The Residents’ Action Council at Ohio University

361 Baker University Center | 1 Park Place | Box 344 | Athens, Ohio 45701

740.597.7971 | |


(updated 11-15-12)

Steps to Receive tRAC Funding – p. 2

Constitutional Guidelines – p. 3-4

What tRAC Will Not Fund – p. 5

Funding Request Procedures – p. 6

Steps to Receive tRAC Funding!

1)Submit your funding request to tRAC by the Sunday before the meeting to that you want to have your request heard. tRAChighly recommends that you submit your request at least 14 days before your program is going to occur, but this is not required. Funding requests will not be heard if the event is the same week as the day the proposal is being read. FUNDING REQUESTS WILL NOT BE HEARD IF PAPERWORK IS NOT FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND PROPERLY. Refer to Constitutional Guidelines (p. 3-4) and What tRAC Will Not Fund (p.5).

2)General Body will vote on your request. Refer to Funding Request Procedures (p.6). If your request does not pass, you will not receive any money.

3)Hold your program. All advertisements MUST contain the tRAC logo.

4)Fill out, print, and submit the Program Summary Form. You must:

  • Include copies of receipts
  • Advertisements with tRAC logo on them
  • Submit to Box 344 in Baker within 10 days after your program occurs

You will notbe reimbursed if you fail to follow these guidelines.

5)The VP for Finance will arrange your reimbursements. He/she will transfer the funds to your account, or process checks through the Bursar’s Office. Checks usually take at least a week to be cut.

Constitutional Guidelines

Article IFunding

Section 1:Funding Information

1.1Funding shall be provided for residence hall programming completed by hall/complex councils or Residential Housing staff that meet tRAC’s mission of education, motivation and empowerment of Ohio University on-campus residents.

1.2Funding shall support social, cultural, educational and recreational programming for on campus students, as well as opportunities to serve the surrounding community.

1.3Preference shall be given to programs fulfilling one or more of the goals set forth by the Department of Residential Housing and Off-Campus Living.

1.4Funding requests may be submitted by hall councils, residential housing staffs, or resident assistants. The tRAC representative for that hall/complex will present the funding request to tRAC.

Section 2:Programming Expectations

2.1All programming must be designated as alcohol free.

2.2No alcohol may be permitted or tolerated at any program sponsored by tRAC. In addition, all other rules of the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct must be followed.

2.3Failure to follow these rules will result in the revocation of tRAC funding and immediate notification of the Director of Residential Housing.

2.4Other disciplinary actions may be taken at the discretion of the executive board.

Section 3:Funding Guidelines:

3.1The guidelines in this section must be followed in order to receive funding. Funding may be revoked for a failure to complete all requirements.

3.2Complete a funding request form, located at under the services tab, and submit it to the tRAC mailbox located (Baker 3rd floor under escalators on the right side hall way box #344). This needs to be done at least a day before general body meetings. Funding requests will not be heard if the event is the same week as the funding proposal. Late proposals are subject to rejection. The following information must be included:

  1. Detailed description of the program.
  2. Target audience of the program
  3. Goal(s) of the program
  4. Residential Housing staff program must present departmental goals.
  5. Breakdown of the program’s expenses.
  6. Explain (if applicable) how the program fulfills one or more of Residential Housing’s goals.

3.3After the program, complete or collect the following and submit it to the Vice President for Finance:

  1. Program Summary Form
  2. All fliers (must include the tRAC logo)

Section 4:Additional Guidelines

4.1All funding information is to be available on the tRAC website.

4.2All requests are limited to a total amount of $1,000.00.

4.3Additional limitations and guidelines are posted on the tRAC website.

What tRAC Will Not Fund

  • Alcohol
  • Candles, incense, or oil lamps
  • Cash prizes
  • Controlled substances
  • Donations
  • Food for consumption without an EHS permit (when required)
  • Gasoline for personal vehicles
  • Lodging
  • Long term rentals
  • Purchase or rental of live animals
  • Radioactive/explosive materials
  • Travel expenses for trips of an excessive distance from campus
  • Weapons or ammunition
  • Programs posthumously
  • Any other item in violation of Ohio University policy or the law at the discretion of the tRAC executive board

Funding Requests Procedures

1)The funding request must meet all funding guidelines as determined by the Residents’ Action Council, and have a properly filled out funding request form. The VP for Finance will review all funding requests for errors.

2)The presenter shall be whomever is requesting the money. In order to request money the person must:

a)Be an on-campus resident

b)Be from a residence hall that has membership with tRAC

c)Have their funding request on the agenda at the meeting for which they wish to request funding

d)Be present at the meeting that they are requesting funding

3)The person requesting funding shall be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes to present the details of their funding request.

4)Immediately following the presentation, the General Body will have the opportunity for a question and answer session.

5)After the question and answer session, the presenter will be asked to leave the room, and General Body will proceed to further discussion of the funding request.

6)At any time, a general body member may:

a)Move to vote

b)Move to amend request (e.g. change amount of funding, strike a line item)

c)Move to table (this would postpone discussion until the following meeting)

7)At the conclusion of the discussion session the VP for Finance will call for a vote, if one has not already been called for.

8)The VP forAdministrative Affairs and VP for Finance shall be responsible for counting all votes.

a)A simple majority of members with voting rights (50%+1) is required for a request to pass.

b)If a majority is not reached, another motion must be made.

9)At the conclusion of the vote, the VP for Finance shall announce the decision.

10)The VP for Finance will also email the person requesting funding with the decision.

tRAC is a registered student organization at Ohio University and works closely with the Department of Residential Housing. All on-campus students of OhioUniversity are invited and encouraged to join and become involved in tRAC. For more information, visit or e-mail .