San Diego Bassmasters OCTOBER 2010
39 Proud Years of Fishing Tradition
President ~ Ed Marr
n the heels for our Havasu Tournament and all I can say is that we have a tough group of fishermen that we have to compete against. Even with a decent finish at Havasu, I did not move up at all in the standings and making the Top 6 is fast becoming a fading dream for me. I would like to thank John over at Fishermen’s Pro Shop in Havasu as he has really taken a proactive role in taking care of the fishery. As a token of our Bassmaster appreciation, the board decided to give him a gift certificate at the Montana Steakhouse- Thanks John.
At our next meeting, we will have the scholarship applications and Bassmaster of the Year nomination forms available. The completed forms need to be returned at the November meeting.
Thanks to Vicki, Terry, Donalea and Bud for spearheading our beach party and bonfire- it was a great time and we had a good turnout. I have never had more fun watching marshmellows being roasted. Our next family event will be the Fish Fry which is always a good time and an opportunity to show off your best side dish or dessert. We will have more info and a sign up sheet at the next meeting. I hope to see you there.
See you at the meeting...
Vice President ~ Terry Chenowth
e are down to the last quarter of 2010; there are two more events to go. Both of them are big ones. On October 9th we will be having the Bassmasters Fish Fry. It will be at the Highlands Mobile Park in Santee, thanks to Lynn Browns mother Lorraine. She tells me Lynn, Gale and Jennifer will be making the trip out from Texas to attend. It will be great to see them. There will be lots of food and fun again this year, so be sure to sign up at the next meeting. In December we will have the Year End Awards Banquet at Sycuan Golf Resort. All the information on this will be out at the next few meetings.
Last month we had the Bassmasters Beach Party, Bonfire and Fishing Night. It was at Shelter Island and was a lot of fun. Fishing was the best we have seen at our Beach Party. More fish were caught this time then the last two years combined. The total this year was…FIVE. Which beats the total from the first two years which was…one. Those in attendance were treated to Hot Dogs, Chili, Chips and Salad. The S’mores at the bon fire were a big hit also. We really have to thank the hosts this year Vicki Becker, Donalea and Bud Brant. Beside the normal shopping and preparation needed to put on a club event they got up as Bud would say “at the butt crack of dawn”, piled into the Brants motor home and arrived at the beach at 6:30 in the morning to secure the area and a fire ring for the Bon fire. The first guests arrived around 4pm, so they really had a long day. Thank You all for the extra effort. They did have a midmorning contact from the San Diego Harbor Police, but they only received warnings for the numerous State, City and Federal laws they violated.
We had a few people that signed up for the event and failed to show. When the Club has events like this, we purchase food based on the number of people signed up. So if you signed up, you are required to pay for the spots you signed up for. See Frank “Lucky” Neugebauer he has the list.
San Diego Bassmasters OCTOBER 2010
Treasurer ~ Frank Neugebauer
s it just me or does everyone fail to note the altitude change when you drive to Lake Havasu. You go from approximately sea level to about a half a mile from the sun without any noticeable change. Interesting isn’t it. It was definitely a warm one. While my tournament performance was much less than I desired, I had a great time out there and laughed a lot. I had a great time hanging out with Mike Baird, Keith Cloward, Jeff Carpenter, Mike Lupo and Curt Nelson. This is an eclectic group by any definition. I am still laughing.
Congratulations to Mr. Cloward on the win. He beat some well known Havasu experts as well as the elements and the Saturday recreational crowd. Greg Gardner made a strong appearance at second and Larry Ward was third. Nice job guys.
The current check book balance is $7,206.76 and we are on track to contribute $612.46 to the 40th Anniversary banquet. We have paid the deposit for the fish fry and we will be getting $200.00 of that back. The fish fry is usually a good fund raiser for the club so I hope to see great participation from everyone.
I have been advised that there are a few people that signed up for the beach party that did not show up. I know this because I was one of them. I could not make it due to an unforeseen car problem. However, I like everyone else has to pay for the number of people they signed up for the event regardless of whether you attended. If you fall into this category please contact me or pay me at the October meeting.
