2012-13 Supply List


4 boxes of 24 or 16 count crayons

4 bottles of Elmers glue

4 plastic folders: 1-red, 1-blue,

1-yellow, 1-green

1 backpack


2 plain plastic folders w/pockets

2 large glue sticks

1 ream of white computer paper

1 Mead composition book (wide ruled)

2 pkg. #2 yellow pencils (continuous supply)

1 pencil box

2 boxes of crayons 16 or 24 count

1 pkg. Expo wipe-off markers (blue or black only)

NO spiral notebooks

NO rolling backpacks

NO pencil sharpeners


2 24pk Crayola Crayons

1 ream copy paper

1 pkg wide-ruled notebook paper

1 pkg erasers (pink pearl or cap)

1 pair student scissors

1 pkg colored pencils

2 solid color plastic folders with pockets & brads

1 plastic pencil box

1 pkg dry erase EXPO markers

4 glue sticks

1 highlighter

1 composition notebook

1 pkg #2 pencils (continuous supply)

NO rolling backpacks please

Donations: ziploc baggies (all sizes), Kleenex, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, index cards (any size), liquid soap, AA batteries


(3) 3 prong plastic folders w/ pockets (at least one yellow)

2 packs of Elmer’s glue sticks

Yellow highlighter

Colored pencils

THIRD GRADE (continued)

Crayola crayons- 24 count

2 dozen #2 pencils

1 pack of cap erasers


Hand sanitizer

Liquid soap

Clorox wipes

Quart/gallon size zip-lock bags

1 ream of copy paper (pastel color)


Please do not put child's name on school supplies.


Continuous supply of WIDE ruled notebook paper

#2 yellow pencils - No mechanical pencils

1 package of cap erasers for pencils

Yellow highlighter

Red ink pens

Glue stick

3 X 3 package of Post It Notes

5 – 3 prong folders of different colors – not plastic

1 ½” 3 ring binder – no Trapper Keepers

No Rolling Back Packs

Donations: Clorox wipes, Kleenex tissues, hand sanitizer or soap, colored card stock or copy paper


Wide Ruled Notebook paper (continuous supply)

No. 2 Pencils (continuous supply)

1 -1.5 Inch 3-ring notebook with a pocket in front and back

4- Three prong folders with pockets - yellow, green, purple, orange colors

Colored pencils

2 pens - red, blue or black ink

School scissors

Glue Sticks

No large ( two inch or bigger) 3-ring notebooks

No college ruled notebook paper