9/3/15 Welcome!
- Once you have set your things down, please answer the question on the board with ONE word.
- You may draw lines to connect it to another word you see, or write a check next to one you agree with, but please only add one word.
- Then return to your seat, and grab out your journal.
- If you forgot your journal (HOW COULD YOU!!!!) use notebook paper
- On the 18th page of your journal write the title “Frankenstein Lab: What is life?” at the top of the page, along with the date.
We have drills, keep coats on and be prepared to go outside.
9/4 Happy Friday!!
Please get out your journal and pick up papers on the front desk. If you have glue or tape, please get it out!
1) Set up journal
2) Warm Up
3) Classification of Life Notes
9/8/15 Welcome Back!!
Warm Up:
How do you know that the pupa in this cocoon is alive? Use the 8 characteristics of life from Friday to justify your answer.
1) Create Characteristics of Life Fortune Teller study aid
2) Introduction to the Biology Book
3) Biology Book Scavenger hunt
We're going outside tomorrow. Dress accordingly!!!
1) Fortune teller due Thursday
2) Scavenger hunt due Friday
3) Collecting Journals Friday
9/9/15 Hello, let’s go outside!!
Warm Up:
Please get out your journal and a NON-MECHANICAL pencil. I have some up front if you need one! Everything else can stay in your backpack.
1) Introduce Ecology Quadrat Lab
2) Go outside and tour the data collection site
3) Begin Ecology Quadrat Pre-lab
Tomorrow we write the pre-lab
1) Fortune teller due Thursday
2) Scavenger hunt due Friday
3) Collecting Journals Friday
9/10/15 Field Study Day Two
Warm Up: (answer in your journal)
Four students disagree with each other about how scientists do their work.
- Antoine: “I think scientists just try out different things until something works.”
- Tamara: “I think there is a definite set of steps all scientists follow called the scientific method.”
- Marcos: “I think scientists use different methods depending on their question.”
- Avery: “I think scientists use different methods but that they all involve doing experiments.”
Which student do you most agree with? Please write both their name and their statement.
Please have your fortune teller out: I will stamp it
- Discuss the parts/steps of the scientific method, using white boards
- Work on your Field Study Pre-lab
- Scavenger hunt due tomorrow
- Pre-lab due tomorrow
- Collecting journals Friday!
9/11/15 Field Study Day 3
Warm Up: NONE
Please compare your data table to mine: does it have all the pieces it needs? Fix yours if you have to! Please have your homework (scavenger hunt) marked so that you can flip t out for me to stamp!
- Going outside! Grab a quadrat for you and your partner.
- Leaning how to randomize locations
- Collecting data. Make sure to bring your journal!!
- Going over the homework instructions
Announcements: It is a short day, so please be efficient with your time!!
1. Go through the "Scientific Process" notes on my website and fill out the corresponding note blanks. All documents are under the "Ecology" tab of the Biology page.
First Monday of this year! 9/14/15. Grab your journal on the way in. Take a look at scores and comments!
Warm Up:
Q: If my hypothesis is "If a plant is given less than the recommended amount of water then the plant will grow less over two weeks because plants need water for growth," what is manipulated variable and what is the dependent variable?
- Debrief of Flipped classroom
- Briefly discuss variables and hypothesis
- Explain Groups & practice identifying them with examples
- Candle Lab
- work in groups
- work in your journal
- correct in class
Homework: Finish correcting the Candle Lab. Due Tomorrow, 9/15
- Corrections will be posted.
Warm Up: What was the Control Group in our Field Study Lab, and what was the Experimental Group?
Stamp off Candle Lab corrections
Agenda: Learn EoC Scoring of Procedures
- Introduction to the rubrics
- Tape into journal with the edge folder so you can find it!
- Identify issues with a typical student procedure
- First in a group with the rubrics
- Then as a class
- Re-write Biology Field Study procedure with a rubric, and attempt to get a 4.
Homework: Biology Field Study Analysis Questions, Due Thursday, 9/17
- -half sheet with questions will be taped into journal.
Warm Up: Look at your Field Study Lab. Was your hypothesis supported or not? Does that surprise you, and why or why not?
- Bucket o' Systems
- Identify if an object is a system or not
- Systems Notes
- In note packet
- Bucket o' Systems
- Re-identify if an object is a system or not
- Remember, what is a system?
- Provide proof from the notes
Homework: Study for Monday's Quiz!!