The Board has discussed reducing the prices on the remaining San Diego Bassmaster gear in an effort to liquidate out inventory by the end of the year so look for some deals here soon.
Finally, we are getting down to the end of the year and I am going to ask everyone to try to have their dues paid for the rest of the year by November. I realize there are budget considerations that everyone has to deal with but we are going to start incurring expenses for this year’s banquet soon. That and the fact I do not want to have to feel like a bouncer at the door in December.
I will see you at the October meeting where we will pick the next HOT lake.
Tournament Chairman ~ Keith “Sandbar” Cloward
Well Havasu was a real lot of fun. Hot was an understatement. Triple digits are always a sure way to find what you are made off. In my case it was pedialite ( grape). With Ed Marr taking a bath in the horse trough, and bud standing in it after weigh in. There were definitely some strange sights. The weigh in went great, the live release boat was generously provided by John at the Havasu tackle shop. Thank you to the new weight in team member Kurt Nelson, who graciously provided his technical expertise in arranging and compiling the weigh in results. Speaking of results !s t place Keith Cloward 10 fish, big fish 5.0 lb., two day totaling 27.52, 2nd Place goes to Greg Gardner tipping the scales at 25.23, and finalizing the podem Lucky Larry Ward combined two day total going 23.97. Great job. There were lots of fish caught and I think more stories told.
Next Tournament was voted to be at Lower Otay. October 16 is going to be a long one, Sunrise to 5pm. WOW. I’m ready, so is my sponsor, monster and star bucks. All permits are in order and a variance is not needed. Five (5) fish, 12”, 5pm weigh in. Make sure lights are on if its still dark running to your first spot. It should be a great tournament and hopefully see some big fish.
San Diego Bassmasters OCTOBER 2010
San Diego Bassmasters OCTOBER 2010
San Diego Bassmasters OCTOBER 2010
Membership ~ Mike Lupo
ell what's up as far as our club membership? I'm glad you asked. Regina Seaberg is our newest pre-member whom wants' to join as a full member. The board voted to allow Regina to Tournament Pre-Fish Lake Havasu on our latest out of town event. Wow that's all we need is more great sticks, right! Welcome Regina, I know we all enjoy having you around! With that said we have two applicants in wait: Regina Seaberg & Don Webber.
So as it stands here's our club membership totals for October 2010.
Active: 50
Family: 2
Lifetime: 3
Honorary: 6
Members-At-Large: 9
Inactive: 5
Friends: 4
Waiting: 2
Our Spotlight on a Member this month is our very own ****Josh Rhodes****
Josh was born in 1987 here in San Diego and graduated from El Cajon High School. He started his fishing adventures at the early age of ten years old! ( To bad he didn't take up piano lessons.) His dad used to take him out fishing at El Cap and on his third trip Josh stuck a 5 ½ lb Large Mouth and that's all it took. Josh move to Texas shortly after gradation and begin working for a TV cable company where he enjoyed fishing some of the world’s most famous lakes. He returned to San Diego in the year of 2005 and picked up his career with Direct TV. Josh joined the San Diego Bassmaster's in January of 2010 where he now holds a second place in our club over all standings.
Ok, so here are the questions I asked Josh.
Michael: Your Favorite lake Josh?
Josh: That would Falcon.
Michael: And the reason why?
Josh: Quality and the Quantity, all the fish go 3-to 4 lbs.
Michael: Your Favorite Lure?
Josh: Swim Baits, because of size of the fish you'll bound to catch.
Michael: How do you locate your fish, what technique do you use?
Josh: Power Fishing over anything else, I use it to locate fish.
Michael: What's your largest fish & where did you catch it?
Josh: Lake Cuyamaca in the grass beds it was 11 pounds 2 ounces.
Michael: Josh how do you begin your pre-fish for a tournament?
Josh: I start with seasonal patterns, water temp, Topo maps, and a lot of time on the water.
Michael: Tell me something about the River.
Josh: She's so under predictable.
Michael: How about a safety tip.
Josh: Please try to be courteous on the water, I don't care for it when some one steps on another fisherman.
