. Audiomatrix
  • Kristi has contacted Audiomatrix and will meet with them to get a bid to hang the speakers or come up with different options to lift the sound away from the booths.
  • After talking to Audiomatrix, Kristi needs to contact Strolling Strings and find out the best method to project their sound.
  1. Dumpsters
  • Kristi has called to reserve dumpsters, and the City asked we call around the end of February, beginning of March to reserve. We will need 2 recycle bins and 4 trash bins cleaned and ready to take inside the gym.
  1. Entertainment Ideas
  1. Emcee
  • Deb confirmed with Court that he would be happy to Emcee.
  1. Confirmed:
  • Act 2
  • Strolling Strings
  • Children At Play
  • Mariachi 307
  1. Not Confirmed:
  • En Avant
  • Katie singing the National Anthem
  1. Additional Ideas:
  • There was discussion about doing a juggling competition with 4-H youth or a magic show. After the discussion, the decision was made that we want people out spending money at the booths.
  • Pandora commercials have been discussed. Kristi sent a request to Pandora regarding information and pricing.
  1. Next Meeting: December 18, 2017, LCCC, Pathfinder Building, 6:00