Announcements: Quiz on Monday, 9/21! Characteristics of Life, Scientific Process and Systems.
Warm Up: Draw a graphic representation of this statement: All living things are systems, but not all systems are living. It doesn’t have to be super intricate!
- Quiz Review
- Complete review worksheet (and get a stamp!)
- Correct in class
- Tape into journal
- Correct Analysis Questions
- Begin Wolf article
- Read
- Answer questions in journal
Announcements: QUIZ ON MONDAY!!!!! Systems, Scientific Process, and Characteristics of Life
Homework: Wolf Article Questions: Due Tuesday, 9/22
Warm Up: What is an awesome fact you learned from the article, “Lessons from the Wolves?”
- Watch “How Wolves Change Rivers”
- List out ALL the species listed in the video
- Don’t worry: you can use the powerpoint I put up!
- Scatter them on one page of your journal
- Make sure you have an empty facing page!
- Connect them all into a food web
- Underline (or star or circle) each type of species, based on what they eat
- Use different colors!
- As a class, put those into levels
- First on the faceing page in your journal
- Then on the big poster up front
If Time: Begin notes on Ecological Principles
Homework: Finish putting all your species into their tropic levels!
Announcements: I’m collecting journals on Friday!
Warm Up: What do you know about the Ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park? List at least 2 things! Hint: guesses are perfect
- Ecology Notes
- Ecology Noteblanks #42
- Fill in as we go!
- Add any words to their Tropic Levels as they go!
- Where do you put decomposers?
- Can some of these things skip levels, move?
- Symbiotic Relationships Homework
- In your journal
- Make sure you have a title, the date, and full sentences!
- Don’t need to tape in the questions
- Due Friday
Announcements: Collecting Journals on FRIDAY!
Warm Up: Draw one food chain, including at least 4 organisms, present in the Yellowstone Ecosystem.
- Finish Ecology Notes (~5 min)
- Energy Flow Notes
- Is Yellowstone a pyramid?
- What are the Decomposers?
- Begin Pyramid homework
- Maybe…. This depends on time
Announcements: Collecting journals TOMORROW!!!!!! Enter everything in your table of contents tonight, number your pages!
- Symbiotic Relationships-Due tomorrow
- 3D Pyramid-Due Monday
Friday, 9/25/15
Warm Up: Using the diagram on the board, how many Kcal of energy is available for the tertiary and quaternary consumers?
- Correct Symbiotic Relationships
- Pass Journals to center to get stamped
- Turn in Journal
- Watch “Survival of the Yellowstone Wolf”
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Answer questions as we watch! May not finish.
Announcements: Quiz on Wednesday
- Pyramid by Monday
Monday, 9/28/15
Warm Up: On your homework, the 3D pyramid, what is one set of numbers (of individuals, Kcal or Kg)?
- Pick up journals
- Turn in 3D pyramid
- Tape them together!
- Drop the pyramids in the journal box!
- Biome Notes
- In note blanks, page 46
- What biome is Yellowstone?
- Biodiversity Notes
- Effect of removing a species
- Vulnerability due to food instability
- Begin study guide if time
Announcements: Lab next week, must have the safety contract signed!
- Biome and climate study guide, Due Wednesday
- Safety Contract Signatures: Due Friday
Tuesday, 9/29/15
Warm Up: What is the biome you find most interesting and why?
- Pick Up Safety Contract DUE FRIDAY
- Finish Biodiversity Notes
- All but 3rd period
- Check in on bookwork homework
- Now is the chance to ask questions!!
- Begin Populations Notes
If Time: Begin Kaibab Deer activity
Announcements: Lab next week, must have the safety contract signed!
- Biome and climate study guide, Due Tomorrow
- Safety Contract Signatures: Due Friday
Wednesday, 9/30/15
Warm Up: Use the graph the logistical growth of fur seals on St. Paul Island to answer the following 2 questions:
- What is the carrying capacity of the seal population?
- What is one abiotic or biotic factor that could be limiting the seal population?
- Finish Notes (~5 minutes)
- 1St period only
- Begin Kaibab Deer activity (~25 minutes)
- Introduction to Microscopy Notes (rest of class)
- Pick up the microscope identification note-blanks!
- Identify parts of a microscope
- Get answers from Ms. Grant
If Time:
- Begin Microscopy Notes
- Correct bookwork
Announcements: Lab next week, must have the safety contract signed!
- Kaibab Deer: Due Friday
- Safety Contract Signatures: Due Friday