Michael: Ok Josh, one more and I'll leave you alone, Tell me something about this club good or bad.
Josh: It has the best and the toughest computation, yet we can all be friends.
Michael: Thank you Josh for taking time out of your day to answer my questions.
San Diego Bassmasters OCTOBER 2010
San Diego Bassmasters
General Meeting Minutes
August 31, 2010
President Ed Marr called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M., followed by the Bassmaster greeting.
Membership Chairman Mike Lupo went over the membership statistics, noting that Don Weber was still on the waiting list to become a member.
Bass Council President Jim Putney announced that the Council is considering having a year-end banquet in January. It would recognize the accomplishments of the Bass Council and also have a raffle that would raise money. The possibility of having a combination fishing and poker tournament was also put forward. Keith Cloward said he would be there!
President Marr noted that applications for this year’s scholarship are now available. The applications are also available on our website. Ed gave a quick overview for new members of who was eligible for the $500 scholarship and what the criteria were.
Ron Overman then gave reminded everyone to begin to think of collecting donations for the Crisis House. Bring your donations of clothing, non-perishable food, toiletries, or toys to the December meeting. Also, cash donations are always welcome. Next month, a representative from the Crisis House will be at the meeting to go over what they do.
Vice Chairman Terry Chenowth then went over past and upcoming events. He introduced Vicki Becker that went over the upcoming beach party on September 11th. Vicki noted that Bud and Donalea would be helping, and asked for other volunteers. Terry then thanked Bud and Donalea Brant for the use of their home for the very successful Bunko party held on the 14th of August. The Bunko event raised $373 for the club. Terry then introduced the program for the night, a question and answer forum on Lake Havasu, our upcoming tournament site.
Treasurer and Financial Guru Frank Neugebauer then report on the status of bank account, noting we currently have $6323.38 in the bank. Frank noted that we actually received $404 from Bunko, $76 from last month’s raffle, and a few dollars back from our Padre event. Currently we should be able to carry over $810 for banquet next year.
Tournament Chairman Keith Cloward went over the upcoming Havasu tournament. He reminded everyone that it would likely be very hot and to drink plenty on liquids. There is a 13” limit, with weigh in both days at 3:00 P.M. Boats must be within the buoy line not to be late. The water will be hot, so be sure to take care of your fish, adding ice as much as possible. There will be a pre-tournament meeting Thursday at Montana Steak House at 5:30. Ed Marr will contact John Galbraith of Fisherman’s Pro Shop to make arrangements to use the release boat. Keith then went over the results of last month’s El Capitan night tournament: Patrick Tryon took 4th and got a spool of line; Scott Ashley took 3rd with 10.07 pounds caught mainly a black 10” Power Worm; Brent Benish took 2nd with 10.14 pounds caught on a variety of lures including a O.B. Minnow, Texas rigged worms, and crankbaits; Terry Chenowth took first with 10.42 pounds caught primarily on a junebug 10” Power Worm.
Keith then noted that our October tournament is a “Hot Lake” tournament. After much discussion, the members voted to wait until the October meeting to decide which lake to have the tournament at.
After the break, Keith went over the pairs and start positions for the upcoming Havasu tournament.
President Marr noted that everyone should begin to hydrate themselves before the start of the tournament.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Ed Byrd for
Curt Nelson
Fish Tales ~ Doris Cook
Greg and Zoé Gardner had a problem with their truck over at Lake Havasu and were on their way to find someone to repair it when it just died on them. They were blocking a driveway to a Chinese restaurant. Zoé was able to borrow the Chinese man’s cell phone, phone book, etc. and called the Auto Club. She called the Steak House and talked to Ron Overman who picked them up at the Ford Dealership. The first morning of the tournament, Ron and Jim Putney went over and hooked up the Gardner’s boat and launched them, and then returned to his house to get his boat and went fishing. Donalea Brant drove Zoé to the Ford Dealership to pick up the truck following the tournament. Luckily, Zoé got out without a huge bill. She has even decided after all the hassle and having to borrow cell phones that its time for her to bite the bullet and get her own cell phone.