3M RFI Template – sent electronically via SurveyGizmo

Request for Information

Covering email to be sent to all incumbents and others who have expressed interest in participating in our selection process. Shortly thereafter we will send a link to a SurveyGizmo survey with the following questions. Information will be downloaded and provided to team leaders. We will also provide the questions in MS Word format to assist respondents. We will have an introductory email that explains the process at a high level and asks the firms not to include attachments.

  1. Firm name
  1. Primary firm contact
  1. Office location(s) and number of lawyers at each as of July 1, 2016:

Office Location(s) / Number of lawyers at the location
  1. Does your firm agree to 3M’s Outside Counsel Engagement Standards [hotlink]? If not, what do you not accept? [Yes/No – limited (~100 words) opportunity to comment.]
  1. Are you aware of any conflicts of interest that would limit or prevent your firm from representing 3M on any matter? If so, please list them. [Yes/No – with opportunity to comment ~100 words.]
  1. 3M does not grant blanket, prospective conflict waivers. If 3M were to select your firm, does your firm agree not to request such waivers? [Yes/No – no opportunity to comment.]
  1. For most matters, 3M compensates firms based on the business value of the services and the results obtained, rather than time or activity. We refer to these as “custom fee agreements” or “value-based” fees.Please note that 3M does not consider rate discounts, blended rates, capped fees, or collars as custom fee agreements.
    Does your firm agree to work on the basis ofcustom fee agreements? If so, please describe the process for approving this type of fee agreement in your firm. [Yes/No box. Limit to 200 words.]
  1. To help us understand the diversity of your firm’s lawyers (for U.S. offices only), please complete the table below. Individuals who have more than one diversity attribute may be counted in respect of each attribute.

All U.S. Lawyers / Female / Racial or Ethnic Minority / Other*
# / % / # / % / # / %
Equity Partners
Non-Equity Partners
Staff or Other Attorney Roles

*Individuals self-identified as LGBT, persons with disabilities, or military veterans.

  1. Please estimate the portion of your firm’s total professional timededicated to pro bono legal service, and briefly describe what distinguishes your firm with respect to pro bono legal service. [Slider in 2% increments 0-20%.] [Opportunity for written comment - 200 words maximum.]
  1. What does your firm bring to a relationship with 3M that distinguishes your firm from others? [200 word maximum.]
  1. Please select the portfolios of 3M work for which your firm wishes to be considered. Firms selected to advance to the RFP stage will be asked to identify the firm’s proposed team members to be assigned to 3M matters and to more fully explain the expertise and track record of results of those individuals in the applicable area.

[TWISTY below each of the portfolios with the following question for each box selected:

  • Briefly describe your firm’s expertise in this practice area andthe track record of results of the specific lawyers you would propose to assign to 3M matters. [500 words maximum per portfolio.]

Commercial and product liability litigation[hotlink each portfolio description to a PDF or other unalterable document that describes the portfolio]

Insurance coverage and recovery litigation

Mass tort litigation

Intellectual property litigation

Mergers, acquisitions, and strategic investments

U.S. trademark policing